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Using Published Evidence to Guide
the Examination of the Sacroiliac
Joint Region
premise that the sacroiliac joint (SIJ) can be a source of pain
secondary to pathology (eg, spondyloarthropathy, infection,
malignancy, fracture),
whether SIJ dysfunction exists remains
controversial. “Sacroiliac joint dysfunction” is a term often used to describe
pain in or around the region of the joint that is presumed to be due to
biomechanical disorders of the joint (eg, hypomobility, malalignment, fixa-
tion, subluxation).
Some people consider the term “SIJ dysfunction” to be
a misnomer because it is difficult to determine whether the joint itself is the
source of the pain.
Due to the anatomy and location of the SIJ, examination
procedures presumed to test the joint may test other structures in the region.
Others dismiss the SIJ as a source of pain because well-recognized pain-
sensitive structures, such as the posterior facet joints and nerve roots, may
refer pain to the SIJ region.
Still other investigators have reported that 22%
to 30%
of subjects with pain around the SIJ region experienced some relief
following anesthetic injection of the joint. Pain relief following anesthetic
injection, however, does not necessarily indicate dysfunction of the joint.
Structures unrelated to the joint, but in the same region, may be affected due
to infiltration of anesthetic to soft tissues beyond the SIJ.
Despite the
controversy and differing views on the sources of pain in the SIJ region, we
believe many therapists commonly examine some of their patients for the
presence of what they call “SIJ dysfunction.” Batti and colleagues,
example, surveyed 186 Washington State therapists about the care of patients
with low back pain (LBP) and found that 75% of the therapists would use
screening procedures they believed tested SIJ function.
APTA is a sponsor of the
Decade, an international,
multidisciplinary initiative
to improve health-related
quality of life for people with
musculoskeletal disorders.
A variety of tests have been used by therapists to identify what we will refer to
as “dysfunction of the SIJ region.” These tests generally fall into 1 or 3
categories: (1) tests designed to assess the location and relative symmetry,
from left to right, of bony landmarks associated with the SIJ, (2) tests designed
[Freburger JK, Riddle DL. Using published evidence to guide the examination of the sacroiliac joint
Phys Ther.
Key Words:
Examination, Reliability, Sacroiliac joint dysfunction, Validity.
Janet K Freburger
Daniel L Riddle
Physical Therapy . Volume 81 . Number 5 . May 2001
lthough some people in the medical community accept the
There is some
to assess the movement of bony landmarks associated
with the SIJ, and (3) tests that require the application of
forces to the SIJ or related structures in an attempt to
reproduce the patient’s pain. Tests that fall into these 3
categories are typically performed without the assistance
of instrumentation (ie, the therapist uses visual estima-
tion or tactile input to make the diagnosis). Physical
therapists also use the patient’s medical history and
description of pain (eg, mechanism of injury, pain
location, factors that increase or decrease the pain) to
assist in the identification of dysfunction in the SIJ
update, we conducted a
MEDLINE search from
1966 to June 2000 using
the key word “sacroiliac”
in combination with
each of the following key
words: “examination,”
“reliability,” and “validi-
ty.” In addition, the ref-
erence lists of all rele-
vant articles found in the
search were reviewed.
Articles were included in
our review if they met
the following criteria:
(1) examined the reli-
ability or diagnostic valid-
ity of data obtained with tests that were used to assess the
symmetry of bony landmarks, movement of bony land-
marks, or provocation of pain and (2) were conducted
on subjects suspected of having dysfunction in the SIJ
region. In addition, we included studies where research-
ers examined the diagnostic validity of the patient’s
medical history and pain description to identify dysfunc-
tion in the SIJ region. Finally, we eliminated studies that
examined the reliability of data obtained with tests of the
SIJ region that we believed are not commonly used in
the physical therapy clinic (eg, tests that use instrumen-
tation for the identification of dysfunction in the SIJ
the use of pain
provocation tests
and the patient’s
description of pain
in the identification
of dysfunction in
In the past 2 decades, many studies have been conducted
to assess the psychometric properties (eg, reliability,
validity) of tests of the SIJ region. Initially, reliability
studies tended to dominate the literature because a
standard for assessing the diagnostic validity of data
obtained with these tests was not available. More
recently, a diagnostic test has been developed that is
considered by some to provide a suitable standard for
the confirmation of pain arising from the SIJ region.
The test is a fluoroscopically guided anesthetic block of
the SIJ.
A needle is inserted into the SIJ, and a contrast
medium is introduced into the joint space to confirm
that the needle is in the SIJ. An anesthetic is then
injected, and the patient’s pain response is assessed.
According to proponents of the test, a pain decrease of
50% or greater, depending on the criterion set by the
examiner, confirms the pain is coming from the SIJ
region. In the past 5 years, several studies have been
published in which anesthetic blocks were used to exam-
ine the diagnostic accuracy (ie, diagnostic validity) of
tests designed to detect dysfunction in the SIJ
We contend that these studies have been
an important addition to the literature. Diagnostic
accuracy studies are especially important because
diagnostic tests can demonstrate high levels of reliabil-
ity, yet lack validity.
the sacroiliac joint
We begin the update by discussing the evidence support-
ing or refuting the use of tests designed to assess the
symmetry or movement of bony landmarks associated
with the SIJ. We then review the literature on pain
provocation tests and use of the patient’s medical history
in the identification of dysfunction in the SIJ region. We
conclude by summarizing the evidence and, based on
this evidence, make recommendations on how therapists
can use these tests to determine the presence of dysfunc-
tion in the SIJ region. We do not review how these tests
might be used to guide treatment. Although we provide
brief descriptions of the various tests that were examined
The purpose of this update is to review studies that have
examined the reliability or diagnostic validity of data
obtained with clinical tests designed to detect dysfunc-
tion in the SIJ region. To identify articles reviewed in this
JK Freburger, PT, PhD, is NRSA Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Cecil G Sheps Center for Health Services Research, and Assistant Professor, Division
of Physical Therapy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, CB 7590, 725 Airport Rd, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7590 (USA)
( Address all correspondence to Dr Freburger.
DL Riddle, PT, PhD, is Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, Medical College of Virginia Campus, Virginia Commonwealth
University, Richmond, Va.
Both authors provided concept/idea, writing, data collection and analysis, clerical support, and consultation (including review of manuscript
before submission).
This work was partially supported by a National Research Service Award Post-Doctoral Traineeship from the Agency for Healthcare Research and
Quality sponsored by the Cecil G Sheps Center for Health Services Research, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Grant No. T32 HS00032.
1136 . Freburger and Riddle
Physical Therapy . Volume 81 . Number 5 . May 2001
evidence to support
in the studies, readers are encouraged to review the
original articles to gain further insight.
tion in the SIJ region. The spring test was performed by
delivering a posteroanterior thrust to the superficial
aspect of the sacrum (in the area of the SIJ) and
assessing the amount of joint play at end-range. Dreyfuss
et al were unclear as to when the spring test is positive.
They did state that the symptomatic SIJ is compared with
the asymptomatic SIJ.
Symmetry and Movement Tests
Potter and Rothstein
examined the intertester reliabil-
ity of data obtained with various tests used by physical
therapists to evaluate the symmetry of bony landmarks
associated with the SIJ (ie, SIJ alignment). The tests
required the examiners to palpate a bony landmark
bilaterally (ie, anterior superior iliac spines [ASISs],
posterior superior iliac spines [PSISs], or iliac crests)
and make judgments about the relative heights of the
bony landmarks. These tests were the following: palpa-
tion of iliac crest levels, palpation of PSIS levels, and
palpation of ASIS levels, all with the patient positioned
sitting and then standing. The sample consisted of 17
patients suspected of having dysfunction in the SIJ
region. Randomly paired therapists examined the
patients. The percentage of agreement for the 6 tests
ranged from 35% to 43%, suggesting that the intertester
reliability for assessments of SIJ alignment is poor. We
found no other studies that examined the reliability or
validity of visual estimates of SIJ alignment on patients
suspected of having dysfunction in the SIJ region.
Dreyfuss et al
used SIJ diagnostic blocks and found that
the Gillet test and the spring test had little diagnostic
usefulness for identifying patients with dysfunction in
the SIJ region. They found little difference between the
results of the chiropractor’s and physician’s examina-
tions, and they reported sensitivity values ranging from
.46 to .69 for the Gillet and spring tests.
defined as the proportion or ratio of true positive cases
detected by a test.
Dreyfuss et al also reported specific-
ity values ranging from .38 to .64 for the 2 tests.
is defined as the proportion or ratio of true negative
cases detected by a test.
One explanation for the findings of Potter and Roth-
and Dreyfuss et al
is that asymmetries or move-
ments of bony landmarks associated with the SIJs are too
small to detect with palpation or visual assessment.
Measurements obtained with symmetry or movement
tests, therefore, may not be valid. Sturesson et al have
provided data to support this contention. In 2 recent
they used intraosseous markers and roent-
gen stereophotogrammetric analysis to assess SIJ motion
in subjects suspected of having dysfunction in the SIJ
region. In one study,
22 subjects were examined in a
variety of positions, including standing with hip flexion
(ie, Gillet test). In the other study,
6 female subjects
were examined in a variety of positions, including the
reciprocal straddle position (ie, standing with both feet
on the floor and one hip maximally extended and the
other hip maximally flexed). In both studies, Sturesson
et al found translatory motions of 2 mm or less and
rotary motions of less than 2 degrees. Earlier work by
Sturesson et al
and Egund et al
also conducted on
patients suspected of having dysfunction in the SIJ
region demonstrated similar findings.
Potter and Rothstein
also reported poor intertester
reliability for all of the tests they examined that required
the examiners to make judgments about the movement
of bony landmarks. The tests examined were as follows:
the flexion test with the patient positioned sitting and
standing (the patient flexed the trunk in a sitting or
standing position while the examiner palpated for move-
ment of the PSISs), the standing Gillet test (the patient
stood on one lower extremity and flexes the other hip
and knee toward the chest while the examiner palpated
for movement of the PSIS and sacral sulcus on the side
being flexed), the supine long sitting test (the patient
moved from a supine position to a long sitting position
while the examiner palpated the patient’s medial malle-
oli and determined any relative change in the lengths of
the lower extremities), and the prone knee flexion test
(the examiner grasped the patient’s feet while the
patient was positioned prone with knees extended and
then passively flexed the knees while noting any change
in the relative lengths of the legs). The percentages of
agreement between therapists for these tests ranged
from 24% to 50%. One limitation of Potter and Roth-
stein’s study was that they did not calculate kappa
coefficients. The percent agreement values they
reported may have been artificially high because they
were not corrected for chance agreement.
A recent study by Tullberg et al
provides further
evidence to question the accuracy of assessments of
asymmetry or movements of the SIJ with palpation and
visual estimation. Tullberg et al used intraosseous mark-
ers and roentgen stereophotogrammetric analysis to
determine whether the position of the SIJ changed
following manipulation and mobilization procedures.
They identified 10 patients who met the following crite-
ria: the patient had unilateral pain in the area of the SIJ;
and 3 examiners, with an unspecified amount of special-
ized training, agreed that the patient had at least 10 out
of 12 positive tests among those tests of the SIJ region.
Dreyfuss et al
also reported poor agreement between
the findings of a physician and those of a chiropractor
when performing the Gillet test (
.22) and the spring
test (
.15) on 85 subjects suspected of having dysfunc-
Physical Therapy . Volume 81 . Number 5 . May 2001
Freburger and Riddle . 1137
Nine of the 12 tests involved the assessment of move-
ment or symmetry of bony landmarks associated with the
Intertester agreement between the therapists for deter-
mining the presence of 3 positive tests was high (
Immediately prior to the manipulation and mobilization
procedures, each patient underwent the roentgen ste-
reophotogrammetric analysis in a standing position to
identify the position of the sacrum relative to the ilium.
Following the intervention, the roentgen stereophoto-
grammetric analysis and the 12 tests of the SIJ region
were repeated. The roentgen stereophotogrammetric
analysis indicated essentially no change in the position
of the sacrum relative to the ilium following the inter-
ventions. Translatory changes were on the order of 0.1
mm, and rotary changes were on the order of 0.3 degree.
Tullberg et al
did not report the reliability of data
obtained with these measures. These small changes may
have been due to measurement error. Despite the lack of
change in the position of the SIJ (ie, sacrum relative to
ilium), most of the tests of the SIJ region that Tullberg
et al judged to be positive prior to the intervention were
judged to be negative following the intervention.
We believe one limitation of the study by Cibulka et al
was that a “positive” test was apparently not referenced to
a particular side. For example, the standing flexion test
was considered positive when movements of the PSISs
were believed to be asymmetrical (ie, one PSIS moved
more cranially than the other). The 2 therapists, there-
fore, could have determined that the standing flexion
test was positive without agreeing on the type of asym-
metry present. One therapist may have found that the
right PSIS moved more cranially than the left PSIS,
which according to the authors would have indicated
that the right SIJ was hypomobile, whereas the other
therapist may have found that the left PSIS moved more
cranially than the right PSIS. In addition, each therapist
may have had contradictory findings on the 4 tests they
conducted. For example, one of the therapists may have
found a standing flexion test result that indicated what
the therapist believed was a hypomobile SIJ on the left,
a prone knee flexion test result that indicated a posterior
innominate rotation on the right, and a supine long
sitting test result that indicated a posterior innominate
rotation on the left.
The results of the study by Tullberg et al
raise ques-
tions about the validity of data obtained with movement
and symmetry tests for making judgments about the
alignment of the SIJs. Although the position of the SIJ
did not change following the intervention, the examin-
ers in the study reported that the tests were negative
following the intervention. One weakness of the study is
that Tullberg et al did not control for the potential
biases of the examiners. The examiners knew who
received the intervention and, therefore, may have been
biased when repeating the tests of the SIJ region. Fur-
thermore, Tullberg et al judged the mobilization and
manipulation to be successful based on the results of the
tests. They did not indicate whether the patients in the
study reported relief of symptoms or improvement in
function following the treatment.
The examination and treatment of dysfunction in the
region of the SIJ sometimes requires identification of the
of asymmetry present and the correction of the
For example, mobilization techniques
designed to treat a right posterior innominate rotation
require a different hand placement, point of force
application, and line of force application than mobiliza-
tion techniques designed to treat a left posterior innom-
inate rotation.
Knowledge of the degree of agree-
ment on the
of asymmetry that is present, therefore,
would be useful. We believe that the results of the study
by Cibulka et al
would be more powerful if we knew
that each therapist found 3 positive tests that were
consistent (ie, all indicated a problem on the left) and
that both therapists agreed on the type of dysfunction
present (ie, left posterior rotation of the innominate).
Combining the Results of Tests
Cibulka et al
suggested using a combination of symme-
try and movement tests to determine whether a patient
has dysfunction in the SIJ region and reported high
intertester agreement for the method they developed.
They determined that dysfunction in the SIJ region was
present in a patient if at least 3 of the following 4 tests
were positive: the standing flexion test, the prone knee
flexion test, the supine long sitting test, and palpation of
PSIS heights in a sitting position. Cibulka et al did not
quantify the size of the difference for the tests to be
positive. Their method also did not allow them to
actually show that the patient’s symptoms were originat-
ing from the SIJ. Two therapists with an unspecified
amount of training in the test procedures examined 26
patients with low back pain of a nonspecific origin.
The external validity of the results of the study of
Cibulka et al
also is limited because only 2 therapists
who were trained in the method participated in the
study. Furthermore, only 26 patients were examined.
Lastly, although the authors provided some evidence for
the reliability of data obtained from a combination of SIJ
region tests, they provided no evidence that the mea-
surements reflected dysfunction of the SIJ. This study
has yet to be replicated.
More recently, Cibulka and Koldehoff
reported on the
sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value of their tech-
nique for determining whether a patient has dysfunction
1138 . Freburger and Riddle
Physical Therapy . Volume 81 . Number 5 . May 2001
219), the
investigators did not have a standard for determining
whether patients truly had dysfunction in the SIJ region.
The sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value of their
approach cannot be determined without an acceptable
Despite the limitations of Potter and Rothstein’s study,
subsequent investigations demonstrated similar findings.
In a study of 51 patients receiving physical therapy for
unilateral low back or buttock pain, Laslett and Wil-
.64 –.82)
for measurements obtained with 5 of 7 tests used to
provoke pain in the SIJ region. The 5 tests were iliac
compression, iliac gapping, thigh thrust (with the
patient positioned supine and the hip and knee flexed to
90°, the examiner applied a downward force through the
longitudinal axis of the femur), pelvic torsion left (with
the patient positioned supine and the right leg off the
table, the examiner extended the right hip and maxi-
mally flexed the left knee and hip), and pelvic torsion
right. McCombe et al
Summary of Studies Examining the Reliability and
Validity of Data Obtained From Symmetry and
Movement Tests
Studies of individual clinical tests used to assess the
symmetry or movement of bony landmarks associated
with the SIJ indicate that the reliability and validity of
data obtained with these tests are poor. In addition, the
results of some of the more methodologically sound
radiographic studies indicate that the amount of motion
occurring at the SIJ in individuals with SIJ pathology is
extremely small (ie, less than 2 mm and less than
We do not believe that movements of this
magnitude can be assessed visually or with palpation. We
therefore believe the results of these radiographic stud-
ies suggest that tests designed to assess the symmetry and
movement of bony landmarks associated with the SIJ are
invalid for the identification of SIJ dysfunction.
also reported moderate inter-
.40 –.63) for measurements obtained
with the following tests used to provoke pain in the SIJ
region: active hip flexion, resisted hip lateral (external)
rotation, and palpation over the SIJ.
.09 and .11,
respectively). A possible explanation for the contradic-
tory findings of McCombe et al may be due to the fact
that 2 orthopedic surgeons and a physical therapist were
the examiners in their study. The examiners in the
studies by Potter and Rothstein and Laslett and Williams
were physical therapists. Furthermore, McCombe et al
did not standardize their test procedures. Potter and
Rothstein had therapists review the SIJ region tests and
come to a consensus regarding the operational defini-
tions. Laslett and Williams conducted 2 training sessions
to standardize the techniques of the therapists partici-
pating in their study.
Although the use of a combination of movement and
symmetry tests to identify dysfunction in the region of
the SIJ appears to yield more reliable data than the use
of a single test, further studies are needed to explore the
usefulness of this combination approach. More specifi-
cally, these studies need to address the issue of the type
of asymmetry present. In addition, studies using a suit-
able standard are needed to assess the validity of data
obtained with movement and symmetry tests for detect-
ing dysfunction in the region of the SIJ.
Pain Provocation Tests and Medical History/
Pain Description
Potter and Rothstein
reported what they considered to
be acceptable intertester agreement for 2 pain provoca-
tion tests. The percentages of agreement between ther-
apists were 76% for iliac compression (with the patient
positioned side lying, the examiner exerted a downward
force on the uppermost iliac crest) and 94% for iliac
gapping (with the patient positioned supine, the exam-
iner crossed his or her arms, placed the heels of his or
her hands on the ASISs, and pressed downward and
laterally). Potter and Rothstein did not justify their
criteria for acceptability nor did they calculate kappa
statistics for the examination procedures. The percent-
ages of agreement reported, therefore, are likely inflated
because they did not correct for chance agreement.
Furthermore, the sample size for the study was small (ie, 17
patients), limiting the generalizability of the results.
More recently, several researchers
have examined
the validity of measurements obtained with tests
designed to provoke pain in the SIJ region. Maigne et al
studied 54 patients with unilateral pain perceived to be
over the area of the PSIS region who had tenderness
over the SIJ and who were reported to have no sources of
pain in the lumbar spine. The subjects were first given a
short-acting anesthetic SIJ block (ie, a screening block).
Prior to and after the screening block, 7 pain provoca-
tion tests were performed on the subjects. Subjects who
responded positively to the screening block (ie, 75% or
more improvement in their pain) were given a confir-
matory anesthetic block 1 week later. Subjects were
considered to have dysfunction in the region of the SIJ if
their pain improved by at least 75% after the confirma-
tory block. Only 10 patients (18.5%) were diagnosed
with dysfunction of the SIJ region. The authors used
chi-square tests and found no relationships between the
pain provocation tests and dysfunction of the SIJ region.
Physical Therapy . Volume 81 . Number 5 . May 2001
Freburger and Riddle . 1139
in the region of the SIJ. Although this study was con-
ducted on a large sample of patients (N
found high intertester reliability (
tester reliability (
In contrast to the findings of Potter and Rothstein
Laslett and Williams,
McCombe et al
reported poor
intertester reliability for measurements obtained with
the iliac compression and gapping tests (
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