XXIII etap szkolny - test.pdf

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ETAP SZKOLNY - grudzie ń 1998 (c) Henryk Krzy ż anowski
Uzupe ł nij podane ni ż ej t ł umaczenia.
a/ Nie mogę przyszyć ci guzika bez czarnej nici.
I can’t saw your button______________________________________________
b/ Upewnij się, że parasol jest suchy przed zwinięciem go.
Make sure the umbrella __________________ before _________________ it.
c/ „Jestem grzesznikiem, jak wszyscy ludzie,” powiedział Prezydent.
___________________________, like all humans,” said the President.
d/ Obawiam się, że lekarze coś znaleźli w jego prawym płucu.
I’m afraid the doctors found something _________________________________
e/ Odpowiedź jest dwuznaczna: może oznaczać poparcie albo jego brak.
The reply ___________________________________________ support or lack of it.
f/ Pułkownik doszedł do władzy w bezkrwawym zamachu stanu w kwietniu 1992.
The colonel came to _________________ in a _________________ coup in April 1992.
g/ Poczułem wielką ulgę, kiedy chłopak otworzył oczy i zaczął mówić.
I felt great _______________ when the boy opened his eyes and _______________________
h/ Nie zapominaj, że Jerozolima jest w innej strefie czasowej.
__________________________________ is in a different time ____________
Wpisz brakuj ą ce wyrazy. Ka ż da kreska zast ę puje jedn ą liter ę . Nie wolno zmieni ć ż adnej z liter ju ż podanych.
PRZYKŁAD: Is your f a m i l y name Miller?
a/ He was a clear favourite before the game so his _ _ f _ _ _ came as a big surprise.
b/ After the accident she cannot walk and can move around on a _ _ _ e _ _ _ _ _ _ .
c/ The ownership of two or more cars in a household, which was very rare some 30 years ago is now
becoming fairly _ _ d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
d/ The policeman received two bullet _ _ u _ _ _ but his life is not in danger.
e/ The dress which used to be rather tight before my slimming diet now hangs _ _ o _ _ _ _ on my
f/ The debate will concentrate on such _ _ s _ _ _ as air pollution or industrial waste.
g/ Sean spends a lot on horse _ _ c _ _ but he seldom wins any money.
h/ The meeting of ministers was called so _ _ s _ _ _ _ that some did not have time to dress up and
appeared in tracksuits.
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Wyró ż nione grupy wyrazów zast ą p tylko jednym s ł owem, tak by nie zmieni ć tre ś ci ca ł ego zdania.
a/ We thought it was better to call a doctor because the child developed a high body temperature.
We thought it was better to call a doctor because the child had a ______________________
b/ Bedouins use large animals with humps to travel across the desert.
Bedouins use __________________ to travel across the desert.
c/ The grant will make it possible for me to continue my research for another year.
The grant will _ _ _ b _ _ me to continue my research for another year.
d/ They had to move the meeting to some later time in September.
They had to _ _ s _ _ _ _ _ the meeting unitil September.
e/ In the first game the person who was playing against me was a tall Mexican boy.
In the first game my ______________ was a tall Mexican boy.
f/ No one knows why we informally called him “sniffer”; he didn’t even have a long nose.
No one knows why we _ _ _ k _ _ _ _ _ him “sniffer”; he didn’t even have a long nose.
g/ A judge is now deciding whether Janice will be heard and judged in a court of law for theft.
A judge is now deciding whether Janice will go on ___________________ for theft.
h/ This part of the building where the nuns live is closed to men.
This part of the _ _ _ v _ _ _ is closed to men.
Przet ł umacz na polski.
a/ I don’t want to miss the bagpipes. _________________________________________________
b/ On my return I found the town in turmoil. ______________________________________________
c/ After all, it’s the only warehouse here. _______________________________________________
d/ Is the bark thick enough?________________________________________________
e/ The fatality rate is rising. ________________________________________________
f/ We were summoned at very short notice. ___________________________________
Uzupe ł nij t ł umaczenia zda ń na angielski, nie zmieniaj ą c niczego we fragmentach ju ż przet ł umaczonych. Tam, gdzie w
nawiasie podano, jak przet ł umaczy ć jakie ś s ł owo, nie podano, w jakiej formie ma ono wyst ą pi ć w t ł umaczeniu.
a/ Zmiany, które chcesz zrobić, mogą być bolesne dla części twojego personelu.
The changes that you ________________________________ painful to some of your staff.
b/ No, zdecyduj się! Co chcesz, żebym ci narysowała?
____________________ mind, will you? What ___________________________________
c/ Musieliśmy skończyć o piątej z powodu koncertu. Zresztą i tak po dziesięciu godzinach ciężkiej
pracy nikt nie byłby w stanie kontynuować [=GO ON] dużo dłużej.
We _______________________________________ the concert. Anyway, after ten hours of hard
work _________________________________________________________ much longer.
d/ e/ Ona opisuje [=DESCRIBE] wczesne lata firmy tak, jak gdyby pracowała tu od jej założenia.
She ________________ the early years of the firm __________________________ its founding.
f/ To nie w porządku. Miały być pojedyncze pokoje dla każdego, a teraz każe się nam spać w
It’s not fair. ________________________________ for everyone but now we ___________ in
g/ Niech pan nie próbuje używać metod, które zmuszałyby naszych wyższych oficerów do
zapomnienia o swoim statusie i zachowywania się [=BEHAVE] jak małe dzieci.
_________________________ methods that ________________________ our senior officers
_____________________________their status ____________________ small children.
h/ Z powodu możliwych wyłączeń prądu należy wydoić [=MILK] krowy, zanim się ściemni.
_____________ possible power cuts the cows ___________________________________ dark.
Uzupe ł nij zdania wyra ż aj ą ce w inny sposób tre ść zda ń wprowadzaj ą cych.
PRZYKŁAD: "Hurry up, Sue," said Mother. Mother told Sue to hurry up .
a/ “What’s the new chairman like, Mr Jordan?” “Well, you’ll see for yourself.”
I wanted Mr Jordan to ____________________ like but he didn’t _______________________
b/ “It’s not a joke! I really mean it,” said Peter.
Peter would like his suggestion ___________________________ seriously.
c/ If your friends don’t tell others what they have heard here, I don’t mind their presence at the
If your friends keep to ____________ heard here, they ________________ our meetings.
d/ Mr Ulms didn’t want to wait. “Either I get all the money tomorrow or the painting will be sold to
Japan,” he told the curator.
The museum had only 24 hours for collecting the money, because Mr Ulms said if
___________________________________________________________________ to Japan.
e/ The twins’ teacher says they don’t know enough Spanish yet to work as interpreters.
In the teacher’s opinion ___________________ twins is good enough to do interpreting.
f/ There’s very little social life among today’s students because over 80 per cent of them have jobs.
In Dad’s times there was more social life at university because __________________ today had jobs.
g/ “How did you feel after falling down, Kate? Did the ankle swell up?” “Yes, it did. But I didn’t feel
any pain.”
After _____________ down, her ankle _________________ but she didn’t ___________________
h/ The coming winter should not stop work on the new bridge. This technology allows us to continue in
temperatures up to minus 30”.
Unless ___________________ elow -30”, work on the new bridge _______________ as planned.
Wpisz w odpowiedniej formie czasownik w nawiasach. Nie nale ż y dopisywa ć zaimków ani rzeczowników.
a/ Over 98 per cent of the films we [sell and develop] __________________ are colour. Actually, we
[think] ______________ of withdrawing the black and white films from our shops.
b/ When questioned by police Mr Fox [deny] ______________ either [touch] ______________ the dial
himself or [see] ______________ any of his colleagues [do] ______________ it.
c/ If the flights [number + not] _____________ it [be] _____________ more difficult, if not impossible,
[use] ____________________ the timetable at a big airport.
d/ Our membership [fall] _______________ dramatically in the wake of the Lotti affair. And it [shrink]
____________________ at the rate of 10 per cent a year ever since.
e/ For the rest of the day the foreman [split] ______________ us into groups. First we [saw]
________________ branches off the tree trunks and then [pile] ___________ them into bonfires.
f/ If everybody wishes that our schools [overburden + not] _____________ the pupils with needless
work, why [nothing + do] ______________________ to change it?
g/ The minister called the affair ‘a local fiasco’, thus [try] _______________ to minimize the harm [do]
_______________ to our security. But I [be] ______________ in the services long enough to realize
how bad it [be] __________________.
h/ [expect + not] _______________ your complaint to [consider] ____________ before our expert
[examine] _________________ the instrument. It’ll take some time, I’m afraid.
Zakre ś l t ę form ę , która nadaje si ę do wstawienia w luk ę . Istnieje tylko jedna mo ż liwo ść poprawnego wyboru.
a/ We feared she might have been travelling on the hijacked plane, so hearing her voice on the phone
was _________ music to our ears.
A/ such a heavenly
C/ heavenly of
D/ heavenly
b/ We stayed at a small hotel some twelve kilometres ______ the city centre.
A/ on the south from B/ on the south of C/ south from D/ south of
c/ The survey has found that the schools ______ had not been on the staff before the appointment are
more likely to enjoy a friendly work atmosphere.
A/ which headmasters B/ the headmasters of C/ whose headmasters D/ that the headmasters
d/ Being so completely different, they somehow manage to ________
A/ get through B/ get along C/ make up D/ make off
e/ His Diaries are of little value as he fails to mention many important events he must have witnessed.
What _______, though, are the names of the bars he visited.
A/ he does mention C/ does he mention
B/ he must have mentioned D/ doesn’t he mention
f/ I spent over an hour explaining to him our motives and asking for help, but he _______ to me
A/ wouldn’t have listened B/ couldn’t listen
C/ wouldn’t listen
D/ can’t have listened
typed out by Hafferus, proofread by Onamor
B/ the heavenly
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