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Feral Moon
An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication
Feral Moon
ISBN 9781419917974
Feral Moon Copyright © 2008 Regina Carlysle
Edited by Helen Woodall.
Cover art by Syneca.
Electronic book Publication December 2008
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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.
Regina Carlysle
To Anny Cook, Zen queen and creative genius. Thanks for nudging me in a
different direction.
Feral Moon
Chapter One
He scented her the moment he entered the smoky club.
His prey. His future.
Amid the smell of humans and sweat, Titus focused his razor-sharp gaze toward
the center of the throng and spotted her sitting with a friend. Beneath the muted blue
ceiling lights that swept the room, her hair glistened black and shiny hanging just below
her shoulder blades. She still wore the simple white blouse and beige skirt she’d worn
today at work.
“Shall I keep a lookout, my lord?”
Titus glanced at his first lieutenant and nodded. Diego Luna was here in the city
looking for her. It was left to him to take her, mate with her tonight before they found
her and all was lost. “Stake out the front of the club,” he murmured. “Send Rico and
John to watch the back. Be alert.”
“Yes, lord.”
Titus Declan went further into the room and the crowd seemed to part as if he’d
willed it. Of course, he had. As alpha of the southwestern panther tribe, he exuded a
presence that commanded respect. Living among the humans for several hundred
years, he’d learned to fit in, learned their ways. Were-panthers were solitary creatures
during the hunt but their human sides allowed them to live together and thrive. In all
these years of rule, times were few that anyone from the Turquoise Moon panther tribe
had been seen in their panther form but those humans had either been quickly
dispatched or used to serve his purpose.
Such had been the case with Natalie Jones, a human who’d taken the future of their
race to raise, after the infant girl’s parents had been brutally murdered by the Los Locos
Mexican tribe. They’d been after the child, of course, because she’d been born with
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