Tetra - The Fascination of Aquariums.pdf

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The Fascination
of Aquariums
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Take a dive
with us
... Into the fascinating underwater
world of aquariums. Every
aquarium, be it small or large, has
its own special charm. A fantastic
wealth of colors and shapes,
an exciting variety of forms of
life and different behaviors.
This modern form of the art of
aquariums was made possible by
Ulrich Baensch, doctor of natural
sciences, the founder of Te t r a -
Werke and pioneer of the fi rst
industrially manufactured food for
ornamental fi sh. He succeeded
in developing a natural,
nourishing and wholesome
dry food appreciated by fi sh.
TetraMin marked the decisive
breakthrough of aquariums as a
favorite hobby. For more than 50
years now Te t r a is the hallmark
of absolute competence and
experience in every aspect
relating to aquariums. Today we
would like to tap our experience
to stand by your side actively
with useful tips and tricks. You
can fi nd further suggestions at
our website www.tetra.net. So
have fun with this brochure.
An original TetraMin
package from the 1950s
- the fi rst industrially
manufactured fi sh food. A
revolution in aquariums.
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Types of Aquariums
Page 4
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Page 8
Step-by-Step Instructions
Page 10
Water Chemistry
Page 12
Keeping Aquarium Fish
Page 16
Fish Species
Page 18
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Page 22
Water and Aquarium Care
Page 28
Water Plants
Page 30
No Need to Worry about Algae
Page 31
Preventing and Curing Diseases
Page 32
Product Overview
Page 34
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How Fish Live
taken into account when setting
up the aquarium. Often the aim
is that of reproducing the fi sh.
Biotope Aquarium
The term is a bit misleading
because every aquarium is
a biotope. It means here that
fi sh and plants come from the
same natural environment.
Cold or warm, freshwater or
saltwater. Even fi sh have their
own specifi c needs. There
are saltwater, cold water and
freshwater aquariums. And there
are even differences between
these aquariums:
Breeding Aquarium
Mostly for specialists only.
These aquariums are often
not very appealing and have
specifi c, partially extreme water
values, as their only purpose
is that of breeding fi sh.
Te t ra AquaArt Complete
Aquarium Sets – perfect
design, high-grade equipment
and easy maintenance.
Tetra AquaArt Aquariums
Tetra AquaArt Complete Aquarium
Sets for the fascination of the
underwater world. Not only do
all AquaArt aquariums have a
modern design in the trendy
colour of silver – they are
also equipped with innovative
EasyCrystal ® fi lter technology
for crystal clear water and
simple maintenance. Large,
user-friendly openings make it
even easier to feed the fi sh and
gain access to the equipment.
AquaArt aquariums are available
in three sizes: Tetra AquaArt 20L
Discover Line , Tetra AquaArt
30L Discover Line and Te tra
AquaArt 60L Discover Line .
al Aquarium
The classic. The most widespread
type of tropical freshwater
aquarium is especially
recommended for beginners.
Various types of plants and
different fi sh species are kept
together in the same aquarium.
This means that they must not only
adapt their social behavior to one
another, but also the requirements
in terms of the water quality,
water temperature and aquarium
set-up must be the same.
Once you have chosen an
aquarium species, you must
consider the tank size, the
position and the equipment.
und die Einrichtung machen.
Single-Species Aquarium
Just one species is kept. They
are often fi sh with special
requirements, which need to be
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A good position is a room
corner without direct sunlight.
Important: sockets
near the aquarium!
Dark places are more suitable
for aquariums - and they even
have a more impressive effect.
Make sure that the carrying
capacity of the bottom
and the fl oor cabinet is
adequate enough.
Once an aquarium is set up
and fi lled, it can no longer be
moved - therefore, planning
is absolutely necessary when
choosing the position.
If possible, an aquarium
should not be placed near a
door, because any bustling
may frighten the animals.
Choosing the Position
To make fi sh feel themselves at
home in your aquarium, a number
of factors need to be borne in
mind when choosing the position:
you need a fl at, shockproof,
sturdy and level position with
sockets nearby. Never expose
an aquarium to direct sunlight.
Sunlight can trigger an undesired
proliferation of algae and lead to
the heating of the water. Consider
also the weight: besides the
empty weight of the tank there is
the equipment plus one kilogram
of weight for each liter of water.
Even a relatively small 80-liter
tank can weigh quite a lot and
Anyone who looks
closely at an aquarium is
fascinated by the variety
of colors and shapes.
can no longer be moved once
it is fi lled. Therefore the fl oor
cabinet must be able to bear
the relevant weight. Your local
dealer has tanks of all sizes and
all types of equipment. A good tip
is to place a panel of Styrofoam
between the fl oor cabinet and the
aquarium to prevent point loads
and to level any unevenness.
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