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Praise for Game Physics Engine Development
Game Physics Engine Development is the first game physics book to emphasize building an
actual engine. It focuses on the practical implementation details and addresses trade-offs that
must be made. Ian’s experience with commercial physics engines definitely shows. His book
fills a gap by demonstrating how you actually build a physics engine.”
Dave Eberly, President, Geometric Tools
“Ian Millington has achieved the remarkable task of creating a self-contained text on game
physics programming. If you are charged with putting together a game physics engine, this
book will carry you through from beginning (with a math and physics primer) through the
process (with detailed attention to extendable software design) to the end (collision handling
and constrained dynamics). If you are asked to use a game physics engine, this text will help
you understand what is going on under the hood, and therefore make you a better user.
The text is practical enough to serve the industry practitioner (read this before starting
your project!), and the writing is solid enough to be used in an undergraduate course on
video game physics. Game Physics Engine Development comes bundled with working source
code closely matched to the text—a valuable service to the reader: the bundled implementa-
tion serves as a foundation for experimentation, a reference for comparison, and a guide to
modular software design. Millington’s writing maintains a steady pace and a friendly tone; the
narrative level will appeal to a broad audience of students and practitioners.”
Professor Eitan Grinspun, Department of Computer
Science, Columbia University, New York
“A competent programmer with sufficient mathematical sophistication could build a physics
engine just from the text and equations—even without the accompanying source code. You
can’t say this about a lot of books!”
Philip J. Schneider, Industrial Light + Magic
“Thorough content with an engaging style; the essential mathematics is presented clearly with
genuine and effective explanation and appropriate scope. The C++ code samples are a major
Science, University of Hull, UK
The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Interactive 3D Technology
The game industry is a powerful and driving force in the evolution of computer technology. As
the capabilities of personal computers, peripheral hardware, and game consoles have grown, so
has the demand for quality information about the algorithms, tools, and descriptions needed
to take advantage of this new technology. To satisfy this demand and establish a new level
of professional reference for the game developer, we created the Morgan Kaufmann Series in
Interactive 3D Technology . Books in the series are written for developers by leading industry
professionals and academic researchers, and cover the state of the art in real-time 3D. The
series emphasizes practical, working solutions, and solid software-engineering principles. The
goal is for the developer to be able to implement real systems from the fundamental ideas,
whether it be for games or for other applications.
Game Physics Engine Development
Ian Millington
Artificial Intelligence for Games
Ian Millington
X3D: Extensible 3D Graphics
for Web Authors
Don Brutzman and Leonard Daly
3D Game Engine Design: A Practical
Approach to Real-Time Computer
Graphics, Second Edition
David H. Eberly
3D Game Engine Architecture:
Engineering Real-Time Applications
with Wild Magic
David H. Eberly
Game Physics
David H. Eberly
Better Game Characters by Design:
A Psychological Approach
Katherine Isbister
Real-Time Collision Detection
Christer Ericson
Visualizing Quaternions
Andrew J. Hanson
Physically Based Rendering: From
Theory to Implementation
Matt Pharr and Greg Humphreys
Collision Detection in Interactive 3D
Gino van den Bergen
Essential Mathematics for Games and
Interactive Applications: A Programmer’s
James M. Van Verth and Lars M. Bishop
Real-Time Cameras
Mark Haigh-Hutchinson
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Millington, Ian.
Game physics engine development / Ian Millington.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13: 978-0-12-369471-3 (alk. paper)
ISBN-10: 0-12-369471-X (alk. paper)
1. Computer games—Programming. 2. Physics—Data processing. I. Title.
QA76.76.C672M55 2006
794.8 1526–dc22 2006023852
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