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Volume 53 Number 11 May 2008
VWCV History from 1954 Super Super Jigs from the Archives and more...
The Oficial Magazine of the Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc.
The Club History Issue
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Calendar of Events
May 20th
VWCV General Meeting.
RACV Club, Bourke Room at 8pm.
2nd loor, 501 Bourke Street Melbourne.
May 24th
Pre-Concourse Social night
See Ad on page 2 for details.
May 25th
VWCV Concourse
See Ad on page 2 for details.
The Oficial Magazine of the Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc.
VWCV Committee
President Michael Cronin 0419 684 181
Vice-President Dean Holden 0412 500 588
Secretary Matt Kinsey 9484 8953 mkinsey@bigpond.net.au
Treasurer John Farlow 0418 357 416 farlowj@internex.net.au
Additional Committee Members John Stevens & Paul Kinsey
Public Oficer John Stevens john.stevens@justice.vic.gov.au
Motorsports Co-ordinator Chris Antonello 0407 309 244
Social Secretary Kingsley Morrison 03 9484 8953
Membership Secretary Xavier Larkin 03 9836 7607
vwcvmembership @ yahoo.com.au
Technical Oficer Bill Malkoutzis & Michael Clark
Editor Tony Albers 0408 330 894 wagensville @ hotmail.com
Assistant Editor Andrew Ermel 03 9369 1360
AndrewE @ brimbank.vic.gov.au
Web Master David Holinger david.holinger@rmit.edu.au
Advertising Manager Dean Holden 0412 500 588
Club Historian Chris Scane 0417 593 573
The Superbug that has lived up to it’s name.
4 VWCV History
Take yourself back to the Volkswagen Club
of Victoria where it all began in 1954 and
read about the irst Volkswagen Club formed
in the world.
June 17th
VWCV General Meeting.
Studley Park BoatHouse at 8pm.
Meals and drinks available at ClubHouse
prices prior to the meeting.
See June issue for further details.
June 22nd
Dayelsford Cruise.
See Ad on page 3 for full details.
VALLA 2008
Volkswagen Spectacular
VWCV General Meetings
Melbourne Club meetings held every third Tuesday of every
month at 8pm at the RACV Club (Henty Room), 501 Bourke
Street, Melbourne, unless advised of an alternative venue
in the Club Newsletter.
WVCV Annual Membership Fees
• Single One Year Full Membership $55
• Single 3 Year Full Membership $150
• Additional Family Membership $20 (per extra member).
• Membership Joining Fee $10 (irst year members only).
To join the Club, please complete the membership form inside
this Newsletter and forward together with cheque for payment
to the Club’s postal address as quoted on the form.
VWCV membership also available on line www.vwclub.com.au
Wagensville News is a monthly Newsletter of the Volkswagen
Club of Victoria Inc. Correspondence, articles and items of
news are invited and should be sent to:
VWCV Editor
GPO Box 1215 Melbourne VIC 3001
Email wagensville @ hotmail.com
May 30th 2008
July 31-August 4 2008
All bookings via web.
Contact Chris Antonello VWCV Motorsports
Co ordinator for full event details.
0407 309 244
See Ad on page 8 for full details.
12 Mem ber ship Stat s
DISCLAIMER All material in this magazine represents the opinions of the author(s) and does not carry any endorsement by the Editors of Committee unless otherwise stated. Any material
advertised for sale does not carry any endorsement by the Club and the onus is on the purchaser to ensure the purchased goods meet their requirements. Each VWCV Committee Member is
a volunteer, carrying out Club duties in their own leisure time. The Club has no paid oficials, only enthusiasts dedicated in furthering the interests of the club and it’s members. Could members
please bear this in mind when contacting Club Committee Members.
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Super Super
by Peter and Lloyd Davies, Edited by Tony Albers, VWCV Editor.
President’s Report
Michael Cronin, VWCV President
In last months report I said that the club general
meetings would continue to be at the RACV Club.
Unfortunately although this is what we believed
it now appears to have been premature. The
committee has been in on-going discussions
with the management of the RACV Club since
November last year regarding the use of a new
meeting room that was completed last month as
part of their extensive building renovations. It had
been the committee’s understanding that our third
Tuesday of the month general meetings would
be able to be accommodated in this new room
and that this would put an end to our nomadic
wanderings since the closure of the Henty Room
at the RACV Club around the middle of last year.
We found out last week, much to our dismay this
new room is now almost fully booked and we will
not be able to secure our regular meeting nights
throughout the year. In the circumstances the
committee is now giving priority to the evaluation
of a number of non-RACV Club venue options that
will secure future general meeting arrangements,
hopefully to take effect from the July 2008
meeting. We see it as essential to re-establish a
regular and consistent meeting venue, in a suitable
environment and apologise to club members if the
recent varying meeting arrangements and venues
have caused any dificulties. If in doubt of the
location for a meting please ring me or one of the
other committee members for conirmation.
I would like to personally thank John Stevens for
the time and effort he has put in trying to resolve
this issue.
Don’t forget the Concourse this month, even if
you don’t intend to show your car just come for
the day, if you are new to the club come and
introduce yourselves so we can make you feel
welcome. That’s all for now, I will keep you posted
on the progress of inding a permanent home for
club meetings.
To survive the test of time and still look super is a rare thing in the
Volkswagen world. This 72 Volkswagen Superbug has certainly survived
and lived up to it’s name, life has taken it down the easy road with only
8,000 miles on the clock when purchased.
In 2003 the Volkswagen Club of Victoria had a
Cavalcade through Tasmania and amongst this
cavalcade this super 1972 Volkswagen Superbug
was spotted. At irst glance it seemed like any
other beetle until closer inspection revealed how
clean and straight it was, no rust and a perfect
interior. Lloyd then found the owner of the car
and had a long talk about the car which she was
looking to sell at the show.
Amazingly the car was original with a mere 8,000
or so miles on the clock. The owner continued to
tell how her uncle had bought the car new when
he retired and promptly fell ill. After his death the
family barley used the car, it lived up in the country
somewhere in a shed near a dirt road. The family
used it occasionally as their emergency car for
when their cars were out of action and that’s where
the 8000+ miles come from. Many years went by
and the next generation of children then wanted to
get their hands on the car and that is what made
her decide to sell it.
The owner had her concerns about selling the VW
to a non VW enthusiast who would not look after it
and would become another run down beetle
like most are. Lloyd explained his situation and
how he collected Volkswagens. Later in the year
the car was purchased and shipped it back to
Today the cars condition is even better.
The Superbug received a detailed wash and a
few necessary parts. Due to age minor things
like tyres and copex tubing had to be changed
and bumpers had to be re-chromed due to
surface rust but that was pretty much it. Items
such as the mufler and even brake pads are still
the original items that came with the car, it has
also never had a radio.
Although these days the speedo reads
somewhere closer to 8,500 miles this vehicle
only makes appearances at shows and some
Volkswagen Club events. The rest of the time
this VW Superbug resides with Lloyd’s collection
of Volkswagens in a secure, safe environment to
ensure its current condition for many years
to come.
Cruise to
Sunday June 22nd
Sunday May 25th
Forest Edge Restaurant Gembrook
2905 Launching Place Road (Mel. Ref. 299 B5) .
Entry to concourse $10 per vehicle.
Delicious Restaurant lunch available for $18 per head.
Everyone is welcome to attend. Concourse vehicle entry reserved for
Volkswagen Club of Victoria members.
The concourse will be held at Gembrook within the grounds of the Forest
Edge Restaurant. A very pleasant and scenic cruise via the townships of
Launching Place and Hoddles Creek will also incorporate the concourse.
Cruise participants are to meet at the Croydon Hotel carpark, Croydon
(Mel. Ref. 50 E2) at 9.30am for 10 o’clock departure.
Upon arrival at approximately 11am, all vehicles will be parked on a
grassed area with amazing panoramic views of the Bunyip State Park
and the Warburton Ranges. The VWCV has reserved seating within
the restaurant for lunch. A small selection of reasonably priced meals
will be available. Join us and enjoy the relaxing surrounds and classic
volkswagens, live music will play from 1pm.
Further information contact Kingsley on 9484 8953
Cruise to Dayelsford to maybe spend some time
aboard the vintage railway, enjoy a natural and
relaxing spa, or perhaps visit the multitude of antique
shops, galleries and cafes of the surrounding area.
Go Karting Pre Concourse social night Saturday May 24
Trophies will be awarded to best in categories.
VWCV meet at the Deer Park BP Service Station
(Western Hwy, Deer Park - Melway Ref 358 K6)
at 9.00am for a 9.30am departure.
Fun City Entertainment Complex 5.30pm - 7.30pm 234 Ballarat Road Braybrook 3019
Contact Kingsley for any further information on 03 9484 8953.
This event will be pay as you ride, visit www.funcitygokarts.com.au for details or contact Kingsley on 9484 8953
2 Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc.
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Volkswagen Club of Victoria History
by Chris Scane, VWCV Historian
In the beginning
The Club was formed in April 1954 by a group of nine Volkswagen enthusiasts.
It was one of the irst Volkswagen Clubs formed in the world.
Image from Wagensville News Volume 2, Number 9, June 1968.
1950’s & 1960’s
As the 1950’s progressed the VWCV grew as an
organization as the familiar sight of a VW Beetle
around Melbourne and regional centers. The late
50’s saw the development of the motorsport
program in cooperation with other Melbourne
motorsport clubs with the success of the VW
Beetle in Australian Trials & Rallies.
The early 60’s saw the motorsport theme develop
and the club organization of trials, motorkanas
(which started in 1958), and economy runs
was very impressive. The competition with
other Melbourne clubs was also tight and the
Competition Secretary had a very busy job!
The social side was also jam packed with general
meetings, bowling and a number of other social
events. The meetings were every third Thursday
and were regularly held at dealerships, eg
Pound Motors. There were also a number of
engagements and marriages associated with the
club that helped the Editor of ‘Wagensville News’
ill up the back page.
In 1962 some of the members formed a new
club – VW Auto Club, which had a main focus
of social events with a bit of motorsport but not
to the levels of competitiveness as VWCV. The
VWAC lourished thru the 60’s and 70’s but could
not form a committee in the mid 80’s and was
disbanded. A number of senior members of our
club (including the VWCV Club Historian) were
members of VWAC. In 1969 the irst ‘Bug In” was
held at Albury, NSW and a VWCV member won
the outright trophy against all competition.
By the end of the 60’s the club had about 70
members and meet at the VW factory in Clayton
for their general meetings. This was arranged
by Pat Whitaker who was the VWCV President
and also worked at VW Australia. The 1969 Club
Championship was fought out over 7 classes with
trophies worth $100 (a lot of $$ in those days) and
the Armstrong Trophy (extra $30) for 1st Outright.
The 70’s had a strong competition program with
motorkanas, treasure hunts, economy runs, trials/
rallies and ierce interstate competitions. The
social side of the club activities included monthly
meetings for ilms, lectures, table top rallies,
discussions and general “getting to know you”.
They also enjoyed beach runs, cabarets, bowling
nights, squash nights, parties and other social
The meetings were still at the Clayton factory
(1056 Dandenong Rd, Carnegie) and later at the
Light Car Club of Australia (LCCA) in Queens Rd
Albert Park. Motorkanas were held in Keilor under
the Power Lines (Reserve) were later held on the
corner of Stud & Wellington Rds, Rowville.
1990’s & 2000’s
The 1990’s were going to be a critical era for the
club because of the trend of the past few years.
One of the biggest blows for the club was the
lost of the venue for meetings. The Light Car Club
of Australia (LCCA) had been the critical focus
for general meetings for a long time but was no
longer available and the building was eventually
pulled down. Meetings where then held at the
Hope & Anchor Hotel in Richmond and the Royal
Exchange Hotel (now La Porchetta) on the corner
of Peel St & Victoria Pde, West Melbourne.
This trend was compounded by a very bad turn
out for a Day of the Volkswagen in the early 90’s at
the Dandenong Sale yards. Weather was terrible,
very few people came and no money was made
by the club. It was only going from bad to worst
when the enthusiasm for the club had fallen to
level where the magazine was on occasions not
produced and there was starting to be less regular
communicate with the members.
The Club formed a new committee in the late 90s
with Steve Ermel, Jon Edsell and Bill Sundermann.
Together these gentlemen managed to put the
club back on its feet and drag it into the 2000s.
This was done with regular meetings at the RACV
Club and good club programs and organization
that has pushed the membership in 2008 to over
450 members. This new drive also lead the club
to a regular magazine output that has resulted in
the high quality production we all enjoy today!
This period saw an ongoing commitment in
competitive activity of the Club especially in Group
5- Motorkanas were keenly participated in and
points awarded to members were hard to achieve.
Some of the other die hard motorsport club
members also moved on to more main stream
activities in Formula Vees and other motor
sport clubs.
The beginning of Day of the Volkswagen saw a
change in the type of activity that the club put
emphasis on and the motorsport thrust began
to change. The demise of air-cooled VWs meant
the club needed to promote water cooled cars
and this was part of a number of changes to the
club. As the 80’s ended the interest in the club had
declined again and by 1989 the membership had
dropped to about 30.
The irst meeting were held in a garage converted into a hall at the Alvee
Park Autos in High Street, Mount Waverley. In 1957, branches were
formed in Warragul and Ballarat and other clubs were formed in other
states. The Volkswagen Club of Victoria is the irst V.W Club in Australia.
Foundation members were Mr. Don Bowd (President) Mr. Gregory Drew
(Secretary) Mr. Ray Witherten (Treasurer). Don Bowd wrote to new
owners of VWs from Regent Motors to invite them to join the club.
The committee consisted of: Mr. George Reynolds, Mr. Otto Wegener,
Mr. Laurie Weston, Mr. Ron Kenny, Mr. Bruce Mummery and
Mr. Jack Beecham.
The Ladies Committee: Mrs. Jack Beecham, Mrs. Nancy Lucas
and Miss June Holloway.
At that time the VW was a rarity on the Australian roads and the club
created great interest with the long line of beetles in convoy heading off
on beach runs, motorkhanas, etc.. In 1955 the Australian VW produced
at Martin & King of Clayton reached 6634. Subsequently membership
increased and it was found that the club headquarters could no longer
contain all the new members.
Regent Motors in Stuart Street, South Melbourne became the new
home of the VW Club and meetings were held on the Third Thursday of
each month. The success of the 1955 Redex Trail with VW 1st and 2nd
(Laurie Whitehead and Bob Foreman, and Lance and Eddie Perkins) had
membership increasing to an extent that standing room only was general
for meetings. Some members even brought their own chairs. Parking
was also a problem. Anything up to 200 Volkswagens illing the road as
far as the eye could see.
The club grew and at one stage comprised of ‘satellite’ clubs in regional
centres also including Seymour, Mildura and Morwell. This is the reason
for the name ”Melbourne” on the club emblem. We now have an
associated VW Club in Bendigo and the tradition continues!
Extracted from Wagensville News & Day of the Volkswagen
Booklet 1986.
Image from Wagensville News Volume 5, Number 3, January 1971.
Continued page 6
4 Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc.
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One of the most interesting parts of the History
project will be the collection of an image archive.
The current Club Historian is keen to contact
any members that have any photo’s of past club
activities and will return any photos as required
after scanning/photographing them with high
resolution equipment. The Club Historian is
currently following up a member of leads to old
B&W photo’s of club events.
VWCV History Project & the Future.
The VWCV History Project is an important
initiative for the Volkswagen Club of Victoria to
protect and preserve its archives and origins
for the future. The VWCV Club Historian is
willing to co-ordinate the inputs into this project
providing the members are willing to give a major
contribution and commitment to the project’s
success. The VWCV Committee is keen to
record more Member Proiles and details of club
member’s cars in the History.
With more contributions from ex members and
current members in the next 12 months, it is
hoped that a VWCV History Display may be
available at the Bug In next year. It does not
matter how small he contribution is, all items
will be looked at favorably because other than
Wagensville News the VWCV History is scattered
over many different people and experiences.
The long term goal is to write a formal history
of the club but this will require a major input
from the members and the committee. There
is so much happening in the club that does not
get into Wagensville News, so I hope we can
capture some of it in the history and have some
fun along the way!
Please contact Chris Scane on 0417 593 573
if you would like to contribute any items or
would like to help set up a display at the Bug In,
next year.
Acknowledgements: The VWCV Club Historian
is thankful for the support and contributions of
Roger Backway, Mark Zellner, Bill Malkoutzis, Jon
Edsell and Andrew Ermel. There are a number of
members I would still like to contact, but I ran out
of time, so please feel free to contact me as
I would value your contribution.
“I think people that love Volkswagens are really lovely people”
Member Proile Fran Oliver, VWCV Club Member
The ‘News’ has gone
thru some drastic
changes from the irst
issues in the 1960’s to
the major productions
of recent years, with
recent inception of
the ‘Deluxe’ issue
in colour which is a
major improvement in
quality and gives the
member a magazine
they can be truly
proud of!
Fran has been a member of the club since 1992 and regularly attends most club events including
not in the least the trip in 2004 to Germany with a group of club members to our pilgrimage to
Wolfsburg and the WV factory.
What is your earliest memory of a Volkswagen?
In about the late 1960 my then boyfriend Eric Oliver’s brother in law, knew someone who had a
1958 VW Beetle for sale around the £300 mark .So he bought it for cash of course and turned up to
collect me from where I worked at the Freemasons Hospital as a nurse. I was the only one who had
boyfriend with a Volksy. I was very pleased and following year married Eric.
What irst got you interested in Volkswagens?
Eric if course! He was always working on his VW which was the occupation of most Volkswagen
owners then. Both my sons Rohan and Andrew at an early age learnt about cars from that irst VW
that Eric owned, amongst other skills such as metal work and soldering.
What do you like most about Volkswagens?
They are reliable, fun to drive and its amazing how many like-minded people also love their VW’s like
I do. I think people that like Volkswagens are really lovely people and I really enjoy being with them.
How and why did you become involved with the Volkswagen club of Victoria?
When My husband Eric irst when into care we had two cars including my 1972 Type 3 which at the
time was making some terrible grinding noises from the engine bay. I rang the VWCV because my
then mechanic said that the car was not ixable and should be cannibalised for parts. I spoke to a
lady by the name of Frances Evans, Dave Evans wife. She said that David was away and would ring
you back. David later rang me back and invited me to The Day of The Volkswagen at Albert Park
where there would be someone who could advise me on my cars problem. My son Andrew came
along on this Beautiful day, very sunny and Gary Collis looked at the car and Said “it has a broken fan
in the engine”. Soon after I had it ixed with a good result. I was so impressed with the attitude of the
club members that I joined the VW of Victoria forthwith on the day.
What is your favourite Volkswagen Type you have owned?
My type 3 that I still own. Eric had a type 3 1962 model which he was quite proud of. It had diamond
blue paint, was much quieter than my Type 3 and it seemed much lighter than mine and therefore
easier to drive.
If you could have any Volkswagen what would it be?
If Eric’s Type 3 was still around then I would like to have it back. When Eric had to let it go he was
quite emotional about parting with it at the time. It had brings back very good memories for me.
What has been your most enjoyable experience in a Volkswagen?
Two trips come to mind one to Port Lincoln and the other Grifith. The Grifith trip, Eric inadvertently
spun My Type 3 whilst driving home in the wet on and unmade road. The boys were in the back
and cheered at the excitement whilst Eric resulted the car back into line after doing full circle in the
mud. The mud was quite deep and up to the doors. It was an exciting trip for the boys and I with me
gripping the grab handle at the front. The trip to Port Lincoln was a holiday and went on Cofin bay to
pick and eat oysters. Andrew my eldest was about nine at the time and he was looking for smallest
oysters to pick so that they would it his mouth in one swallow. The oysters were huge!
Is your unique Volkswagen enthusiasm recognised and supported by family,
friends and community?
Yes. I will bore the socks of anyone who is willing stop and listen to my VW stories.
“How your Volkswagen going?” is a regular question that I am asked.
Is your family car a Volkswagen?
Yes. I also own a Mazda 2 Maxx of which I still daily drive at the age of 76. As the Type 3 is CH
registered it can only be driven on club events.
What is your profession and do your Volkswagen interests and profession cross paths?
My profession had not crossed paths with my interest other than until I met Eric whilst working in
the Hospital as a nurse. I was a nursing sister for twenty ive years in hospitals then an occupational
health and safety nurse of twenty years and I am now retired.
If you could go back in time what Volkswagen experience would you change?
The engine ire which nearly burnt out my Type 3 to ground. It was lucky that I called the ire brigade
and they came immediately to put the ire out. They commended me that I didn’t open up the engine
lid, otherwise either ire may have spread to the rest of the car. Members of the VW Club came to my
assistance and helped with getting the car repaired and back to original. It was looking for some time
that the car may have to be written off by the insurance company. It was not without much protest
and many phone calls to the insurance company that I had the car retuned to me. I appreciated the
generosity of the club members in getting the parts and the assistance to repair the car.
On a scale from 1 to 10, how much of Volkswagen nut are you?
10 but who’s asking?
Wagensville News
One of the irst known issues was called VW Auto and was a B&W production with a colour
lash with a B&W photo on the cover. The early edition of Wagensville News relied on a
common cover for a period of a year and roneo (old printing machine) productions for content
in each volume.
The details of these reports were (and still are) very interesting to read but the quality of the
printing varied enormously (as did the cost of production) and it was sometimes dificult to
read the text. The photos on the covers are a small snapshot of the club’s activities and
mirrored the emphasis on motor sport at that time in the club’s history.
The ‘News’ and the club would have struggled to grow without the support of the club
sponsors. Their support has been invaluable over the years (and still is!) and continues to be
an import part of the ‘News’ .Some of the sponsors have contributed to the club for decades
and it’s very important that the members patronize their business’s in recognition to their
marvelous support to the club.
Disclaimer. All the information presented in this article is a compilation of articles from Wagensville News, requested information from the contributors and personal experiences of the
VWCV historian. All inaccuracies will be keenly corrected and followed up. I regard this as a work in progress and welcome any contributions that can help with the VWCV History.
4/20 Advantage Rd Highett VIC 3190
T 03 9555 5440 Brad 0419 356 105 Jono 0413 879 275 busnbug.com
6 Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc.
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