
(3263 KB) Pobierz
July 2005
Volume 51 • Number 3
General Meetings
> NOW at the NEW RACV Club
501 Bourke Street, Melbourne .
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Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc
ABN 73 091 008 987
Address: GPO Box 1215 MELBOURNE VIC 3001
Web Site: vwclub.com.au
Phone: 0401 310 704
> this issue
Paul’s Ramblings
General Meetings
Calendar of Events
Melbourne Club meetings held every third Tuesday of the
month at 8pm at the RACV Clubrooms (Henty Room),
501 Bourke Street, Melbourne, unless advised of an alterna-
tive venue in the Club magazine.
VWCV 4 Day Tour
Kombi Recreation
Motorsport News
Albury Wodonga members meet the first Tuesday of every
month at the Biralee Tavern, Melrose Drive, Wodonga.
Membership Mumbo
Concours d’élégance
Annual Membership Fees
Club Clothing
New RACV Club
• Full Membership: $40
• Additional Family Membership: $20
• Joining Fee: $10
Air-Cooled VW Engine
For Sale
To join the club, please complete the membership form in this
newsletter and forward together with cheque for payment to
the Club’s postal address as quoted on the form.
Herbie Overloaded
Weekend at Wagga
Membership Discounts
Membership Application
All material in this newsletter represents the opinions of the
author(s) and does not carry any endorsement by the Editors
of Committee unless otherwise stated. Any material adver-
tised for sale does not carry any endorsement by the Club
and the onus is on the purchaser to ensure the purchased
goods meet their requirements.
Wagensville News is the monthly
newsletter of the Volkswagen Club of
Victoria Inc. Correspondence, articles
and items of news are invited and
should be sent to:
The Editor
27 Scotia Street, West Preston,
VIC 3072
Email: wagensville@yahoo.com.au
Phone: 9484 8953
Each VWCV Committee Member is a volunteer, carrying out
Club duties in their own leisure time. The club has no paid
officials, only enthusiasts dedicated in furthering the interests
of the club and it’s members. Could members please bear
this in mind when contacting Club Committee Members.
Deadline for the next issue:
Friday 29th July 2005
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VWCV Dyno Day
> Saturday 30th July from 10am
Come along & measure the
Power & Torque
of your engine...
> The dyno will measure and compare power transfer
at different points on your vehicle, thus telling you how
your engine can be modified, or improved, to get more
efficient power from it
> To be held at Australian Volkswagen Performance
Centre, 10/25-35 Luscher Rd, Croydon
> $35 per car for VWCV Members
$45 per car non club members
> Sausage Sizzle & Trophies
from AVWPC
> For information please contact:
Jen Littlechild on 0431 160 097
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President - Paul Kinsey
03 9876 1463 • paulkinsey@optusnet.com.au
Vice - President - Richard Graham
0418 527 862
Secretary - Andrew Ermel
03 9369 1360 • cheryle@melbpc.org.au
• Are you passionate
about motorsport?
Treasurer - Andrew Donnelly
0417 506 766 • adonelly@edlyn.com.au
Additional Committee Members - Eric Roberts
03 5367 2757
• Have you participated/
assisted in motorsport
events in the past?
Public Officer - Jon Edsell
03 9844 3420 • jon.Edsell@holden.com.au
Restoration & Technical Sessions - Paul Blacke r
• Are you keen to
do more?
Membership Secretary - Ross Woolley
0401 310 704 • beetle00@tpg.com.au
Pointscore Officer - Matt Kinsey
03 9484 8953 • wagensville@yahoo.com.au
The VWCV are looking
for someone to take on the
role of motorsport officer.
If you think you can assit us
in any way with this
challenging position,
please contact the club for
more information.
Technical Officers - Bill Malkoutzis • 03 9439 5904
Gary Collis • 03 9370 3100
Motorsport & Group 5 - Jon Edsell
03 9844 3420 • jon.edsell@gm.com
Club Clothing - Mercedes Woolley
03 9735 9386 • beetle00@tpg.com.au
VW Cruises - Nathan Leversha
0419 340 250 • leversha@eisa.net.au
Wagensville News Editor - Matt Kinsey
03 9484 8953 • wagensville@yahoo.com.au
Contact Paul Kinsey on
(03) 9876 1463
Social Secretary - Jen Littlechild
0431 160 097 • jenlittlechild@optushome.com.au
Club Historian - Dave Evans
03 9808 6044
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