Engaged Druidism - A Practice Handbook.pdf

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Engaged Druidism: A Practice Handbook
Part I: Daily Practice
The Physical Senses
Place Bonding
The Sacred Senses
Elders of Nature
Working with an Altar
Becoming ‘An Sith’
Sitting Meditation
Healing Breaths (Willowwind)
Body Practice
Art as Contemplative Practice
The Sacred Dreamtime
Engaged Druidism: A Practice Handbook
Part II: Transformative Practice
Stepping Back into the Body of the Ancestors (Frank MacEowen)
The Otherworld Journey
The Cauldrons of the Soul
The Irish Spirit Wheel as Problem-Solving Tool (Frank MacEowen)
Vision Poetry
Prayer Fast
Engaged Druidism: A Practice Handbook
A deep and personal spiritual practice is an essential part of all of major traditions of the world, and is also a cornerstone
of engaged druidism. By engaging in the practices outlined in this handbook, we can deepen our experience of the tradition
of druidism and broaden our personal spiritual lives. The effects of these practices will be seen and felt on all levels of our
interior and exterior lives.
While many of the world’s traditions prescribe a rigorous and pre-defined set of practices and rules, this is not the
intent of this handbook. The practices you will find here are suggested practices. You are encouraged to find your own way
– if a practice does not resonate with you, there is no requirement to engage in that practice. You are also encouraged to
adapt the practices to your needs, or to add new practices that you feel are meaningful to you.
Having said that, keep in mind that spiritual growth can be uncomfortable and resistance to a practice is often
times a subtle form of denial or avoidance of that growth. Resistance to a certain practice might indicate that there is
something within that practice that is extremely important for your growth. Before discarding any of these practices, you
are encouraged to honestly ask yourself questions that will clarify the reasons for any resistance you might feel.
The practices outlined in this handbook are organized into two types: daily and transformative. The daily practices
are intended to provide a regular grounding in the tradition to allow us to go about our daily activities from a position of our
authentic presence. It is sometimes difficult to incorporate these daily practices into our busy schedule, but the results of
this daily grounding are great and you are encouraged to do so. Although the daily practices offered are all deeply
transformative, there is a second section dedicated to more intense practices which are aimed more specifically at radical
transformation. The transformative practices, such as Pilgrimage, are neither practical nor intended to be practiced on a
daily basis. The results of these practices can be quite profound, and it is desirable to have sufficient time away from daily
work and obligations to adequately experience them. You are encouraged to practice these as often as seems meaningful to
you and if possible, while not daily, on a regular basis.
If used properly, both of these types of practices can form a solid foundation for our inner and outer lives. There
are no diplomas to be earned in these practices. There is no graduation from any level to the next. You are encouraged to
return to practices you have already done, for at each stage of our journey, these practices will have different meanings and
will open new vistas for our growth.
This handbook is an integral part of the Anam Thuras Wisdom Center (ATWC) courses for engaged druidism. This
handbook is available to all members of the Foundation for Engaged Druidism, and though the ATWC courses will add
depth and breadth to these practices, enrolment in the engaged druidism courses is not a requirement.
Finally, as no one is an island, there is a dedicated discussion board on the FfED forums for the discussion of
these practices. You are encouraged to visit this board and share your experiences with other people who are using these
practices in their lives.
We wish you the deepest of blessings as you embark on this journey of engaged practice.
Part I:
Daily Practice
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