Burj Dubaj - urządzenia do pompowania betonu.pdf

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Steffen Kimmerle
Budowa budynku Burj w Dubaju –
omówienie urządzeń do pompowania betonu
ConstruCtion works at the Burj DuBai tower ConstruCtion
site - maChinery anD ConCrete pumping operation
Referat omówi sprzęt zastosowany do pompowania betonu na placu budowy najwyż-
szego na świecie budynku w Burj Dubai, jego usytuowanie oraz rozwiązania techniczne
umożliwiające pompowanie betonu na wysokość ponad 600 m.
The paper presents the industrial machine for pumping concrete at the construction site of
the highest building in the world - the Burj Dubai Tower in the United Arab Emirates. It
was discussed the set-up of the machine and the over 600 m high-rise concrete pumping
Steffen Kimmerle – Putzmeister Concrete Pumps GmbH
Steffen Kimmerle
After repeated extension of the use of the last remaining Putzmeister Super High
Pressure trailer concrete pump 14000 SHP D over the past months at Burj Dubai, on 9
April 2008 the concrete delivery was completed reaching a new world record height of
606 m. The pump height is calculated from the length of the riser secured in the structure
and the vertical delivery line including the tubular column and stationary boom.
As a result of the predominantly steel construction of the last tower levels and the low
concrete quantities used above 586m, the concrete pump was barely working to capacity
for more than a few hours per week. Due to the disassembly started in the meantime, the
building’s guided delivery line is no longer interfering Burj Dubai’s interior fittings.
During the last pump operations, a concrete pressure of 200 bar was measured on
the Putzmeister trailer concrete pump with S transfer tube 14000 SHP D with an output
of 28 m 3 /h. Overall, the three Putzmeister high-performance pumps have, during their
32 months of operation, pumped approximately 165,000 m 3 of high-strength concrete.
This exclusively involves concretes of the property classes C50 for the floors as well as
C60 and C80 for the walls of the central core. With a 606 m height difference, the concrete
required approximately 40 minutes from the filling into the hopper to its discharge from
the delivery line. The concrete volume in the line (nominal diameter 150mm up to 550 m
height, after this ND 125) amounted to approximately 11 m 3 with this installation height.
This equates to a weight of over 26 tonnes on the Putzmeister concrete pump after every
piston stroke when the S transfer tube is switched.
Not only the pump operator Unimix, but also Putzmeister Concrete Pumps GmbH as
the manufacturer of the high performance concrete pumps, have seen confirmation of the
results gathered during the extensive trials before starting the extreme high-rise pumping.
Through intensive support of the machines and logging of extensive data and system infor-
mation during the concrete placement, PM engineers gained extensive experience for future
high-rise projects. Incidentally, the consortium’s briefly discussed suggestion of installing a
relay pump at a height of around 400 m “by way of precaution” to support high-rise concrete
pumping if necessary, was not implemented. Instead, all those involved assumed that the
final pumping height would easily be reached with this BSA 14000 SHP D.
This extreme pump height was possible due to the trusting cooperation between the
Samsung-led team, the machine operator Unimix, the local Putzmeister agent German
Gulf Enterprises, as well as the Putzmeister parent company in Germany.
The Putzmeister high-performance pump on the ground
also provides for a consistent concrete stream at a
height of over 600m.
Construction works at the burj dubai tower construction site ...
The Burj Dubai in April 2008 –
the 159th structural level already
concreted in the meantime.
The client, Emaar Properties (UAE), has commissioned a consortium managed by
Samsung (Korea) together with BeSix (Belgium) and Arabtec (UAE) with carrying out
the construction works on what will be the highest building in the world, at over 800 m.
Turner Construction (USA) is responsible for the project management.
With three Putzmeister high performance concrete pumps, a sophisticated delivery
line system, four stationary booms and challenging concrete mixtures, the carcass of the
Burj Dubai has been under construction since the start of 2005. Due to the rapid progress
in construction and the narrowing building structure as it rises upwards, three of the
stationary booms have in the meantime been dismantled and one of the stationary pumps
A proper amount of trust in the know-how and reliability of the partner was requ-
ired when Unimix - responsible for concrete production and delivery at the Burj Dubai
- decided to commission Putzmeister AG with the supply and installation of the pumps
and boom systems. Through earlier pump tests, Putzmeister had already determined
that the concrete pumps and pipelines for delivery heights of up to 600 m were suitable
at an output of around 30 m 3 /h. It was also known that the tip of the Burj Dubai would
be erected in a lighter steel construction from level 156, for static reasons, and that only
the decks would be concreted up to level 160 (611 m height).
High-rise pumping simulated in extensive preliminary tests
PM’s preparations at the start of 2005 were correspondingly thorough as well as extreme-
ly time-consuming and human-resource intensive, both at the Aichtal Works and at the
construction site in Dubai. On site, extensive tests were carried out with horizontally laid
pipelines in a large series of tests and with the support of the local PM agent German Gulf
Enterprises (GGE – see info box on page 11). The reason was to simulate the pressure be-
haviour and the expected friction of the concrete in the pipeline based on the later mixture
breakdown and to convert it to the high-rise pumping. The tests were carried out using a
series produced BSA 14000 HP-D high-rise pump and ZX delivery line (DN 125).
Steffen Kimmerle
To simulate high-rise concrete
delivery under extreme condi-
tions, hundreds of metres of
delivery line were laid horizontally
in a test phase, measurement va-
lues and factors such as friction
coefficients were determined and
converted to high-rise pumping.
Super high pressure pumps adapted to the extreme conditions
In the Putzmeister Aichtal Works, the details of the new super high pressure pump to
be developed were already fixed at this time. It had to be constructed and delivered by
summer 2005 for the imminent high-rise pumping. With the BSA 14000 SHP-D – the cor-
rect name for extreme pumps – components including the frame and hopper have been
reinforced to be able to withstand the enormous forces. Putzmeister had also adjusted
the S transfer tube and S transfer tube bearings in respect of the expected pressures. To
avoid contamination of the hydraulic fluid with water or dirt particles from the outset,
the BSA 14000 SHP-D also has a particularly effective filter system. Above all, however,
Putzmeister engineers have modified the drive hydraulics so that the translation ratio
One of the BSA super high-pressure pumps during
night-time use
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Construction works at the burj dubai tower construction site ...
between the hydraulic and the concrete pressure is less than i=1 with piston side ope-
ration. Due to this hydraulic ratio, concrete pressures of over 400 bar (max./theor.) are
possible with the high-performance pumps. As the Putzmeister engineers were expecting
significantly lower pressures during the later job, however, the pressure of the concrete
pumps was limited and delivery lines were installed with “just” a maximum of 250 bar
operating pressure.
Unimix has combined two of these BSA 14000 SHP-D super high pressure pumps and
the “normal” BSA 14000 HP-D high pressure concrete pump from the test phase to form one
pump station. The machines are around 70 m from the centre of the building tower. The super
high pressure pumps are driven by series produced 470 kW Caterpillar diesel engines.
Different concrete mixture breakdowns
To keep the measurements of the decks and bearing walls as low as possible, and to be
able to carry the increasing loads as height increases, only concretes with high compressive
strength are being used on Dubai’s most spectacular high-rise construction site. According
to the original plans, the distribution of the individual concrete mixture breakdowns was
as follows:
– base plate: C80A (maximum particle size 20 mm)
– Up to level 26 (height 95 m) for the walls: C80A (maximum particle size 20 mm)
– Up to level 126 (height 452 m) for the walls: C80 (maximum particle size 14 mm)
– Up to level 154 (height 570 m) for the walls: C60
– Concrete with compressive strength C50 is required for creating the decks of all sto-
Although concrete class C80A with 20 mm maximum particle size was originally only
intended for installation up to 95 m height (level 26), this concrete was pumped with a 50
cm spread and a w/c value of 0.3 to a height of 352 m (level 100) with a slightly modified
mixture breakdown. For this height and this material, the concrete pressure during rod
side operation was just 150 bar at 30 m 3 /h.
Costs saved with maximum particle size
There were two main reasons for keeping the mixture breakdown. On the one hand,
all those responsible were pleasantly surprised by how easily the concrete pumps were
able to pump this material even beyond the 300 m mark. On the other hand, there were
clear cost advantages. This is because significantly less cement and fines are required
for concrete with a maximum particle size of 20 mm than for a concrete mixture with a
maximum aggregate particle size of 14 mm.
Although a compressive strength of “just” 80 N/mm 2 was prescribed for this concrete,
later measurements often indicated a strength of over 100 N/mm 2 . This high-strength
concrete contains around 20 different additives, which influence, amongst other things,
the flowability and the setting behaviour.
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