Doris Day, James Garner - The Thrill of it All (1963).txt

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{1130}{1194}Oh! Wspaniale!
{2684}{2770}- Kochanie?|- Kochanie.
{2773}{2837}Jestem w ci�zy.
{3452}{3516}# You know it, I know you know it
{3517}{3571}# Cos I show it
{3574}{3654}# lmpossible deal to conceal when you feel
{3657}{3721}# The thrill of it all
{3753}{3871}# Oh, brother, I got a feeling like no other
{3874}{3961}# The moment we met|I could bet I would get
{3964}{4018}# The thrill of it all
{4060}{4116}# Love can be frightening
{4119}{4205}# A bolt from the blue
{4208}{4269}# That tender lightning
{4272}{4361}# Starts your happy heart a-thundering|I love you
{4364}{4425}# We know it, I know we know it
{4428}{4479}# We both show it
{4482}{4560}# We're walkin' on air|Look-a here, look-a there
{4563}{4630}# The thrill of it all
{4633}{4682}# The luckiest pair I declare
{4685}{4781}# When we share the thrill of it all
{5039}{5108}# Love can be frightening
{5111}{5195}# A bolt from the blue
{5198}{5255}# That tender lightning
{5258}{5342}# Starts your happy heart a-thundering|I love you
{5345}{5413}# We know it, I know we know it
{5416}{5465}# We both show it
{5468}{5548}# We're walkin' on air|Look-a here, look-a there
{5551}{5622}# The thrill of it all
{5625}{5673}# The luckiest pair I declare
{5676}{5775}# When we share the thrill of it all
{5778}{5862}# The thrill of it all #
{6066}{6141}'Dr Schultz,|jest pan proszony w sektorze drugim, nag�y przypadek.
{6144}{6206}'Dr Schultz, emergency, Surgery Two.'
{6209}{6304}- Mr Caputo?|- Tak, to ja. To ja.
{6307}{6378}To jest piekna siedmio pountowa dziewczynka.|Maj� si� dobrze.
{6381}{6465}Co pan powie? Seven-pound dziewczynka!
{6468}{6526}- I-Ile ona wazy?|- Siedem pounds.
{6529}{6583}Mo�e pan teraz zobaczyc c�rk� i �one.
{6586}{6683}- Nie musze miec sterile?|- Pielegniarki dadz� panu szpitalny.
{6686}{6746}Dzi�kuje doktorze. Mia�em na my�li, dziekuje doktorze!
{6749}{6829}- Nie ma za co.|- Dzi�ki.
{6832}{6936}'Dr Gerald Boyer, telefon.|Dr Gerald Boyer, telefon.
{7052}{7117}'Dr Boyer, telefon, prosze.'
{7336}{7385}Dr Boyer.
{7415}{7520}kto? Mr Gardiner Fra...|Oh, tak, Mr Fraleigh!
{7522}{7571}Jak sie pan miewa? Co moge dla pana zrobi�?
{7574}{7646}Oh, not a thing, my boy.
{7649}{7729}I'm just calling on behalf|of Mrs Fraleigh and myself.
{7732}{7835}I can't tell you how utterly delighted|we both are at the news.
{7838}{7885}You're a positive genius.
{7888}{7975}I'm afraid you're giving me|more credit than I deserve.
{7978}{8060}Oh, nonsense.|We're eternally grateful to you, Doctor.
{8063}{8120}I'm happy to have done what I could.
{8122}{8187}Chwilke doktorze.
{8190}{8301}Doktorze, urz�dam kolacj� rodzinn�|by uczci� to co si� wydarzy�o.
{8304}{8383}It would give us great pleasure|if you and your wife could come.
{8386}{8493}- To bardzo mi�e ale ja ...|- Prosze, nie odmawia�.
{8496}{8554}Wiem, jak zajety musi pan by�
{8557}{8664}but couldn't you look on this visit|as a house call?
{8707}{8829}It would mean so much to us|if you could be there. Please?
{8832}{8886}All right, very well. We'll be there.
{8889}{9017}Dzi�kuje doktorze.|Nasz kierowca po pana przyjedzie.
{9020}{9097}Oh, nie, to zaden problem dla nas. Nalegam.
{9100}{9206}- Dowidzenia, Mrs Fraleigh.|- Dowidzenia.
{9209}{9257}Let me do that for you.
{9535}{9637}No dalej. Odwr�� si�.|Tilt your head back.
{9640}{9740}I said back, not forward. Come on, now.|Chc� ci umy� w�osy.
{9743}{9851}- Nie chce by� mi my�a w�osy!|- Kochanie, nie mam dzi� czasu na gierki.
{9854}{9915}I have a roast in the oven|and Mommy's very busy.
{9918}{9996}- NIe chce by� mi my�a w�osy.|- Maggie, dlaczego?
{9999}{10088}- Bo ten szampon smierdzi!|- Oh, panie.
{10091}{10144}Pachnie tak jak zawsze.
{10147}{10207}Smells like the cracks in the school yard.
{10210}{10281}NIe mo�emy urzyc tego nowego myd�a?
{10284}{10391}If I didn't have a roast in the oven,|you'd get the pine tar and like it.
{10463}{10527}- Mamo, telefon dzwoni.|- Wiem.
{10529}{10588}Odbierz kochanie i dowiedz si� kto to.
{10621}{10663}Halo? Kto to?
{10666}{10748}Tu tata.|Halo, Andy jak tam m�j du�y ...
{10776}{10846}- To tata.|- Oh, co powiedzia�?
{10849}{10906}"Halo, Andy."
{10909}{11045}Odpowiedz i powiedz tacie,|�e mama myje glowe.
{11092}{11197}- Mama myje Maggie g�ow�.|- Spytaj taty co chce.
{11200}{11250}Nie roz��czaj si�...
{11253}{11308}Oh, nie, Andy.
{11311}{11359}Powiedzia�em tacie.
{11362}{11427}Znowu sie z nim roz��czy�e�?
{11430}{11516}Oh, Andrew. Tym razem|spytaj taty czego chce
{11519}{11607}i nie roz��czaj si� dop�ki tata nie powie ci.
{11646}{11754}Andy, zanim odlo�ysz znowu s�uchawk�,|powiedz mamie, �e chc� z ni� porozmawia�.
{11818}{11880}Tata chc� z tob� rozmawiac.
{11883}{11951}M�wi�am ci, �e myje Maggie g�ow�.
{11954}{12055}Spytaj taty czego chce.|M�g�by� to zrobi�, prosz�?
{12105}{12177}Mama myje Maggie g�ow�|a co by� chcia�?
{12180}{12321}Po prostu powiedz mamie zeby nie przygotowywa�a kolacji|dzi� wieczorem bo zostali�my zaproszeni.
{12324}{12384}I powiedz jej, �e bed� w domu niedlugo.
{12387}{12431}'Zrozumia�e� mnie Andy??
{12434}{12500}'Czy zrozumia�es tate?
{12503}{12553}'Czy zrozumia�e� mnie Andy? '
{12581}{12659}Andy, czy znowu od�o�yl� s�uchawk�?
{12662}{12739}Andy, jeste� tam?
{12742}{12838}- Tato, czy moge juz od�o�y� s�uchawk�?|- Tak, juz sie mo�esz roz��czy�.
{12895}{12987}Andrew, przyjd� tu na minute.|Co tata powiedzia�, kochanie?
{12990}{13096}- Powiedzia�, �e b�dzie niedlugo w domu.|- I to wzystko co powiedzia�?
{13099}{13189}Powiedzia� jeszcze,|"Andy, czy znowu si� roz��czy�e�?"
{13192}{13271}Dobrze si� spida�e� kochanie.|Naprawd�.
{13274}{13347}Czy 'szcz�sliwe myd�o" pachnie lepiej| od zwyk�ego myd�a?
{13350}{13429}Tak mamo.|Pachnie dokladnie tak jak moja nauczycielka gry na pianinie.
{13432}{13514}- Teraz pachne jak ona.|- w porzadku, to dobrze.
{13517}{13594}To lepsze niz pachnienie jak szkolne boiski|ka�dego dnia.
{13597}{13646}Mommy, can I have a bath and shampoo?
{13649}{13775}What? You're not due|until tomorrow night. Huh!
{13938}{14008}Are you sure you don't mind|my leaving now, Mrs Boyer?
{14010}{14082}- I could serve and leave later.|- I won't hear of it.
{14085}{14188}- These church socials rarely start on time.|- You go right on.
{14191}{14273}Besides, I have an excellent helper.|Have you noticed?
{14307}{14375}Be careful now, honey. Don't drop it.
{14415}{14497}Well, I guess I'll be going.
{14500}{14575}I shan't be late.|Thank you so much, Mrs Boyer.
{14578}{14637}- All right, dear. Goodbye.|- Goodbye!
{15169}{15239}- Hi.|- Perfect timing.
{15242}{15321}- Between medium and medium rare.|- Beautiful.
{15324}{15365}- What was it today?|- A girl.
{15368}{15459}Didn't Andy give you my message|about our being invited out to dinner?
{15462}{15565}Oh, no. Who invited us out to dinner?
{15568}{15646}Mrs Fraleigh, one of my patients.|I told Andy to tell you.
{15649}{15716}- Well, he didn't.|- That's my boy.
{15719}{15766}Well, you've still got time to dress.
{15769}{15863}I've just roasted a $6.34 standing rib roast.
{15866}{15933}I'll eat it for breakfast.
{15935}{16002}- Hey, sweetheart.|- What?
{16004}{16066}Did you know I'm a great doctor?
{16094}{16181}I've always suspected it.|How did you find out?
{16184}{16251}I helped a lady become pregnant.
{16322}{16409}- You did what?|- She's been trying for 20 years.
{16412}{16513}Oh. Oh, really? Um, what did you do?
{16516}{16571}I gave her a piece of advice.
{16574}{16664}I told her and her husband to stop|trying to have a baby.
{16705}{16787}- You mean stopping did it?|- No, relaxing did it.
{16841}{16890}- We got a date?|- Mmm.
{16927}{16998}- What about the children?|- Let 'em get their own dates.
{17001}{17065}- But I gave Olivia the night off.|- Get a sitter.
{17068}{17154}To hire a sitter at a dollar an hour|when we're paying a housekeeper,
{17157}{17207}I just think it's a sin.
{17210}{17291}Bev, even the best of us sin once in a while.
{17294}{17355}Tonight's your night.
{17572}{17680}Now, stop it. Now, come on.|Tell me about Mrs Fraleigh.
{17683}{17749}Did you really tell her|to stop trying to have a baby?
{17752}{17798}I told her more than that.
{17801}{17901}I also told her to take a three-month|ocean cruise with her husband.
{17904}{17958}That did it, huh?
{17961}{18050}- That took the pressure off psychologically.|- Mmm.
{18053}{18128}- How did you know it would work?|- I didn't.
{18131}{18176}But I had three things working for me.
{18179}{18247}They were capable,|they loved each other
{18250}{18349}and there is very little to do|on a three-month ocean cruise.
{18399}{18465}Oh, you are a great doctor.
{18580}{18655}- The chauffeur's looking.|- Oh, he doesn't mind.
{18782}{18850}Excuse me. You don't mind if we kiss|in the back seat?
{18853}{18922}Not if it pleases you, sir.
{19557}{19638}- Good evening.|- Hello.
{19853}{19908}May I have your name, please?
{19911}{19978}Dr and Mrs Gerald Boyer.
{19981}{20076}Oh, yes, Mr and Mrs Wingate.
{20079}{20146}Will you follow me, please?
{20432}{20493}Mr and Mrs...
{20685}{20781}- I'm so glad you could come.|- I'm sorry we're late.
{20784}{20854}- Sitter problems.|- I can't wait to have that problem.
{20857}{20919}- So glad to meet you, Mrs Boyer. Doctor.|- Shh!
{20922}{20980}Shh! Damn!
{21582}{21657}- Thank you.|- Shh! Damn!
{21660}{21719}He means me.
{21722}{21788}Here it comes! Here it comes!
{21791}{21865}'Before joining the third act|of Happy Playhouse,
{21868}{21941}'here is a brief word|from our Happy Girl.'
{21980}{22066}'Hi! I'm Spot Checker.
{22069}{22145}'I've just been signed|to appear in a motion picture.
{22148}{22227}'Of course, it's just a small part.
{22230}{22365}'But all the glamorous movie stars|started out by playing small parts.
{22513}{22629}'There are so many things|a girl must learn
{22632}{22706}'before she can become|a g...
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