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Write the missing verb in the simple past tense in the spaces

One day my mom and I ___________ (to be) sitting in her office looking at a magazine called Human Society News. We __________ (to read) a very sad story about a New Jersey police dog _________ (to name) Solo that __________ (to have) been __________ (to send) into a building to catch an armed suspect. The last thing Solo _________ (to do) before entering the building was to lick his owner’s face.  A few minutes later, Solo ________ (to be) shot and ________ (to kill) in the line of duty. I _________ (to know) how sad that officer must have felt because my own dog, Kela, _______ (to have) recently died. I _________ (to feel) like my world had ended when I _________ (to lose) Kela. She _________ (to have ) been my best friend since I could remember.

The article __________ (to go) on to tell about a fund-raiser that ________ (to be) going on in New Jersey to help buy bulletproof vests for the police dogs there. I __________ (to think), Every police dog should be protected just like the police. I may be a kid, why can’t I do a fund-raiser to help save the dogs in our area?

Then I __________ (to find) out that a bulletproof vest for a police dog costs $475. My mom ___________ (to think) it _________ (to be) a lot of money for an eleven-year-old girl to raise, but she ____________ (to tell) me to go ahead and try anyway.

We _________ (to call) our local Oceanside Police Department and ________ (to find) out that their dogs _________ (to need) bulletproof vests. At that point, I ____________ (to realize) that I __________ (to need) a name for the fund-raiser and _________ (to think) since I _________ (to be) trying to protect just one dog’s life, I would call my program Vest A Dog.

I __________ (to decide) that veterinarian offices and pet stores would be really good places to go with donation boxes and Vest A Dog flyers, I _________ (to use) little green Chinese take-out boxes, decorated with a picture of Tiko, the dog I __________ (to choose) to vest, and me. I ___________ (to write) on each box “Help protect the life of a police dog by donating a dollar.”

One afternoon, after all the boxes _________ (to have) been distributed throughout our community, I __________ (to get) a call from a local newspaper reporter who had seen one of my fliers. The reporter ___________ (to decide) to do an article about Vest A Dog. That ought to spread the word, I _________ (to think). I __________ (to ask) K9 Officer Jim Wall, who is Tiko’s partner, if they would have their picture taken with me for the article and they __________ (to do).

After the article __________ (to come) out, I waited for a few days before checking to see if there _________ (to be) any donations. I ________ (to be) really nervous when I finally _________ (to go) to collect the money. I really __________ (to be) not sure that I could raise enough to buy the vest. But when I ____________ (to collect) the first box, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I _________ (to realize) that there are many generous animal lovers out there. The box _________ (to be) practically overflowing with dollar bills! I __________ (to keep) checking back to collect the donations every few days. After about three weeks, I ___________ (to count) the money from all of the boxes. It _________ (to total) over three thousand dollars! I ___________ (to be) so excited and totally amazed at the amount of money that I _________ (to have) raised. Not only _________ (to be) there enough money to buy Tiko’s vest, but Vest A Dog _________ (to have) raised enough to buy vests for the other five unprotected dogs on the Oceanside Police Department. I couldn’t believe it!

When the officers from the K9 unit _________ (to find) out that they __________ (to be) going to be able to protect all six of their dogs, they couldn’t stop thanking me. They __________ (to decide) to put together a presentation ceremony where I would give the six vests I was donating to the department’s dogs. That’s where I __________ (to get) to meet all of the other police dogs and their handlers. I _________ (to be) actually a little scared of them, but the officers  ____________ (to assure) me that the dogs _________ (to be) very friendly. I ___________ (to learn) that these were not just police dogs, but also the officers’ family pet. Again, I __________  (to think) of my dog Kela and also about Solo. I __________  (to want) even more to make sure that these police dogs ____________(to do) not die while trying to protect people.

So far, Vest A Dog has raised more than twenty-five thousand dollars and has supplied all of the law enforcement dogs within San Diego County with a protective vest!

One day after school, my mom ____________ (to tell) me that the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) ____________ (to want) to honor me for the work that I __________ (to have) done to protect police dogs. They ______________ (to invite) my mom and me to New York so that I could receive an award and a check for five thousand dollars! That __________ (to vest) another ten dogs!


Don’t think that just because you are a kid that you can’t make a difference.


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