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  Name: …………………………………….. Date: ……/……/……


Class : ………… Number: ……….. Evaluation: ………….

















I watched TV.

I felt sad.

I was happy.

We were ill.







I didn’t watch TV.

I didn't fell sad.

I wasn't happy.

We weren't ill.






Did you watch TV?

Did you feel sad?

Were you happy?

Were you ill?





































1.    Complete the sentences with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets:


v      Bob Geldof __________ (organise) the Live Aid concert.

v      They _________ (sell) millions of records after the concert.

v      Music lovers _______ (be) very generous and _______ (buy) lots of copies.

v      They _______ (make) a lot of money for poor people.

v      Bruce Springsteen _______ (write) the song “Born in USA


2.    What's the Past Simple of these regular verbs?


v      Try

v      Enjoy

v      Look

v      Record

v      Hug

v      Refer


3.    And of these irregular verbs?


v      See

v      Know

v      Make

v      Feel

v      Write

v      Buy

v      get


4.    Write the questions for the underlined answers:


v      Yes, I liked the concert very much.

v      Elvis Presley died in 1997.

v      John Lennon was born in Liverpool

v      We went to the concert by taxi.

v      No, Celine Dion didn't star in Titanic.

v      They gave the Pavarotti CD to Susan.

v      John Lennon wrote the song “Imagine”.

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