past continuous dez. 2008.doc

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B) Complete the text using the Past Continuous of the verbs in the box.

Wear   sing   clap   cover   scream   wave   play



   The Bad Boys ________ a concert last night. B.J. ________ glasses and a strange hat. While Bob and Andy  ________ lots of people  ________ because they lied the music. Some silly girls  ________ and  ________ their hands all time. I ________ my ears because the music was too loud.


C) Complete with the Past Continuous:


·         I  ________ (play) cards while Joe  ________ (watch) video.

·         ________ (they listen) to music while they  ________ study?

·         While Rob  ________ (visit) Oklahoma, his parents  ________ (travel) around Europe.

·         She  ________ (not learn) Greek while she ­ ________ (live) with us.

·         The bees v (make) Honey while the sun  ________ (shine).

·         While the judge  ________ (prepare) his verdict, the accused  ________  (think) about his crime. 


D) Write sentences as in the example using while.


Example:  Mother / write / a letter – father / have / a shower

My mother was writing a letter while my father was having a shower.

·         Brother / ride / a bike – sister / skate board / in the park

·         ______________________________________________

·         We / draw / pictures – the teacher / tell / us / the story

·         ______________________________________________

·         It / rain – the boys / play / football

·         ______________________________________________

·         Parents / listen / music – sister / talk / telephone / boyfriend

·         ______________________________________________

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