(2) present perfect continuous.doc

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¬      We form the present perfect continuous with: The verb to have in the present simple + past participle of the verb to be + the –ing form of the verb main.

¬      It is used to talk about actions or situations which began in the past and are still happening or just stopped. It is often used with how long, for and since.


E.g. The journalist has been working very hard this week.

        The prisoner has been waiting for judgement since 22nd April.















1.       John has been doing a lot of work around his house today and now he's feeling really tired. Can you find all that he's been doing? In the box you have some verbs to help you.






















2. Write sentences about these situations, using the present perfect continuous and since or for. Follow the example.


e.g. Mark is a basketball player. He started playing it three years ago.

      Mark has been playing basketball for three years.






·         My parents live in Albufeira. They moved there in 1999.

·         __________________________________________

·         Victoria is learning Japanese. She started last months.

·         __________________________________________

·         The men are washing up. They started two hours ago.

·         __________________________________________

·         Ann and Kevin are rebuilding their house. They bought it last summer.

·         __________________________________________

·         The gardener is planting rose bushes. He started after lunch time.

·         __________________________________________

·         They are married. They got married 25 years ago.

·         __________________________________________


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