Present Simple vs present continuous(01.08.08)(1).doc

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C:\Documents and Settings\vanda\Ambiente de trabalho\scarp\taboa.png


C:\Documents and Settings\vanda\Ambiente de trabalho\scarp\taboa.png





  • Things that are always true.
  • Things that happen all the time, repeatedly, often, sometimes, never, etc
  • Things that are happening now.
  • Things that are happening around now.


  • The sun rises in the east.
  • She often wears blue.
  • I play football.


  • The sun is not shinning today.
  • She’s wearing a blue dress.
  • I’m playing a lot of tennis these days.


C:\Documents and Settings\vanda\Ambiente de trabalho\teracy\en_100_133_thumbCAN9MK6K.jpg
Look at the pictures read the clues and write sentences with often and now.

C:\Documents and Settings\vanda\Ambiente de trabalho\teracy\en_100_133_thumbCAGNC45L.jpg

C:\Documents and Settings\vanda\Ambiente de trabalho\teracy\en_100_133_thumbCAXZQ2NO.jpg

C:\Documents and Settings\vanda\Ambiente de trabalho\teracy\en_100_133_thumbCA3NTX7W.jpg

( play football / skate)        ( go out / study)            ( listen music/ watch TV)      ( run/ swim)

He often plays football,       ________________        ____________________      ___________

but now he is skating         ________________        ____________________      ___________




(Write /read)                                  (bath / shower)                             (teach/ paint)

_________________                     _____________________               ___________________

_________________                     _____________________               ___________________




2.      Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (present simple or present continuous).


Ginny is a swimmer. She ___________ (go) swimming four or five days a week. She usually __________ (get up) early and ___________ (practice) before school.

   At weekend she often __________ (swim) in competitions. Her dad  ____________ (take) her in the car, and she _________ (not get) home until late.

   Today it’s Saturday, But Ginny _____________ (not swim). She’s at a party. Her friends ____________ (laugh). They  ___________ (eat) sandwiches at the table. But Ginny  _________ (not sit) with her friends. She  ___________ (dance) with a new boy. It’s a good party.




3.      Choose one of these verbs from the box to complete each sentence. Use the present simple or the present continuous.

Wear   sleep   make   study   develop   watch   think   write   boom   not get on




  • My children ______________ very hard because they have an exam at school tomorrow.
  • Look at that skirt that Lizzie ____________. Isn’t it beautiful?
  • ________________ (you) in the notebooks during the class?
  • Don’t disturb John. He_______________ a big football game on TV:
  • Compaq is an American Company. They __________ computers.
  • ______________(he) that I am suitable for the job?

  • C:\Documents and Settings\vanda\Ambiente de trabalho\scarp\summer_butterflygreen_rainy.png
    Things are really great. Our business _______________.
  • Arthur must be really tired. Look! He ___________ like a baby on the sofa.
  • I _____________ very well with my new boss.
  • HP _____________ a new advance type of printer.



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