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	Studio-driver for ACCESS VIRUS

Data types:

SINGLE:			All SINGLE-Data from both banks (2x128).

MULTI:			All MULTI-Data (128).

MultiEditBuffers:	All 16 SINGLE edit buffers from MULTI mode.
			MULTIs can be easily modified manually at the
			VIRUS (incl. their corresponding SINGLE para-
			meters). Using the studio module, archiving any
			modified MULTI is possible without the need to
			store the modified SINGLE data back to the VIRUS'
			SINGLE memory. Even the stored data of the
			current MULTI remains unchanged.

SINGLE Buf:		The current SINGLE buffer.

MULTI Buf:		The current MULTI buffer.

* A complete dump of the currently modified MULTI is performed manually
  using the data types "MultiEditBuffers" and "MULTI Buf".

* Selection of all SINGLES inside a MULTI does only work properly if every
  SINGLE is assigned to a unique MIDI channel.

* The VIRUS accepts a "bank select" code on two controllers: The "correct"
  controller 32 and controller 0 (BankSelectMSB). Since CUBASE will always
  transmit both controllers (MSB and LSB) SINGLE bank B is assigned the
  value 129 in order to set both controllers to 1 when selecting this bank.

* Since there is no sysex description for MULTI selection this can't be done
  using the studio driver.

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