Packt - JSF 1.2 Components (11-2009) (ATTiCA).pdf

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Packt - JSF 1.2 Components (11-2009) (ATTiCA)
JSF 1.2 Components
Develop advanced Ajax-enabled JSF applications
Ian Hlavats
JSF 1.2 Components
Copyright © 2009 Packt Publishing
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However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.
First published: November 2009
Production Reference: 1201109
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
32 Lincoln Road
Birmingham, B27 6PA, UK.
ISBN 978-1-847197-62-7
Cover Image by Vinayak Chittar ( )
Ian Hlavats
Editorial Team Leader
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Project Team Leader
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Cover Work
Dolly Dasilva
Rekha Nair
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About the Author
Ian Hlavats is an experienced Java developer, architect, consultant, and instructor
specializing in JavaServer Faces (JSF). He has successfully designed, implemented,
and released many JSF applications. One of his accomplishments is the creation of
JSFToolbox for Dreamweaver, a suite of JSF UI development tools, which is now
used by Fortune 500 companies and government agencies worldwide.
Ian has been teaching Java programming at the college level and in corporate
training environments for several years. Ian was an invited speaker at the JSFOne
conference in 2008 where he delivered a presentation on building JSF applications
alongside a panel of other JSF industry experts. Ian was also invited to deliver
presentations on hands-on JSF design and development using JSF tools such as
Eclipse, NetBeans, and Adobe Dreamweaver at the JSF Summit conference in
Orlando, Florida in December 2009.
Ian has been working professionally as a Java consultant and Java instructor
since 2003. His irst project was an internal audit project tracking system for
the Government of Canada that was implemented using the Struts, Spring, and
Hibernate frameworks, and a MySQL database.
After working extensively with Struts, Ian became very interested in JSF since
it solved many issues that Struts did not address. Ian's involvement in the JSF
community began around 2005 when he was active on JSF mailing lists, providing
feedback and submitting bug reports to the JSF and Facelets development teams.
While Ian was employed in the Government, he was also teaching Java courses at the
Algonquin College in Ottawa.
Ian left his permanent job in the Government in 2006 to work for his own company,
Tarantula Consulting Inc., and pursued Java development contracts with high tech
startups and small businesses in the Ottawa area. He worked extensively with JSF
and in the process he developed a suite of JSF extensions for Adobe Dreamweaver.
JSFToolbox for Dreamweaver was released in 2006 and has since expanded its
support for JSF to include new extensions for Facelets, Apache Tomahawk, Apache
Trinidad, ICEfaces, JBoss Seam, and JBoss RichFaces/Ajax4jsf.
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