Read Me.txt

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This Plugin is FREEWARE.

You are allowed to use it for personal use only.
You are NOT allowed to re-copy or sell the dll file for money or include the dll file
on compilation CDs e.c.t

You agree to use this software at your own risk where I will not be held responsible
for any possible damage on your system caused by the plugin dll file.

(C) Tin Brooke Tales Audio Projects 2008

Version history

(2008-05-25)						-First official release-


-TLs-3127 Leveling Amplifier-

[Quick guide]

'Reduction Knob' Set the amount of reduction (compression) by lowering the threshold starting from 0db and working downwards.

'Gain Knob' Set the amount of makeup gain to compensate the loss of volume due to compression.

'Comp/Limit Switch' Allow you to choose between slower (Comp) and faster (Limit) Reaction.

'Boost Switch' will cause the reduction stage to "dig a bit deeper".

'Noise Gate' When you apply reduction with the noise gate on it will boost the reduction at low signal levels

to prevent the noise floor from being raised together with the makeup gain. You will notice that the reduction

meter will indicate continous reduction proportional to the reduction applied when being in noise gate mode.

NOTE! If you reduce so much that you will get down all the way the to noise floor levels (if they are quite high)

the gate will give up and open up from there. (I guess we know then that you?re doing some serious reduction here. ;) )

'Stereo Link' will link the output reduction envelopes to prevent the stereo field from drifing.

(This is only active when running a stereo signal through the plugin.)

'Reduction meter' will show the amount of gain reduction applied.

The small meter around the reduction leds will show you the output level.

'clip led' will light up if the signal go above 0 db.


The 'Reduction' knob will start slow and accelerate in the end when you sort of passed "decent" levels anyway.

Since the Compressor is looking quite active on the signal it will react very much on low frequencies where it could

be a good idea to roll off some low end on instruments/vocals ect (if you intend to) BEFORE the compressor to avoid pumping.

Due to the nature of the Compressors release stage it will work best on single instruments with softer attack like voice,bass ect

The release character is quite "dry" where it will "hold" the signal down when pushed hard. 

If you want to squash things then set the 'Comp/Limit' switch to 'Limit' and turn on the 'Boost' switch.

All the best!

//Daniel :-)
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