clevo d470v d480v sager np4780.pdf

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Notebook Computer
Service Manual
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Brand and product names mentioned in this publication may or may not be copyrights and/or registered trademarks of
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Version 1.0
December 2003
Intel ® and Pentium ® are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation.
Windows ® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Other brand and product names are trademarks and./or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
About this Manual
This manual is intended for service personnel who have completed sufficient training to undertake the maintenance and
inspection of personal computers.
It is organized to allow you to look up basic information for servicing and/or upgrading components of the D470V/
D480V series notebook PC.
The following information is included:
Chapter 1, Introduction, provides general information about the location of system elements and their specifications.
Chapter 2, Disassembly, provides step-by-step instructions for disassembling parts and subsystems and how to upgrade
elements of the system.
Appendix A, Part Lists
Appendix B, Schematic Diagrams
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