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Christmas Memory Directions
Speaking of Speech....
Christmas Memory Cards
Print 2 copies on card stock, cut apart, and laminate.
Shuffle and place face-down in rows.
Students take turns turning two cards over, naming each, and determining if they are
the same or different. When a match is found, the student uses the word in a sentence
(spontaneous or imitated) and takes another turn.
Go Fish:
The same pairs of cards can be used to play Go Fish, which builds articulation at the
sentence level and provides practice in asking/answering questions.
Is it under ---?:
Print one set of cards on card stock, cut apart, and laminate.
Place face-up on the table.
Leave a holiday sticker on its backing or stick the sticker on a small piece of paper.
Hide the sticker under one of the cards when the students aren’t looking.
Students take turns asking “Is it under the ----?” then removing the card to see if the
sticker is there or not. Leave that card out of the game so students can see only choices
that haven’t yet been asked.
The adult can hide the sticker or have students take turns doing this and answering
“yes, it is” or “no, it is not.”
Print one set of cards on card stock, cut apart, and laminate.
Place face-up on the table.
Give students wrapped peppermints, pennies, or theme erasers (as from Oriental
Trading Co.).
Give descriptive clues; students will put their marker on the picture card that you
Guess Which:
Print one set of cards on card stock, cut apart, and laminate.
Place face-up on the table.
Select one card to be the mystery card. Students will ask descriptive questions (ie “Does
it have stripes?” “Can you eat it?”) to try to find the mystery card.
©2006 Speaking of, Inc. All rights reserved.
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