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The Curse of Monkey Island
Troubleshooting Guide


This troubleshooting guide has been included to provide you with information about the game, and to inform you of solutions to common problems that were encountered during the testing phase.

Table Of Contents

	   1.	General Information

	   2.	General Troubleshooting

	   3.	Installation Issues

	   4.	DirectX Issues/Setup

	   5.	Video Issues

	   6.	Sound Issues

	   7.	CD-ROM Drive Issues

	   8.	Controller Device Issues

	   9.	How to Contact LucasArts

-1- General Information

Minimum Requirements
Computer:	100% Windows 95 DirectX compatible computer required.

Graphics Card:	PCI Graphics card required.  

CPU:		Pentium 90 or faster required.

Memory: 	16MB RAM required.

CD-ROM:		Quad speed CD-ROM drive required.

Sound Card:	100% Windows 95 compatible 16-bit sound card required.

Input Device:	100% Windows 95 compatible keyboard and mouse required.

DirectX:   	Microsoft DirectX 5 is included on this CD and must be installed to
		play The Curse of Monkey Island.

	Note: Your system may require the "latest" Windows 95 drivers for
	your particular hardware.

Installation:	Installation requires 2 MB free hard drive space. Additional space is
		required for saved games.

Operating Systems Supported
To be able to run The Curse of Monkey Island, you must have Windows 95 as your operating system and your system must be 100% DirectX compatible. For more information on DirectX, see Section 4 of this Troubleshooting Guide.  We have not fully tested The Curse of Monkey Island under Windows NT and we cannot guarantee compatibility. Operating Systems such as MS-DOS, Windows 3.1, IBM OS/2, and Windows NT are not supported.

MS-DOS Memory Managers 
If you are running any memory managers, such as EMM386 or QEMM, you may experience problems when running The Curse of Monkey Island. Both The Curse of Monkey Island and Windows 95 are protected mode programs and may have problems running with memory managers loaded.  We do not recommend making any changes to your system without first contacting your computer manufacturer about the configuration of your computer.

Running Other Programs
Generally, we have found that it is a good idea not to have any other programs running while playing The Curse of Monkey Island. Various video, sound, or memory problems may occur while other programs, including screen savers and virus-detection utilities, are running. Please turn off any active screen savers while playing The Curse of Monkey Island, as they may interrupt the game and cause problems. 

Microsoft Office(tm)
If you are using Microsoft Office(tm)  and are using their Toolbar, we recommend that you turn it off while playing The Curse of Monkey Island.  When you restart your computer it will be turned on again. This also applies to any other programs that use a toolbar that stays on your desktop.

Power Management
If your computer is equipped with a Power Management Feature, you may want to disable it as the monitor may go to sleep while you are playing.  Please consult your computer's documentation or the manufacturer for assistance in doing this.

Desktop Color Palette
We recommend that you set your desktop to 256 or High Color (16 bit) color.  When playing The Curse of Monkey Island with your desktop set to a higher color palette, you may experience various problems in the game. 

-2- General Troubleshooting

Having Problems Running The Curse of Monkey Island?
If the game unexpectedly freezes up, returns you to your desktop, or if you experience any other severe problems, you should try to properly exit Windows and reboot your computer. (As a rule, you should never turn off your computer while the hard drive is active.)  This will help to prevent possible problems related to the error that you have experienced.  It is especially important to reboot your computer before trying any of the troubleshooting tips or before attempting to restart the game. If your computer reboots into Safe Mode, go to Shut Down Windows and choose Restart the Computer.  This will put you back into Windows 95's normal operation mode.

Why can't I get the Game's Launcher to Respond?
* Your CD-ROM drive may have stopped responding.
* There may be a hardware conflict in your system.
* This may be due to a scratched or dirty CD.
Please consult the CD-ROM Drive Issues section (Section 7) in this Troubleshooting Guide for more information.

I can't launch the game.  What do I do now?
* Please check DirectX Issues/Setup (Section 4) of this Troubleshooting Guide to see if your computer hardware is compatible with DirectX 5.0.
* You may not have enough free space on your hard drive for The Curse of Monkey Island to play.  Check to see how much room is left on the drive. Windows 95 needs free space on the hard drive for a swap file. 
* Do you have any other applications running, such as memory managers, screen savers, or virus protection programs? Any of these may interfere with The Curse of Monkey Island. Please refer to General Information (Section 1) for more information.
* The Curse of Monkey Island CD may be dirty or scratched, or the CD-ROM drive may be having trouble reading the Curse of Monkey Island CD.  Please check CD-ROM Drive Issues (Section 7).
* If the letter of your CD-ROM drive changes after installing The Curse of Monkey Island, you will need to uninstall the game and reinstall it with the new drive letter.

What should I do if my computer goes to a Black Screen or Locks Up?
If you end up at a black screen, please press ESC, SPACE BAR, or ENTER before trying anything else.  If this fails, press CTRL-ALT-DEL and choose END TASK on The Curse of Monkey Island, which will take you back to the desktop.  If you do not see the dialog box after pressing CTRL-ALT-DEL, hit ENTER twice and this should take you back to the desktop.  Then restart your computer and try running the game again.  While playing The Curse of Monkey Island, we suggest that you do not use CTRL-ALT-DEL, as this may cause the game to stop responding or freeze up with a looping sound playing.

Why do I keep getting static bursts in The Curse of Monkey Island?
* Your volume may be turned up too loud in Windows 95.
* You may need to increase the game's buffer size by pressing CTRL + B.
* Your sound card may not be fully DirectX compatible. Please look at DirectX Issues/Setup (Section 4) in this Troubleshooting Guide for information about How to check for DirectX Certification.
* You may need to update the drivers for your sound card.
Please consult the Sound Issues section (Section 7) in this Troubleshooting Guide for more information.

-3- Installation Issues

During the installation, The Curse of Monkey Island will prompt you to install DirectX 5.0 if it is not already installed on your system.  Microsoft's DirectX is an application that will allow The Curse of Monkey Island to have instant access to your system hardware in the Windows 95 environment. For more information, please consult the DirectX Setup/Issues section (Section 4) of this Troubleshooting Guide.

Note: It is always a good idea to check and write down what sound and video hardware you have in your computer before installing DirectX. To do this:
* Right click on the My Computer icon on your desktop.
* Choose Properties.
* Click on the Device Manager tab.
* Look at Display Adapters and Sound, Video, and Game Controllers. Write down your hardware devices in case you have to manually restore your video or sound card drivers.

Installing The Curse of Monkey Island
* Please check your available hard drive space before installation.  If you have too little free space on your hard drive after installation, you may be unable to start the game. It is recommended that you have an additional 20 MB of free space available for the Windows 95 swap file. Too little space on a hard drive could also affect other applications, such as word processors that need room to spool print jobs.
* The installation requires 2 MB of free hard drive space on your computer. Additional space is required for saved games.

Uninstall Warning
When you uninstall The Curse of Monkey Island, you may receive a warning stating that the uninstaller may not have removed everything.  Here are a few reasons why you may see this message:
* The UnInstallShield may have left The Curse of Monkey Island program group in the start menu.  Rebooting you computer may remove them after uninstalling.
* You may have chosen not to uninstall saved games.
* You have other LucasArts games on your computer. The "LucasArts" directory will not be removed from your computer because the other LucasArts games are stored here.
* You may have added files to the directory.  In this case, the uninstaller will not remove the folder.

Can I Move The Curse of Monkey Island Folder after I Install?
If you wish to move The Curse of Monkey Island to a new directory, uninstall first, then reinstall to the new desired location.  Simply moving The Curse of Monkey Island folder may cause The Curse of Monkey Island to stop working. If you have saved games, you will need to move them from the previous installation directory to the new location where you install The Curse of Monkey Island.

-4- DirectX Issues/Setup

The Curse of Monkey Island needs to have DirectX 5.0 installed to run.  During the installation of The Curse of Monkey Island, you will be prompted to install DirectX 5.0 if it is not already installed on your system.  Microsoft's DirectX is an application that allows seamless access to your system's hardware features in the Windows 95 environment.  WARNING: Once you have installed DirectX, it is not eas...
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