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SEDIMENTARY PROCESSES/Particle-Driven Subaqueous Gravity Processes 1
Particle-Driven Subaqueous Gravity Processes
M Felix and W McCaffrey, University of Leeds,
Leeds, UK
2005, Elsevier Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
river outflow is less than that of the ocean, and turbid
surface plumes are generated. Nevertheless, particu-
late gravity flows can also form from surface plumes if
material settling out collects near the bed at high
enough concentrations to begin moving. A similar
effect results from flow generated by glacial plumes
where the sediment is slowly released into the water
Where the interstitial fluid in a hyperpycnal plume
is of lower density than that of the ambient fluid, as is
the case when freshwater rivers flow into brackish or
fully saline bodies of water, ongoing sedimentation
may induce buoyancy reversal. Thus, the gravity cur-
rent will loft, in a manner similar to some subaerial
pyroclastic density flows, and the flow will essentially
cease to travel forwards, resulting in the development
of abrupt deposit margins.
Particulate subaqueous gravity flows are sediment-
water mixtures that move as a result of gravity acting
on the sediment-induced density excess compared
with the ambient water. The mixtures can range
from densely-packed sediment flows, that are essen-
tially submarine landslides, to very dilute flows carry-
ing only a few kg m 3 of sediment. Gravity flow can
take place in lakes and oceans, but some dense flows
also occur in rivers. Sediment volumes transported by
individual events can range up to thousands of cubic
kilometres, although most events are of much smaller
magnitude. Due to their infrequent occurrence and
destructive nature, much information about subaque-
ous gravity processes comes from the study of their
deposits and from laboratory experiments. Flow ini-
tiation mechanisms, sediment transport mechanisms,
and flow types are described here separately, to em-
phasise the sense of process continuum needed to
appreciate the development of most natural subaque-
ous gravity flows. This is followed by a description of
internal and external influences on flow behaviour.
Finally, the influence of flow regime on individual
deposits is outlined.
Sediment Resuspension
Loose sediment on the seafloor can be resuspended if
bed shear stress is high enough. This can occur during
storms or during passage of flows caused by density
differences as a result of temperature or salinity. The
resulting suspended sediment concentrations can be
high enough to allow the mixtures to flow under the
influence of gravity. As in the case of river-derived
flows, resuspension usually generates initially dilute
Slope Failure
Flow Initiation Mechanisms
A variety of processes can generate subaqueous
gravity currents, with varying initial concentrations.
Flows of much higher concentration may form as a
result of slope failure. Sediment on submarine slopes
can become unstable as a result of slope oversteepen-
ing during ongoing sedimentation, and during sea-
level falls, as a result of high inherited pore fluid
pressures and gas hydrate exsolution. Slope failure
can alternatively be triggered by externally applied
stresses, due to earthquakes, or as a result of loading
induced by internal waves in the water column above
(which chiefly occur in oceans). Initially, the failing
mass becomes unstable along a plane of instability
and a whole segment of the slope starts moving.
Retrogressive failure and/or breaching can continue,
adding material following the initial loss of stability.
The concentration of this mass is at packing density
but can become more dilute as flow continues.
Direct Formation From Rivers
Currents can be formed when turbid river water flows
into bodies of standing water such as lakes or oceans.
If the bulk density of the turbid river water (sediment
plus interstitial fluid) is higher than that of the receiv-
ing body of water, the river outflow will plunge, trav-
elling along the bed as a hyperpycnal flow (or plume)
beneath the ambient water. Such sediment-laden
underflows may mix with the ambient water and
transport sediment oceanward as particulate gravity
currents. Although sometimes these river-derived
flows are of high concentration (e.g., the Yellow
River hyperpycnal plume), mostly they are dilute.
Direct formation of subaqueous gravity currents in
this way is, however, the exception rather than the
rule. More commonly, the bulk density of the turbid
Terrestrial Input
Not all subaqueous gravity flows need originate
under water. Landslides, pyroclastic flows, and aeo-
lian sediment transport originating on land can enter
2 SEDIMENTARY PROCESSES/Particle-Driven Subaqueous Gravity Processes
lakes or oceans and continue flowing underwater if
the rates of mass flux are sufficiently high.
Flow Types
Broadly speaking, flows can be divided into three
main types, depending on density:
Grain Transport Mechanisms
Matrix Strength and Particle-Particle Interactions
Dense, Relatively Undeformed Flows, Creeps,
Slides and Slumps
Within dense flows, grains can be prevented from
settling as a result of matrix strength ( Figure 1 ).
This strength may arise if some or all of the particles
are cohesive. The resulting cohesive matrix prevents
both cohesive and non-cohesive particles from set-
tling out. In addition, particles can be supported by
matrix strength within flows of non-cohesive grains if
the particles are in semi-permanent contact, as is the
case for flows whose densities are close to that of
static, loose-packed sediment. For slightly lower con-
centrations, inter-particle collisions will help keep
particles in suspension.
Flows of this type essentially have the same density as
the pre-failure material. In each case the sediment
moves as one large coherent mass, but with varying
amounts of internal deformation. Grains remain in
contact during flow and thus matrix strength is the
main sediment transport mechanism. Such flows will
stop moving or shear stress becomes too low to over-
come friction, at which point the entire mass comes to
rest. Flow thickness and deposit thickness are essen-
tially the same, although flows may thicken via in-
ternal thrusting or ductile deformation as they
decelerate prior to arrest. Slope creep caused by grav-
ity moves beds slowly downslope with gentle internal
deformation of the original depositional structure.
Slides undergo little or no pervasive internal deform-
ation, while slumps undergo partial deformation but
the original internal structure is still recognisable in
separate blocks. Thicknesses of slides and slumps
range from several tens of metres to 1–2 km and
travel distances can be up to about 100 km, with
displaced volumes of up to 10 12 m 3 , although most
flows are considerably smaller.
Hindered Settling and Buoyancy
Settling of particles can be slowed down by
water displaced upwards by other settling particles
( Figure 1 ). Such hindered settling is especially effect-
ive in dense mixtures with a range of grain sizes so
that the smaller particles are slowed down by settling
of the larger particles. The presence of smaller par-
ticles also increases the effective density of the fluid
that the particles are settling in and thus enhances
the buoyancy of the suspended particles and reduces
settling rates.
Dense, Deformed Flows: Rockfalls, Grain flows,
Debris Flows and Mudflows
In flows of this type, sediment still moves as one
coherent mass, but concentrations can be lower and
the mass is generally well mixed, with little or no
preservation of remnant structure from the original
failed material. Sediment support mechanisms are
matrix strength, buoyancy, hindered settling, and
grain-grain collisions. Rheologically such flows
are plastic (i.e., they have a yield strength). Clast
types generally range from purely cohesive in mud-
flows, to cohesive and/or non-cohesive in debris flows
( Figure 2 ) and purely non-cohesive for grain flows
and rockfalls (where movement is by freefall on very
steep slopes). These types of flow are formed as a
The motion of sediment-laden flows can generate
turbulence through shear at the bed, internally in
the flow or at the top of a dense layer. The turbulent
bursts generated at the bed tend to have an asym-
metrical vertical velocity structure, with slower
downward sweeps and more rapid upward bursts.
This turbulence pattern counteracts the downwards
settling of particles, moving them higher up in the
flow ( Figure 1 ). Turbulence generation is hindered
and dissipation increased, however, if the particle
concentration is high, or if the flow is very cohesive
or highly stratified.
Figure 1 Schematic illustration of the principal grain transport mechanisms, shown in decreasing order of concentration from left to
SEDIMENTARY PROCESSES/Particle-Driven Subaqueous Gravity Processes 3
Figure 2 A laboratory debris flow from right to left. Note: a
dilute turbidity current has been generated on the upper surface
of the debris flow due to erosion of material by fluid shear. (After
Mohrig et al . (1998) GSA Bulletin 110: 387–394.)
Figure 3 A laboratory turbidity current flow from right to left.
Field of view is 55cm wide. (After McCaffrey et al . (2003) Marine and
Petroleum Geology 20: 851–860, with permission from Elsevier.)
to turbulent entrainment of ambient water. Velocities
can be up to tens of m s, but more commonly are
around 1 m s or less. Larger flows, such as the well-
documented Grand Banks event of 1929, may travel
distances of a few thousand kilometres, even on
nearly flat slopes, although distances of tens to hun-
dreds of kilometres are more common. Sediment
eroded during flow can add to the driving force and
will increase flow duration and travel distance. Flows
will gradually slow down as sediment settles out, with
coarse material being deposited proximally and fine
material distally. Deposit thicknesses generally are
significantly smaller than flow thickness and are on
the order of cm to dm, but can be up to multi-metre
scale for large flows. However, ongoing sedimenta-
tion from flows of long duration can result in deposits
whose thickness relates principally to flow longevity
rather than flow thickness. Consequently, it is ge-
nerally more difficult to interpret flow properties
from analysis of turbidity current deposits (turbidites)
than it is for the denser flow types.
result of rapid internal deformation following slope
failure, from high concentration river input or from
reconcentration of dilute flows (described below).
Flow and deposit thicknesses can be up to several
tens of metres with travel distances of several hun-
dreds of kilometres. Erosion can add material to the
flow and thus extend both travel distances and size of
deposit – neither of which, therefore, necessarily
relate to the initial flow mass. Motion will stop once
friction is too high and flows will generally deposit
en masse . Debris flows may develop a rigid plug of
material at the top of the flow, where the applied
stress falls below the yield strength. Such flows
move along a basal zone of deformation, and may
progressively ‘freeze’ from the top downwards, ultim-
ately coming to rest when the freezing interface
reaches the substrate.
(Partly) Dilute Flows: Turbidity Currents
In flows of this type, the sediment does not move as
one coherent mass ( Figure 3 ). These flows are gener-
ally dilute although parts of these flows can be of high
concentration, especially near the bed. In the dilute
parts of these flows, sediment is transported in either
laminar or turbulent suspension. In higher concen-
tration areas additional sediment transport mechan-
isms, such as grain-grain interactions, hindered
settling, and buoyancy effects may also play a role.
Rheologically, the dense parts of such flows can
behave plastically, but the dilute parts are Newton-
ian. Concentrations in turbidity currents range from
only a few kg m 3 to concentrations approaching those
of static, loose-packed sediment. The dilute parts of
these flows are commonly strongly vertically density-
stratified. Turbidity currents can be formed via dilu-
tion of debris flows (see below), directly from river
input or from resuspension of sediment.
Turbidity current thicknesses can be up to several
hundreds of metres and can increase during flow due
Flow Transformations
Transformations of one flow type into another are
common. Initially-dense slide masses may be dis-
rupted due to internal shear, liquefaction, and disag-
gregation on various scales. If this deformation is
sufficiently vigorous all the original structure of the
failed material will be lost and the slides transformed
into debris flows. In turn, these can transform into
turbidity currents by erosion of sediment from the
front and top of the dense mass due to ambient fluid
shear ( Figure 2 ), by disaggregation and dilution, and
by deposition of sediment, diluting the flow. Turbidity
currents can be transformed into debris flows if they
reconcentrate, for example when mud-rich flows
slow down. Further transformation into slides is
not possible once the original internal structure is
broken up.
The extent of transformation depends on flow size,
velocity, and sediment content. Variable degrees of
4 SEDIMENTARY PROCESSES/Particle-Driven Subaqueous Gravity Processes
transformation can lead to the development of differ-
ent flow types within one current, both vertically and
from front to back. This co-occurrence of different
flow types is especially common in flows with a dense
basal layer and more dilute upper part. Thus, classifi-
cation schemes which subdivide flows on the basis of
discrete flow types do not recognise the diversity of
natural flows, in which different types of flow may
occur simultaneously and vary in relative importance
in time and space as the flows evolve.
flow to keep sediment in suspension, known as
the flow ‘efficiency’, directly affects flow run-out
lengths. Flow efficiency depends on flow magnitude,
with larger flows being more efficient, and on grain
size, as finer grains settle out more slowly than
coarser grains. The presence of fine sediment in the
flow also increases the ability to carry coarse sedi-
ment so both types of sediment will be carried further
and both flow duration and run-out length will be
Internal and External Influences
on Flow Behaviour
Flow behaviour is influenced both by internal factors
such as concentration and grain size distribution
and external factors such as input conditions and
Spatial and Temporal Changes to Flow
Flows are influenced both by the input conditions and
by the terrain over which flow takes place. Flow
behaviour therefore varies both temporally and
spatially, causing local areas of erosion and depos-
ition that lead to a deviation from a simple deceler-
ating depositing flow and complicate the depositional
pattern. Both spatial and temporal changes in flow
behaviour can be caused by changes in sediment con-
tent of the flow: erosion adds driving force to the flow
and increases velocity, while deposition slows flows
down. Temporal changes to flow can also be caused
by changing input conditions. River input from floods
leads to flows that initially have a progressive in-
crease in velocity followed by a long period of de-
creasing velocity. In retrogressive failure ongoing
detachment of discrete sediment masses will result in
pulsed sediment input; the rate of input generally
tends to peak rapidly, and then diminish as successive
slope failures reduce in size.
Local spatial changes in flow are caused by changes
in the topography ( Figure 4 ). The angle of the slope
on which flow takes place is obviously important for
gravity driven flows; when slope angle increases, the
flow will go faster although the velocity increase will
be diminished by the increase of friction with the
ambient water. Nevertheless, small changes in slope
angle can change flow behaviour. If the slope angle
decreases, very dense flows can be stopped as the
basal friction becomes too high. More dilute flows
may undergo hydraulic jumps, in which they abruptly
thicken and decelerate. This deceleration can cause
coarser sediment to be deposited. Local changes to
flow can also be caused by changes in the constriction
of the flow path. When a flow goes into a constric-
tion, velocity will increase. Where a flow can expand,
as at the end of submarine canyons, velocity will
Flow Velocity
The driving force, and hence velocity of subaqueous
gravity currents increases with both concentration
and flow size. However, resistance to internal shear
will increase with increasing viscosity due to increas-
ing particle concentrations, and with increasing yield
strength caused by cohesive particles. This will inhibit
the increase of flow velocities. However, because con-
centration-induced resistance to shear does not scale
with flow size, it can more readily be overcome by the
higher gravitational driving forces of larger flows,
which are, therefore, faster than smaller flows.
Flow Duration and Run-Out Length
Slope failure-induced slumps and slides that do not
transform into debris flows and/or turbidity currents
will generally be of short duration and have run-out
lengths on the order of the initial failure size. If the
failed sediment mass does transform into a debris
flow, the duration and run-out length depend on the
mobility as described above, with larger flows travel-
ling further. However, because debris flows stretch
out as they are flowing and because they may incorp-
orate material by erosion, their run-out length may
not be directly related to the initial failure size.
The duration and run-out length of turbidity cur-
rents depend on their size and sediment content, and
hence also on their formation mechanism. Sustained
input from rivers or glacial plumes can result in long
duration flows, even if the input concentration is low.
Turbidity currents that are generated from slope fail-
ures can have a short duration input, but tend to
stretch considerably due to turbulent mixing and
will thus increase in flow duration provided the trans-
ported sediment is kept in suspension. The ability of a
Momentum Loss
The evolution of flow behaviour can be different
along flow-parallel and flow-transverse directions.
Momentum will be greater in the direction of flow
SEDIMENTARY PROCESSES/Particle-Driven Subaqueous Gravity Processes 5
than in the transverse direction. For coarse sediment
in dilute flows, this means transport is principally in
the main flow direction as rapid transverse momen-
tum loss results in rapid deposition. This is less the
case for fine-grained sediment, which will stay in
suspension more easily and will thus generate mo-
mentum for flow in the transverse direction. These
differences are not so important in restricted parts of
the flow path, such as in canyons, but are important
in less confined settings.
Channelised flow
Figure 4 Schematic illustration of the interaction of turbidity
currents with (A) high amplitude and (B) low amplitude bathym-
etry. Flows are uniform if the velocity does not change with
distance and are non-uniform if the velocity does change. Accu-
mulative flows have spatially increasing velocity while depletive
flows have decreasing velocity. (After Kneller and McCaffrey
(1995) SEPM, Gulf Coast Section, 137–145.) Published with the
permission of the GCSSEPM Foundation; Further copying re-
quires permission of the GCSSEPM Foundation.
If flows are erosive they can create conduits (inci-
sional channels) both for themselves and for later
flows. In aggradational systems, dense flows such as
debris flows will start to form levees at their edges
where flow becomes too thin to overcome the matrix
strength. Sideway expansion of coarser-grained
turbidity currents may lead to loss of momentum in
the transverse direction, and thus greater rates of off-
axis than on-axis deposition. This incipient levee for-
mation may lead to the development of aggradational
channels ( Figure 5 ). These channels, which are gener-
ally sinuous, and often meandering, partly confine
flow and can carry sediment downstream for long
distances. Dilute parts of the flow can overtop the
levee crests resulting in overspill and deposition of
thin sheets of relatively fine-grained sediment that
decrease in thickness away from the channel. This
winnowing process causes the flows progressively
to become relatively depleted in fine grained
material, resulting in the development of sandy lobe
deposits at the end of relatively muddy channel-levee
systems. Levee height decreases downstream and
flows become less confined. Like subaerial channels,
Figure 5 GLORIA image of sinuous submarine channels on the Indus fan. (From Kenyon et al . (1995). In: Pickering et al . Atlas of
Deepwater Environments: architectural style in turbidite systems: London: Chapman and Hall, 89–93.)
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