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VIP Surprise Bonus Video Text
Hello VIP members, I have a special surprise for you. I told you. I told you I would give
you some special surprises. This is your first one, you know, just a little extra video for
Today I will do a book review about a leadership book; a video book review. It’s one of
my favorite leadership books and I highly recommend it. Let me show it to you. So it’s
called Leadership . Leadership is the title and the writer is Tom Peters. You can see
Tom here, Tom Peters. That’s Tom right there.
Tom is a very famous sort of leadership guru, leadership expert, usually for big
companies. He speaks to very large companies like IBM and Apple and Toyota, you
know, very large corporations. He talks to them about leadership and quality and how
to improve their business and he usually talks to managers and leaders in these
So he’s very famous. He makes a lot of money for one speech. You know they pay
him, I don’t know, hundreds of thousands of dollars for one speech and he’s really great.
And I really like him, because he’s not a boring, old, normal, you know, corporate leader
guy. He’s not; very opposite of that.
And this is a great book. It has a lot of great just leadership ideas. So he studies great
leaders in all these different companies and he has a lot of ideas about what do great
leaders do and what do they not do.
So I’ll probably do a few videos about this book, because there are so many ideas in
this book that I like. Today I want to talk about a very simple one, just one easy, simple
one that you can immediately. You can use this immediate. So let me just read one
little sentence from him and then we’ll talk about it.
So in this book he says that “leaders make meaning.” They make meaning. And how
do they do that? They make meaning in their organization, with their group. And what
they do to make meaning is mostly they tell stories, because stories are more powerful
then just a bunch of rules and procedures and regulations. All of those basically mean
rules, lots of rules.
So he’s saying what leaders do is they tell stories about “wow people” doing “wow
projects.” That’s interesting. He says “they tell stories about wow people doing wow
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Oops, some noise coming, one second. There’s the problem with San Francisco,
there’s always noise and sirens and police and fire coming and it interrupts my video
sometimes. Sorry about that, let’s continue.
So he says leaders create kind of a meaning, a focus in their group and the great
leaders do it mostly with stories, not by telling people do this, do this, do this, right?
That’s the old idea of a big boss or something. That’s terrible leadership, nobody likes
But great leaders what they do is they are constantly telling stories about wow people
doing wow projects. What does that mean wow people? Wow people just means
incredible people, great people, wonderful people and he says “then doing wow
projects.” Meaning doing great projects, doing wonderful projects, doing wonderful
things, so what is he talking about and how can we use this?
For example, in the Effortless English Club you might notice that I like to tell stories
about our all-star members, our great members. I like to tell their success stories or I
like to mention their success stories. I talk about Fred. I talk about Inka. I talk about
Charlie and Agnes and Blue-Ice and all these great members who are doing great
things, like Bearbel who’s always helping people so much or, you know, Fred who has
this great success story he wrote about using Effortless English and after six months still
he was not speaking very well and he was a little frustrated, but he decided I will
continue. I feel I’m improving. And he continued and two months after that – so a total
of eight months – boom, something happened. Words started coming out. He began to
speak more fluently.
So it’s a wow story, it’s a success story about a great person in our group. So what you
can do as a leader now, you’re a VIP, so you are a leader of the Effortless English Club
here’s what you can do. When you see some member doing something great, maybe
they’re helping someone, well number one you can thank them.
We talked about that in the lesson, about gratitude, appreciation. So you can directly
talk to them and say “Hey, thank you. You’re great. Thank you for helping.
Congratulations on your success.” So that’s number one. That’s catching somebody
doing a great thing or doing something well or doing something right. That’s important.
You must do it. We all must do it.
But the next thing you can do is what Tom Peters is talking about; you can tell their story
to other people. This is leadership, because what you’re doing is you’re showing
everybody in the group, hey, this is what we want to do. This is how we act in our
group. This is what we do in this group. So you don’t need to tell it to them directly “do
this” like some bad boss, you just tell a great story about another person who’s doing it.
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So first you might say…maybe you go to Inca and directly you tell Inca “Thank you so
much.” You know appreciation. “Thank you so much, you’re always helping. You’re
always giving great answers. I really appreciate you. Thank you.” That’s appreciation,
it’s important.
But the next step might be on the forum, for example, or on your own blog, you might
just write her story. You might say “Wow. There’s this great member of Effortless
English, Inca. She’s so great. She’s always helping other people.” And be specific,
right? If you’re specific it’s more powerful.
You might say “Yesterday she answered this long question about one of the lessons and
she gave this great answer. And she also encouraged the member and really helped
them feel more positive and helped them feel more confident. I really think it’s great
what Inca is doing. She’s a really great member of our group.” That’s leadership.
Maybe it feels like a small thing, but it’s not a small thing, because all the other
members read that story you told about Inca and they see. They go “Ah, that’s what we
do at Effortless English. We help other people. We give answers if we have answers, if
we can, if we have time and we give other people encouragement and we help other
people feel more confident, ah.”
You can say it directly that’s okay, but when you tell story it’s more powerful. It’s a more
powerful kind of leadership, because it’s specific and because it’s not you telling them
it’s you sharing this story about another great person. So we can all be telling stories
about each other.
When Agnes is always so positive and she’s writing something very positive, well,
number one, thank Agnes directly. Give her appreciation. But then secondly retell her
story to everybody else. You can say “Agnes is so wonderful. I really admire Agnes,
because she’s always so positive. When she has a problem she finds a way to think
about this problem in a positive way. She finds something to learn and then she grows
and she always grows and learns something from her problem and she shares this
positive attitude with everybody in the group. For example, yesterday somebody was
feeling depressed and she really helped them feel more confident and feel more
See how that works? That’s powerful. That is leadership. You can do this with your
family. Sure you can tell your children what to do, but how powerful is it if you just tell a
story about one of your children who did something great and you tell it to everybody in
the family. Let’s say you’re a mom and at dinner your husband is there and you’ve got a
couple children. At dinner you tell your husband “Oh wow, I really need to tell you what
Johnny did. Johnny, you know he was so nice today. I noticed he was helping his sister
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today. He was sharing his toys with her and wow it was really amazing. He was just
such a good kid.”
You don’t tell Johnny directly. You just share it with your husband, but of course Johnny
is listening. So Johnny feels good. “Oh, that’s great. If I share my toys and I’m nice
that’s really good.” Who else hears it? Your other children hear it. They’re hearing you
say all these nice things about Johnny and what he did. And then your husband, of
course, hopefully plays along and says “Oh, that’s great. Wow! Oh, amazing! Oh,
that’s really great to hear.”
And sometimes it’s more powerful to hear this kind of story instead of you telling it
directly to someone. It’s great when you tell someone directly “Thank you. You are
great.” But you know what’s more powerful? When you tell other people “He’s a great
person” and they hear you. They hear you telling other people. That’s even more
powerful. That is leadership. It’s what Tom Peters is talking about.
Now he tells people to do this. I mean he’s telling top CEOs of huge companies to use
this, to tell stories about their best people, to share stories with all the people in their
company. This is what great leaders like Richard Branson or Steve Jobs, they do this.
Steve Jobs of Apple, Richard Branson of Virgin America, Virgin Atlantic Airlines. I don’t
know, he owns a lot of stuff, but he’s a really cool leader and he does this. He’s always
telling stories about the great people in his group. So that everybody in the company
they hear these stories and they realize “Ah, that’s what we should do. That’s what we
do in this group, in this company.”
I’d like you to try this. Now you can try this in your family. You could try this at your job,
right? You don’t need to ask your boss to do this. When you see somebody in your
company do something great first you can tell them privately “Hey, that was great. I
really loved that. That was nice. Thanks for doing that.” But, more powerfully, tell other
This is positive gossip, right? Usually in a company people are saying negative stuff all
the time, ney, ney, ney, complaining about other people. What if you did positive
gossip? Instead you told other people “Hey, wow, you know John in our group, in our
team, he did something amazing yesterday. It was incredible. He helped this customer
and he worked so hard. It was amazing.”
And you tell all these other people in your group. Maybe you tell your boss about it.
You’re telling a lot of other people. You’re telling his great story to many, many, many
people. That’s great leadership. John is going to be happy, but also you’re showing the
whole group what they should be doing or what they can do and in that way you can
change the whole group, the whole team or the whole company or family.
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