
(5 KB) Pobierz
                                 Magical Items

                            Rings, Rods and Staves 


   Item name and abilities 

   Ring of Affliction 

      * Material Strength:  UN 

      * Invulnerability to all forms of damage except Magic (EX) 

      * Resist Magical Effects at a -2CS (Min Sh0) 

      * Resist all other negative effects at +1CS (Max ShX) 

      * Cannot be removed normally 
   Ring of Animal Friendship 

      * Material Strength:  EX 

      * All animal in area are friendly to the wearer (UN) 

   Ring of Armoring 

      * Material Strength:  AM 

      * +1CS to any protective spell cast on the wearer (Max ShZ) 

   Ring of Blinking 

      * Material Strength:  GD 

      * If the wearer (or the ring) is hit for damage, the ring will teleport
        the wearer and itself away from the damage.  No damage is taken, but
        the affects look to have been taken. (UN) 
   Ring of Chameleon Power 

      * Material Strength:  AM 

      * Blending:  ShX 

   Ring of Delusion 

      * Material Strength:  IN 

      * Convinces the wearer that the ring is actually the magical ring he most
        desires (UN).  The wearer is so convinced, he will use his normal
        powers or other objects to produce the desired affect (in his mind) 

   Ring of Djinni Summoning 

      * Material Strength:  Shift-Z 

      * Summons a Genie to do your bidding (ShZ) * no stinkin' three wish limit
        either!  He's yours until he dies * 
   Ring of Elemental Command (Air) 

      * Material Strength:  UN 

      * Air Elementals can't attack or come within 5' of Wearer (UN) 

      * Air Beings suffer -1CS to attack Wearer (UN), Damage is reduced -1CS 

      * Wearer can attack Air Beings or Elementals, these attacks do normal
        damage, negating armor granted just for its form.  HTH or Melee weapons
        do +1CS damage (Up to ShX). 

      * Communicate with the element of air (UN) 

      * Fire attacks are at +1CS effect 

      * Wind Gusts (UN) 

      * Flight (UN) 

      * Wall of Force (UN) 

      * Control Winds (UN) 

      * Invisibility (UN) 
   Ring of Elemental Command (Earth) 

      * Material Strength:  UN 

      * Earth Elementals can't attack or come within 5' of Wearer (UN) 

      * Earthen Beings suffer -1CS to attack Wearer (UN), Damage is reduced

      * Wearer can attack Earthen Beings or Elementals, these attacks do normal
        damage, negating armor granted just for its form.  HTH or Melee weapons
        do +1CS damage (Up to ShX). 

      * Communicate with the element of earth (UN) 

      * Petrifying (turn to stone, etc.) attacks are at +1CS effect 

      * Walk thru walls (UN) 

      * Wall of Stone (UN) 

      * Stone to Flesh (UN) 

      * Hyper Digging (UN) 

      * No damage from falling, max 3 areas per turn falling speed (UN) 

   Ring of Elemental Command (Fire) 

      * Material Strength:  UN 

      * Fire Elementals can't attack or come within 5' of Wearer (UN) 

      * Fire Beings suffer -1CS to attack Wearer (UN), Damage is reduced -1CS 

      * Wearer can attack Fire Beings or Elementals, these attacks do normal
        damage, negating armor granted just for its form.  HTH or Melee weapons
        do +1CS damage (Up to ShX). 

      * Communicate with the element of fire (UN) 

      * Water and Cold attacks are at +1CS effect 

      * Burning Touch (UN) 

      * Fireworks (UN) 

      * Wall of Fire (UN) 

      * Fire Generation (UN) 

      * Fire/Heat Resistance (UN) 
   Ring of Elemental Command (Water) 

      * Material Strength:  UN 

      * Water Elementals can't attack or come within 5' of Wearer (UN) 

      * Water Beings suffer -1CS to attack Wearer (UN), Damage is reduced -1CS 

      * Wearer can attack Water Beings or Elementals, these attacks do normal
        damage, negating armor granted just for its form.  HTH or Melee weapons
        do +1CS damage (Up to ShX). 

      * Communicate with the element of water (UN) 

      * Lightning and Electricity attacks are at +1CS effect 

      * Purify Water (UN) 

      * Create Water (UN) 

      * Water breathing for all in area (UN) 

      * Wall of Ice (UN) 

      * Water Breathing, area affect (AM) 

      * Lower Water, 1 per day (UN) 

      * Part Water (IN) 

      * Water Walking (UN) 
   Ring of Elemental Metamorphosis 

      * Material Strength:  UN 

      * Turns the Wearer into an Elemental, with all of thier abilities (ShZ) 

   Ring of Feather Falling 

      * Material Strength:  AM 

      * The wearer falls at 3 areas per round and lands without damage, no
        matter how much stuff (equipment, people, etc.) is carried. 

   Ring of Fire Resistance 

      * Material Strength:  UN 

      * True Invulnerability to Heat/Fire (AM) 
   Ring of Fortitude 

      * Material Strength:  AM 

      * +4CS resistance to all negative Magical effects (Max ShZ) 

   Ring of Free Action 

      * Material Strength:  AM 

      * Wearer cannot be slowed down thru the use of powers or abilities other
        than holding or binding him physically (UN) 

      * Water Freedom (UN) 

   Ring of Invisibility 

      * Material Strength:  AM 

      * Invisibility at will (UN) 

      * Inaudability (UN) 
   Ring of Jumping< 
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