Wallace and Gromit - The Wrong Trouses - (Wœciek³e gacie 1993) h264.stanwin.HQ ENG.txt

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{2528}{2644}Oh... It's my turn for breakfast|this morning, Gromit.
{2646}{2701}I'd like a three-minute egg...
{2703}{2769}Whoa! Steady on! Oww!
{2771}{2835}Gromit! Owww!
{3007}{3041}Ha ha!
{3283}{3371}That went as well as could|be expected, didn't it?
{3415}{3520}Though I might have to make|a small adjustment to the drop.
{3522}{3600}A touch painful on re-entry.
{3647}{3696}Cracking toast, Gromit.
{3769}{3868}Any post, was there, perchance?
{4055}{4104}Oh, dear, a bit steep!
{4106}{4169}Oh, my goodness! Well, I'll be...!
{4171}{4246}They're all bills.|Oh, dear, oh, dear!
{4248}{4313}We shall have to economise, Gromit.
{4315}{4406}I'll have to let that room out.|Oh, dear!
{4634}{4678}# Bom bom bom-bom... #
{4840}{4959}Oh! Just look at that!|I'm down to my last few coppers.
{4961}{5042}And those presents weren't cheap,|either. Oh!
{5090}{5180}Well, Gromit, let's see|what's on the 9.05, shall we?
{5232}{5276}Here she comes now.
{5339}{5388}I wonder what this can be.
{5415}{5479}Happy birthday, chuck!
{5653}{5752}I knew you'd like it.|Here, let me help you.
{5821}{5888}You look like somebody owns you now.
{5890}{6002}And that's only the first part!|Come and look in here.
{6647}{6712}I think you'll find this present
{6714}{6788}a valuable addition|to our modern lifestyle!
{6806}{6873}They're "Techno Trousers".
{6875}{6966}Ex-NASA. Fantastic for walkies!
{6975}{7044}All you do|is attach the lead on here...
{7091}{7142}then programme in.
{7144}{7206}Walkies, ten minutes,|twenty minutes...
{7315}{7403}Ha ha ha! Have a nice walk, Gromit!
{7915}{8017}It's no use prevaricating|about the bush.
{8395}{8448}Nice walkies, hmm?
{8489}{8560}How were the Techno Trousers?
{8659}{8753}Oh. There's someone|at the door, Gromit.
{8755}{8809}I wonder who that could be.
{8873}{8927}Oh,|it's about the room, then.
{8929}{8981}Well, that's grand.
{8983}{9069}Er, would you like to come this way|and inspect?
{9109}{9215}I'm asking twenty a week.|That will include your breakfast.
{9293}{9364}I suppose you like kippers, do you?
{9366}{9447}Partial to a nice|black pudding myself.
{9449}{9504}With bacon, of course.
{9616}{9698}I'm sure that we could come|to an amicable agreement.
{9700}{9821}As I say, it's a bit dingy|at present,
{9823}{9912}but it's surprising what|a lick of paint'll do, isn't it?
{9969}{10001}Oh! Er...
{10003}{10057}But I don't think... Hmm. Oh.
{10059}{10152}Er, wasn't quite what we had in mind.
{10154}{10244}Wouldn't you like to see...?|Oh, dear!
{10281}{10392}Look...um... There's something|I've got to tell you.
{10394}{10470}It's, um...no pets.
{10472}{10526}Does that suit you?
{10644}{10706}Oh... Seems pleasant enough.
{10728}{10777}Cheer up, Gromit.
{10779}{10862}It's surprising what|a lick of paint'll do, isn't it?
{11211}{11260}Oooh! Ohh...
{11377}{11466}Oh! So that's where my braces went!
{11684}{11758}Wonderful things,|these Techno Trousers.
{11760}{11809}Oh! I'm sorry...
{13870}{13919}Lovely morning, Gromit!
{14420}{14474}Oh... Thank you very much.
{14524}{14585}That's just grand!
{14797}{14841}Oh, thank you!
{14843}{14956}What do you think of that,|Gromit, eh? Our paying guest.
{15215}{15298}Ha ha ha!|Nice drop of Bordeaux, this, eh?
{15326}{15384}Here's to paying guests!
{15386}{15464}Ahh... More cheese, Penguin?
{16299}{16348}Good night, Penguin.
{16350}{16399}Sleep well!
{17810}{17866}That was lovely cheese.
{17897}{17956}Oh... Yee-ow!
{18067}{18116}It's the wrong trousers!
{18118}{18173}The wrong trousers!
{18175}{18240}What have you done|with the controls, Gromit?
{18329}{18388}Now, that'll do.
{18390}{18485}Hold on a minute...|Stop it! Gromit!
{18499}{18620}Stop these confounded things!|This isn't funny, Gromit!
{18653}{18702}The joke's over!
{18704}{18765}Get me out of these trousers!
{19241}{19326}He-elp! Gromi-it!
{19635}{19715}It's the wrong trousers, Gromit,|and they've gone wrong!
{19717}{19815}Stop them, Gromit! Stop them!|Help me!
{19817}{19902}Gr-Gromit!|The trousers have gone haywire!
{19904}{19963}Get me out!
{20411}{20507}Oh! Ah! Oooh! Oh! Ow!
{20580}{20625}Oh, I'm tired!
{20627}{20746}A good doze. That's what I need,|get me strength back.
{20807}{20896}What a... What a shocking calam...
{33371}{33442}Oh! Ooohh!
{33452}{33514}What's going on?
{33516}{33566}Where am I?! What's going on?!
{33690}{33803}Gromit! GROM-I-IT!
{33827}{33916}I... I must be dreaming!
{33954}{34002}Where the devil am I?!
{34030}{34119}Oh... Oh! Great heavens above!
{34121}{34173}Whatever is it? HELP!
{34181}{34230}Get me down!
{34310}{34389}What's the game, then, eh?|Where am I?
{34425}{34479}I've had quite enough!
{34481}{34565}You'll be hearing|from my solicitor about this!
{34567}{34657}Eee! Ow! Mind how you go!
{34659}{34788}You can't go taking liberties|like this. I'm a respectable citizen!
{34947}{35016}It's definitely not legal, this.
{35153}{35204}Good grief! It's you!
{35231}{35311}Now, get me out of these trousers|this minute!
{35338}{35387}Steady on, will you?
{35389}{35448}This wardrobe's nearly new.
{35450}{35494}Let me out!
{35496}{35570}I'll give you what for, you tyke!
{35707}{35790}Excuse me? Hello?
{35818}{35882}I should think so, too... Hey!
{35937}{36024}Well, this is a fine how do you do,|isn't it, Gromit?
{36054}{36150}Steady on!|Watch where your putting them paws!
{36164}{36246}Oh! Careful, lad! Oooh! Ohhhh!
{36266}{36345}Oh, my goodness,|it'll ruin the woodwork!
{36404}{36467}There goes me knotted pine!|Where are we going?
{36500}{36571}I... I can't see a thing!
{36573}{36621}What's happening?!
{36700}{36754}Catch him, Gromit!
{37429}{37472}Don't worry, Gromit!
{37474}{37560}I'm...Oooh! Right behind you!
{37657}{37750}Hang in there, Gromit!|Everything's under control!
{37810}{37876}I'll have that if you don't mind, eh?
{38164}{38215}Tally ho!
{38230}{38310}Leave him to me.|I'll get the bounder!
{38493}{38542}Get him, Gromit!
{38650}{38698}Gromit, we're doomed!
{38856}{38906}Mind the table, Gromit!
{38949}{39011}Aah! Ooh! Aah! Ooh!
{39238}{39287}All yours, Gromit!
{39673}{39726}Attaboy, Gromit, lad!
{39728}{39830}Well done! We did it! Ha ha!
{40486}{40535}Thank you, old friend.
{40537}{40607}Many thanks indeed.
{40622}{40710}That reward money|paid off all our debts.
{40712}{40826}No more lodgers.|More trouble than they're worth.
{40888}{40990}I could just fancy some cheese,|Gromit. What do you say?
{41063}{41116}Don't forget the crackers.
{41304}{41387}All's well that ends well,|that's what I say.
{41613}{41712}Oh, I DO like a bit of Gorgonzola.
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