Chaos In Glorantha.txt

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Glorantha: Introduction to GloranthaIntroduction to Glorantha
Chaos in Glorantha
originally published in Runequest (3rd edition)
This document is Copyright © 1998 Issaries, Inc. It may be freely linked to, and 
one copy may be printed for personal use, but any other reproduction by 
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Table of Contents
  The World of Glorantha

  Mythology and History

  Magic and Religion

  Non-Human Races

  Chaos in Glorantha 
    The Nature of Chaos 
    Creatures of Chaos 
    Some Chaotic and Evil Gods 
Chaos in Glorantha
The Nature of Chaos
Glorantha represents a bubble in an infinity of chaos; order randomly formed. In 
forming, the world came from disorder to a condition of order. But the Gods War 
weakened that order, and admitted chaos into the world, where it still exists.
Chaos tends to reestablish itself. This tendency threatens the existence of 
Glorantha and its deities. Though chaos is in itself formless and structureless, 
mutual corruption of chaos and order occurs at the weakened seams of the world 
where chaos leaks in. This corruption, like all of Glorantha, is personalized -- 
embedded and manifested in disgusting, cruel, and evil living things.
The living manifestations of chaos naturally parody the kinds of life of 
Glorantha, since they represent corruptions, perversions, or reorganizations of 
Chaos comes therefore in many forms -- broos, gorps, disease spirits, walktapi, 
scorpion men, succubi, and so on. Some aspects of chaos steal life force, other 
aspects break down ways of organizing (such as government and religion), and yet 
other aspects simply destroy everything possible.
Intelligent mortal beings naturally fear obvious forms of chaos. Atrocities 
against nature are easily recognized. But chaos also includes good, at least 
according to those who embrace the Lunar religion. Through Illumination they can 
overcome fear and resist the soul-blasting temptations which their attitude 
risks. Most Gloranthans do not believe this, however.
The battle against chaos is integral to the mythology of Glorantha; without it, 
the world as it exists is not understandable.
For more information on human opinions of Chaos, see:
What is Chaos?
Creatures of Chaos
Broos: Broos are ubiquitous in Glorantha despite drastic efforts to eradicate 
them. They are a bruise upon the face of the cosmos: a rank chaos species, long 
since polluted by foul practices. Their parentage is often totally indistinct. 
Each may differ from his brother, though most which survive are vaguely 
humanoid. The great majority have horns.
Broos are a reliable enemy, never known to be trustworthy or good. It is their 
heritage to spread disease and to exult in vandalism and destruction. They are 
brutal beyond words. The less said about them the better off we are.
Ogres: Ogres look very human, generally passing for men in all walks of human 
civilization. They are thought to have originated as a human tribe which took 
the side of chaos during the Great Darkness. Their teeth are very sharp, and 
they are known to eat humans and other intelligent creatures. They are also very 
strong, and often are handsome or beautiful.
Scorpion Men: More scorpion than man, they are similar to centaurs, with the 
chest, arms, and head of a human or other creature, but the abdomen, tail, and 
rear six legs of a scorpion. They are left over from the Great Darkness, and 
live in small villages in the high mountains, the Wastes, and chaos pits like 
Scorpion Men are relatively unintelligent, and so their warbands show a 
consequent lack of organization. Often the grouping is no more than a dominant 
mother and her children. They make their living raiding and hiring out to 
optimistic employers who forget their essentially chaotic nature.
For more information on Broos and other Chaotic Creatures, see:
What Do You Want? Shut Up!
A Personal View of Ogre Culture
Some Chaotic and Evil Gods
These gods dominate only in smaller places wholly given over to chaos and evil 
-- Dorastor, the Forest of Disease (in Laskal), or the Acid Lakes of southern 
Zamokil. Not all the gods noted in this entry are chaotic, but all are usually 
recognized as evil. Some, like Thanatar and Thed, are wildly frightening and 
destructive, annihilating those unfortunate enough to meet them, while others 
(like Gbaji and Ompalam) subtly spread evil. Both continents have worshipers of 
Malia, Thed, Krarsht, and Thanatar, while Vivamort, Cacodemon, and Nysalor/Gbaji 
are confined almost entirely to Genertela. Pocharngo, Ikadz, Seseine, Gark, and 
Ompalam primarily are found in Pamaltela.
An Array of Evil Gods
Malia: mother of disease
Thed: chaos source of the broos, goddess of rape
Thanatar: the Severed One, chaos god of headhunters
Vivamort: chaos vampire god
Krarsht: chaos god of hunger and intrigue
Ikadz: god of torture
Gbaji: the Deceiver
Pocharngo the Mutator: chaos god, the Cosmic Cancer
Gark the Calm: chaos god of eternal peace, eternal life, and zombies
Ompalam: god of coercion and slavery
Cacodemon: chaos god of anarchy and ogres
Seseine: chaos goddess of temptation

For more information on the Deities of Chaos, see:
Pantheons of Glorantha: The Chaos Array
Secrets of the Chaos Gods
What the Broo Shaman Says
Cult of Thed
Cult of Malia
Eat Your Enemy in Secret
Cult of Cacodemon
Cult of Bagog
Cult of the Crimson Bat

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