
(8 KB) Pobierz

            ####  ###  ## ##    ######  ###  ##   ## ##### ####
             @@  @@ @@ @@ @@      @@   @@ @@ @@   @@ @@    @@ @@
             %%  %%     %%%%      %%   %% %% %% % %% %%%   %%%%
             ::  :: ::    ::      ::   :: :: ::: ::: ::    :: ::
            ''''  '''   '''       ''    '''  ''   '' ''''' '' ''

             I     C     Y        T      O      W      E     R


    In Icy Tower you can make your own characters, complete with their
    own sound effects and background music. It's not altogether easy, but 
    if you set your mind to it, you will succeed. 


    This is the easy part. If you have downloaded a new character or 
    received one from a friend, here's how to install it: 
    Simply copy the directory containing the new character into the 
    characters/ directory and you're done! The directory tree should look 
    like this when you're done:
    (new_character is the directory of your new character (ie. it is named
    whatever the character is named)).
    If you managed to install the new character correctly, it will now show 
    up under GAME OPTIONS in the game.


    To make your own character you need three things: Frames (images of
    the moves that the character can do), sounds (what the character can
    say (and music)) and finally a script that tells the game what is what.
    The sounds and music are optional, and don't have to be created.


    Start by coming up with an idea for your character. It might take some
    time to come up with a good one, but that's how it is. The whole process
    will be a lot easier if you have planned what to do in before hand.
    Now, first make a copy of the directory named 'template', but name it 
    what you call your character instead. Enter the directory and rename the 
    file 'template.txt' to whatever you call your character as well.
    Example: if you renamed the directory to 'jolly_joe', the new name of 
    the text file should be 'jolly_joe.txt'. This is very important, if 
    the directory and the text file don't have the same name, it wont 
    work. (Make sure you can see the file extensions on the files, or 
    you might do something wrong.)

    Let's start with the graphics. Pick a paint program of your choice.
    Once you have started your paint program, locate the directory you 
    created above and open the 'template.bmp' file that is in 
    You will see 15 frames containing outlines of Harold. Below each
    frame is a short description. Here's a more informative description
    of the frames:
  	IDLE1 - 3	These frames are the animation that Harold 
  			performs when the player isn't moving him. 
  			The sequence for one cycle is 1-2-1-3. Then it 
  	WALK1 - 4	This is Harold's walk animation. You have four
  			frames to play with, they will be flipped in 
  			the game when Harold changes direction.
  	JUMP1 - 3	These are the frames used when Harold makes a 
  			medium jump. They show his way up, hanging in 
  			air and down. They will also be flipped if needed.
  	JUMP		The frame for the normal straight up jump.
  	CHOCK		The frame shown when Harold is close to scroll 
  			off the screen.
  	ROTATE		The frame used for Harold's cartwheel jump.
  	EDGE1 - 2	The animation Harold performs when standing on 
  			an edge.
    There you go, now you know how the frames will be used. Start 
    overdrawing the frames of Harold with your own character. Don't forget 
    to save!

    Now, let's talk about colors. Make sure you keep the green borders around
    the frames intact. If you mess with them, the game wont be able to find 
    your frames and your character wont be loaded. 
    Also, for transparency, make sure you use the pink color that is already 
    there. It's RGB value is 255,0,255 (or FF00FF), if you need to look it up


    This is not as hard as the graphics. Icy Tower characters use simple
    wav samples. You can also use ogg samples if you want to save disk space.
    Also, for the music, you can use midi. How convenient! You'll need eight 
    samples for full customization, but you can skip the ones you don't want.
    Here's a list of the sounds you can make.
    	greeting	played at the beginning of a new game
    	jumplo		played at a small jump
    	jumpmed		played at a medium jump
    	jumphi		played at a high (cartwheel) jump
    	edge		played when standing on an edge
    	death		played when the character falls off screen
    	pause		played when the game is paused
    	bgmusic		played as background music (looped)
    Create the sounds using the sound recorder/editor of your choice and
    save them as wav or ogg. You can name them whatever you want, but the names
    above are easy to remember. Put them all in the directory of your 


    Finally you need to create a small text file that describes how the
    resources you have created are to be used.
    Open up the text file previously named template.txt. (Now it's named
    'the_name_of_the_character.txt', remember? :) )
    Most of the information is already filled in, but here's how it works:
    The game will look for keywords, and then load whatever that is written
    after the keyword. For instance, the line
    	[frames]	harold.pcx
    will tell the game to use the file harold.pcx when it looks for what
    frames to use.
    The other keywords are: [jumplo], [jumpmed], [jumphi], [edge],
    [greeting], [death], [pause] and [bgmusic]
    A sample script file could look like this:
        # graphics
    	[frames] template.pcx
        # sound
    	[jumplo] 		jump_lo.wav  
        [jumpmed] 		jump_mid.wav
    	[jumphi]	 	jump_hi.wav   
        [pause] 	 	wazup.wav
    	[death]			falling.wav   
        [greeting]		yo.wav   
    	[edge]			edge.wav
        [bgmusic]		bg_menu.wav
    As you see, [frames] is the only keyword that has to do with
    graphics, all the others has to do with sound. See the section above
    on which sound is played where.
    After each sound keyword, the name of the sound that should be played
    should be written.

    Now you should have a created a directory named 'my_character' (or
    whatever you called it) in the characters directory. In it there 
    should be an image with the frames, the sounds you want to use and
    a text file with the same name as the directory (plus the
    extension .txt).
    If you think you're all set to go, start up Icy Tower and select 
    your character from the game options. If something is wrong with it, 
    you will get messages during start up. Good luck!
    (If it doesn't work as planned, check the file log.txt that is 
    created when you run Icy Tower, you might find clues there.)


    If there's something you don't understand, or if you have a problem 
	with getting your character to work properly, go to the forums at 
	Free Lunch Design and ask.

    If you make any good characters that you think other people would enjoy,
    go to the forums at Free Lunch Design and show it to us!
    For more information on Icy Tower, please refer to the original manual
    in readme.txt.
    				- THE END - 


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