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Edit List - Base Adjustment Steps
How do I use the Base Adjustments steps.
In addition to enhancement features available only with RAW images, Base Adjustments
apply enhancements in the optimum order required to maximize the ways in which
enhanced images can be used.
Using Base Adjustments
Using the Edit List
Base Adjustments is the first step in the
Edit List. This step is automatically
created whenever an image is opened.
The steps listed after Base Adjustments
are called Enhancement Steps, and are
created when images are enhanced
using tools from the menu bar or tool bar.
Base Adjustments
Enhancement Steps
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STEP 1: Features inherited from Nikon Capture 4
Base Adjustment features and operation have been inherited from Nikon Capture 4.
When 1. Base Adjustment s is opened, Camera Adjustments , RAW Adjustments , Light
& Color Adjustments , Detail Adjustments , and Lens Adjustments options are available.
Nikon Capture 4 image enhancement features are distributed among these options.
Click the show/hide triangle
to display options available
in 1. Base Adjustments .
Exposure Compensation ,
Hue Adjustment , Color
Moiré Reduction , Dust Off ,
White Balance , Saturation ,
Tone Compensation ,
Sharpening , etc.
LCH , D-Lighting , Color
Balance , Levels & Curves ,
Noise Reduction , Unsharp
Mask , Auto Red-Eye , etc.
Vignette Control and
Fisheye Lens
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STEP 2: Enhancement features available for use exclusively with RAW images
Base Adjustments offer image enhancement features exclusively for use with RAW images.
When a RAW image is opened, Base Adjustments offer the enhancement features shown
below. Of these features, Camera Adjustments and RAW Adjustments are displayed and
can be applied only when working with a RAW image.
Camera Adjustments
Available only for RAW
RAW Adjustments
Available only for
RAW images.
Light & Color
Available for all
Detail Adjustments
Available for all
Lens Adjustments
The Fisheye Lens
feature is available for
all supported image
Lens Adjustments
The Vignette Control
feature is only enabled for
RAW images captured
The Fisheye Lens
feature is effective for
images captured using
the Nikon AF DX
Fisheye-Nikkor 10.5mm
f/2.8G ED lens.
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STEP 3: Image enhancement in the optimum order required to maximize image quality
Most of the features available in Light & Color Adjustments , Detail Adjustments , and
Lens Adjustments options in Base Adjustments are also available from the Adjust and
Filter menus. While these enhancements have the same effect on images, whether
they’re applied from Base Adjustments or from menu options, application from Base
Adjustments ensures that image enhancements are applied in the optimum order required
to preserve maximum image quality.
On the other hand, enhancements applied from the Adjust or Filter menus are applied in
the order in which they were selected by the user.
Base Adjustments
When images are enhanced using Base
Adjustments, processing is applied in the
optimum order. The user need not be
concerned with the order in which
enhancements are applied.
Enhancement Steps
Enhancement Steps are applied in the order in which
they are added (Step order). Therefore, the user
must always consider the order in which
enhancements are applied as some enhancements,
such as Unsharp Mask , are best applied last.
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Base Adjustments and Enhancement Steps
When Enhancement Steps are added to 1. Base Adjustments , Enhancement Steps are processed
after Base Adjustments enhancements.
Be sure that the same enhancement feature is not applied more than once
If a particular enhancement feature is applied from Base Adjustments and added as an
Enhancement Step as well, the enhancement will be applied twice. This could result in
over-processing, especially with features such as Noise Reduction and Unsharp Mask .
Therefore, please be sure that the same enhancement is not applied in more than one step.
Using Enhancement Steps
Changing the order of application
To change the order in which enhancements are applied, select enhancements from the menu bar
and adjust enhancement settings as Enhancement Steps.
Partial enhancement
Enhancement Steps differ from Base Adjustments in that Enhancement Steps can be applied to a
selected portion of an image.
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