
(3 KB) Pobierz
                       ______      __              
                      /_  __/___  / /_  __  _______
                       / / / __ \/ __ \/ / / / ___/
                      / / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ (__  ) 
                     /_/  \____/_.___/\__, /____/  
   ______                  __                       __       _ __      
  / ____/___  __  ______  / /____  _____      _____/ /______(_) /_____ 
 / /   / __ \/ / / / __ \/ __/ _ \/ ___/_____/ ___/ __/ ___/ / //_/ _ \
/ /___/ /_/ / /_/ / / / / /_/  __/ /  /_____(__  ) /_/ /  / / ,< /  __/
\____/\____/\__,_/_/ /_/\__/\___/_/        /____/\__/_/  /_/_/|_|\___/     
##                                                                  ##
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##              FILES DOWNLOADED FROM:              ##
##                                                                  ##
##         Go to website for more cheat/hack, downloads etc.        ##
##                                                                  ##
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##       Copyright (c) 2006. All Rights Reserved.       ##
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##			    INSTRUCTIONS	  	 	    ##
##								    ##
## EN: Use WinRar to extract the file anywhere but the		    ##
## Counter-Strike directory. Open Readme.txt and follow the	    ##
## instructions. If the readme.txt is missing, just run the .exe    ##
## file and start Counter-Strike. Remember most hacks is based on   ##
## OpenGL. 							    ##
## How to change video mode to OpenGL:				    ##
## Options -> Video -> Renderer -> OpenGL			    ##
## If this does not work, then try downloading another cheat.	    ##
##								    ##
##								    ##
## DK: Brug WinRar til at udpakke filen et hvilken som helst sted   ##
## undtagen counter-strike mappen! ?ben readme.txt filen og f?lg    ##
## instruktionerne. Hvis readme.txt filen mangler, s? bare k?r .exe ##
## filen og start counter-strike. Hust at de fleste hacks er        ##
## baseret p? OpenGL.						    ##
## S?dan skifter du video mode til OpenGL:			    ##
## Options -> Video -> Renderer -> OpenGL			    ##
## Hvis det ikke virker, s? hent et andet cheat.		    ##
##								    ##
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