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Teaching Business English and ESP: Effective Sales
By Rosemary Richey
To practise and expand vocabulary and phrases associated with basic sales concepts and
Upper-intermediate (groups)
This lesson is suitable for any sales staff needing to revise and expand their ability to function
effectively in English for international business.
¨ Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2004
Downloaded from the ESP section in www.onestopenglish.com
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You are at an international sales conference. The following practice is based on highlighted
points you have heard at the different programmes at the conference.
1 Choose a synonym from the list to complete the tip box on successful selling.
rapport superior cooperating assurance persuasive consideration grooming
Success in Sales depends on
* showing self- (confidence)
* building good (understanding) with people
* being ______________ (convincing) with new or regular customers
* showing _____________ (attention) with good listening skills
* being smartly dressed with neat_______________ (care in appearance)
* providing ___________ (excellent) after-sales service
* (working well with others) within a sales team
2 Match the sales ideas from A to their meaning in B.
1. Follow-through A. Say something that isnÓt true or realistic
2. Network the market B. Visit or phone customers
3. Make sales calls C. Keep a record of customer contact
4. Do cold calling D. Set a goal
5. Overcome objections E. Make contact after the sale is finished
6. Log visits and calls F. Deal successfully with customer worries
7. Establish a target
G. Research, profile and make contact with
new customers
8. Over promise, exaggerate H. Do something 100% for the customer
9. Follow-up I. Make new contacts for potential clients
10. Prospect a customer J. Visit or call a customer unannounced
¨ Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2004
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3 Write the full expressions for the highlighted acronyms.
Basic sales techniques centre on AIDA from the customer.
The sales manager can give a GBS to help convince the client.
Compared to the competition, the sales agent should be clear about his USP.
The customer needs to know WIIFM before he can decide on the contract.
4 Number the sales tips and steps in a logical order.
Û ..... Negotiate with the customer.
Û ......Clarify features and benefits. Give the customer a GBS.
Û ......Give alternatives.
Û ......DonÓt rush the sale.
Û ......Recap the agreement.
Û ......Identify and analyse needs.
Û ......Deal with rejection.
Û ......Set up an appointment with the client.
Û ......Write a sales proposal.
Û ......Follow-up on the SLA.
Û ......State your sales pitch with a USP.
5 Write a similar word or phrase for each underlined idea in exercise 4.
6 Choose the best word to finish each sentence.
a. Good selling is all about ________________ (friendship/ relationship/ connection) building.
b. Your product or service should be ___________ (adaptable/ changeable/ variable) to meet the
needs of each customer.
c. The sales manager and the customer have an intense__________ (conversation/ negotiation/
discussion) to agree on the details of the contract.
d. We always aim to give a long-term ______________ (promise/ decision/ commitment) to
every customer.
¨ Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2004
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Teachers Notes
Aim: To practise and expand vocabulary and phrases associated with basic sales strategy
Level: Upper Intermediate (groups)
This lesson is suitable for any sales staff needing to revise and expand their ability to function
effectively in English for international business.
As a preview elicit from the students who attends sales conferences. What do they
hope to get out of these conferences? Brainstorm 5-6 sales tips and advice they
could gain from attending the programmes.
Hand out the worksheets. Have the participants work in pairs. Stop and check
answers in each section, one step at a time. (Answers for 1: rapport Î understanding,
superior Î excellent, cooperating Î working well with others, assurance Î confidence,
persuasive Î convincing, consideration Î attention, grooming Î care in appearance)
In exercise one elicit from each pair another quality to be successful in sales. Ask
them which is the most important or do a quick ranking task of the qualities. In any
case, students explain why each is crucial to good sales.
For both exercise 2 and 4, have the students expand on the answers in the
exercises. (Answer for 2: 1 Î H, 2 Î I, 3 Î B, 4 Î J, 5 Î F, 6 ÎC, 7 Î D, 8 Î A, 9 Î E,
10 Î G) Draw boxes on the whiteboard or flipchart where they categorise the
answers into these steps:
* Sales preparation
* Starting the sale
* During the sale
* Finishing the sale
* After the sale
Their answers here may vary where the ideas can belong to more than one step. Each
pair can add 1-2 other ideas from their own sales experience.
Check the answers in exercise 4 (AIDA: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. GBS:
General Benefit Statement. USP: Unique Selling Point. WIIFM: WhatÓs in it for
me?) The pairs can give an example of each from their own jobs.
For exercises 4, 5, 6, students come up with word formations for the focus vocabulary.
Write their answers in a chart on the whiteboard or flipchart.
Look up basic sales procedure on the internet (basic sales skills/ techniques) or in any
general business coursebook. Review the fundamental components to help you elicit
more student input for each exercise.
Elicit real-life, authentic examples from the participants throughout the practice and
related brainstorming and/ or discussion. Each pair can prepare and then give a 5
minute mini-presentation about general tips for successful sales. Suggest topics such
as good listening, body language and eye contact, being organised/ prepared.
Invite comments on the cultural element of international sales. Students can talk about
the impact of dealing with Asians, Europeans, Middle Easterners, etc from their own
sales experience.
¨ Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2004
Downloaded from the ESP section in www.onestopenglish.com
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