Jay Abraham - Anatomy of A Strategy [Confidential Casebook].pdf

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Anatomy of a Strategy:
Confidential Casebook
By Jay Abraham
© 2003 The Abraham Group, Inc.
Jay Abraham
Dear Strategy Setting Super Summit Participant:
As you may know, I place an extraordinary emphasis on the assimilation and use of case
studies in your business.
Because I believe the best way to teach, and the best way to learn is by example. And
relevant models are the fastest way for you to achieve the results you want in business,
and real life role models, case studies, examples, and success stories seem to me the most
effective and useful way to get my points regarding marketing strategy across as well.
Trust me, I have read very esoteric, very academic, very high brow, and very dense books
on the creation of strategy in marketing and business. I have read literally hundreds of
books on the subject. At times, I would given anything for one clear, succinct, and
concise example… Some tidbit of a real life implementation .
Alas, it is rare that great strategists make great writers or even good teachers.
But my experience does drive home my point: Case studies really work.
The following case studies are from my files, as well as from today’s business news. The
examples are very clear and applicable. I have tried to make them even more clear and
sinewy by listing just the facts and specifics related to each strategy. At the event,
(unless I come up with a better idea,) I’ll be walking you through these, as well as others
which I have uncovered--- Dissecting them and discussing their relevance to your
Hint: The best way to use these case studies is to look at what you can adapt or
adopt for use in your business. Yes, I know the businesses are dissimilar to yours. But
that makes them even more powerful from a competitive standpoint.
Let me explain:
It is a fact: Most people and companies in your industry market the same way. Based
upon my experience in over 400 different industries, I have found that you can engineer
an enormous competitive advantage--- if you try something which your competitors don’t
do. It gives you a preemptive advantage, differentiates your business and gives you a
posture of being an innovator or leader.
This in and of itself is a very powerful strategy.
So please, take to heart, really extend yourself and work at applying these
case studies to your business.
Even if you can’t necessarily use these particular strategies, the process will open your
mind, expand your intellect and give you a level of flexibility and receptivity, so that
when we meet, you may uncover or discover a strategy which does in fact have the
potential of a nuclear bomb on your industry and loft you to a level of success you’ve
always dreamed possible for you and your business.
Yours Truly,
Jay L. Abraham
PS: Don’t stop here. Every day, EVERY business magazine and newspaper gives you
hundreds of examples and scenarios which you could experiment, try or test in your
business. The strategy of modeling is one of the best ways to leap ahead of the
PPS: The question you must ask constantly yourself is:
How can I apply this case study to my business today?
Only by answering this question, and then applying what you’ve learned will give the
results you desire and serve. The best part is that the risk of failure is dramatically
50 Case Studies On
Developing Marketing Strategy
Case Study #1: Restaurant Chain
Problem: Restaurant chain put a new restaurant in a small town but had little money to
do the usual advertising blitz.
Marketing Strategy: Social proof. (This strategy is much more eloquently stated in the
book The Tipping Point.)
Solution: Take the little money they would have available to advertise and give Gift
Certificates for FREE meals to all the “movers” and “shakers”.
Benefit: All the rest of the people (who were not given a FREE certificate) want to go
there because it was where the “in crowd” went. The “in crowd” kept coming back
because the food and the service were good.
Tactics: Get list with addresses of the movers and shakers and mail letters to them.
Tools: Letter with gift certificates.
Result: Restaurant was immediately successful and became profitable in record time.
Case #2: Carpet Cleaning Company
Problem: Carpet cleaning company has tons of clients but the clients only have their
carpet cleaned on the average every three years.
Marketing Strategy: Educate their prospects and Clients
Solution: Train the sales people that if carpets were cleaned every six months with hot
extraction steam that carpet would provide health benefit for them rather than a health
detriment then put them on an automatic six month cycle once they said yes.
Benefit: Better health for them and their family.
Tactics: Train sales force
Tools: Develop script
Result: Over 30% of the clients went on automatic program, business doubled.
Case #3: Newsletter Publisher
Problem: Newsletter publisher wanted to increase profits by selling very high markup
non-prescription health products.
Marketing Strategy: Educate.
Solution: Have a prominent alternative health doctor write a subscription newsletter that
the readers pay for which educates the reader on better alternative health strategies. The
newsletter also recommended products the readers could buy.
Benefit: Better Health. The readers would have information on how they could be more
healthy and how they could easily buy any of the products recommended --- from the
Tactics: Monthly Subscription newsletter.
Tools: Newsletter with order forms.
Result: Over half of this very successful newsletter publisher’s profit came from sales of
health products.
Case #4: Lumber Mill
Problem: Lumber mill had a scientific lumber “kilm drying” process that reduced
energy consumption and increased the percent of higher quality lumber output. So their
profits were at least 20% higher than other lumber mills. However, due to high shipping
costs it was not profitable to ship lumber outside a 700-mile radius.
Marketing Strategy: Tell the other lumber mills outside their area that they could earn
hundreds of thousands of dollars in increased profits with a minimal training fee.
Solution: Sell very expensive training classes to lumber mills outside their market.
Benefit: Increased profit the other lumber mills which could use the same “kilm drying”
process to increase their profit of at least 10% which would mean hundreds of thousands
of dollars in additional profit each year---for a minimal one time training fee.
Tactics: Send letters to all of the other lumber mills.
Tools: Letters.
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