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5-minute Japanese Class by Hitomi Hirayama
The other day, one of my friends asked me, "Pole- san wa - -gata ?" (Mr. Pole, are you
" - -gata ?"). I said "Yeah, as you can see, I've been worried about my weight lately." He said, "Oh
no! I'm not saying that your size is - -gata (big). I'm asking if your blood type is O ( - -gata ). A
person with that blood type is bighearted and realistic. Your blood type tells me about your
character." He then showed me a book on personality profiling by blood type. I was amazed that
Japanese people profile their character by their blood type.
Many Japanese people like blood-type profiling. People try to figure out your personality, not by
what you are but what your blood type is. They say, "Your blood type tells me so," and are complacent
in their judgment. But I think this leads to sterotyping people. Some companies are said to do their
recruitment partly based on blood-type profiling rather than on an applicant's ability. Although
conversation about blood types can be an icebreaker when you do not have much else to talk about,
blind acceptance of such profiling can be harmful.
血液型 (Blood type)
Blood type profiling often exaggerates negative personalities.
Blood Type A : Obstinate person with rigid ideas
Blood Type B : Uncooperative and selfish, not suitable for groups
Blood Type O : Tends to be hasty, careless about details and unyielding
Blood Type AB : Eccentric, self-contradictory and hates interference
Enter the correct Japanese words in the squares.
A) Many small cars are more eco-friendly than big vehicles.
( 1 )
( 2 )
Major traits for the four main blood types are as follows:
Blood type A : A 型 ( - -gata)
methodical commonsensical cooperative careful
eco car wa yori no h - ga - i desu
big vehicles
small cars
Expressions that use
1) Size (small, medium, large)
B) The director presented a new film with full of unconventional ideas.
几帳面  常識人  協調性  慎重  
kich - men j - shikijin ky - ch - s - shinch -
( 3 )
映画監督は           の 新しい作品を発表した。
Blood type B : B 型 (b - -gata)
- ga kantoku wa no atarash - sakuhin o happy - shita
unconventional idea
e.g., small camera medium-sized dog major typhoon
小型カメラ   中型犬    大型台風
selfish easygoing flexible inspirational
kogata- camera ch - gata-ken - gata-taif -
自己中心的   楽天的  柔軟な考え  ひらめき
C) Recently, many schools tend to reconsider their cookie-cutter way of education.
jiko-ch - shinteki rakutenteki j - nan na kangae hirameki
2) Characteristic and disposition
( 4 )
Blood type O : O 型 ( - -gata)
leadership sociable careless about details realistic
最近、学校では           を見直す傾向にあります。
cookie-cutter way
of education
e.g., multifunctional early bird thin shape
saikin gakk - dewa o minaosu k - k - ni arimasu
多機能型    朝型      薄型   
takin - -gata asa-gata usu-gata
親分肌  社交的  大雑把  現実的 
D) I can only come up with conventional ideas.
( 5 )
Blood type AB : AB 型 ( - b - -gata)
practical idealist calm " split " personality
..... Overly conventional, rigid (no individuality
and no originality)
どうしても          しか思い浮かばないです。
conventional ideas
kata ni hamaru
d - shitemo shika omoiukabanai desu
e.g., rigid way of thinking
合理的  理想追求型  冷静   二重人格
g - riteki ris - -tsuiky - -gata r - s - nij - -jinkaku
E) I changed my lifestyle from a night person to a morning person.
kata ni hamatta kangae
( 6 )
( 7 )
生活スタイルを      から      に変えました。
night person morning person
Almost all Japanese know
their own blood type.
Do you know yours?
ketsuekigata wa
nani-gata desu ka?
(What's your blood type?)
..... Force some into a mold (force something or
someone to believe a certain way or idea)
sekatsu style o kara ni kaemashita
kata ni hameru
e.g., cookie-cutter way of raising children
F) As this mobile phone is the latest model, it is quite popular.
( 8 )
kata ni hameta sodatekata
kono k - tai-denwa wa de ninki ga arimasu
latest model
According to the Japanese Red
Cross Society, Japanese blood types are
are apportioned as follows:
Type A (about 40 percent),
Type O (about 30 percent),
Type B (about 20 percent)
and Type AB (about 10 percent).
 ..... Unconventional (peculiar, eccentric)
e.g., unconventional way of life
( 1 ) 大型車   ( 2 ) 小型車   ( 3 ) 型破りな発想 ( 4 ) 型にはめた教育    
- gatasha kogatasha katayaburi na hasso - kata ni hameta ky - iku
katayaburi na jins -
( 5 ) 型にはまった考え      ( 6 ) 夜型      ( 7 ) 朝型   ( 8 ) 最新型
kata ni hamatta kangae yoru-gata asa-gata    saishin-gata
Copyright 2009 The Yomiuri Shimbun
エコカー   より       の方が多いです。
oyabunhada shak - teki - zappa genjitsuteki
この携帯電話は          で人気があります。
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