Handjobs Anthology Vol 24.pdf

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Handjobs Anthology 24
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Handjobs Anthology Volume 24
©Copyright 2010 by Avenue Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner
whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief
quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.
Handjobs Anthology Volume 24 is a collection of stories
from the our mid 2001 issues of our monthly magazine,
Handjobs .
A special thank you to those who contributed artwork:
Craig Esposito
Ira Smith
Just A. Buoy with E. Rex Shawn
Michael Mitchell
William Given
For more information about Handjobs publications, please write:
Avenue Services, Inc.
PO Box 2000
Bow, WA 98242-2000
Or call us toll free at: 1-866-304-7848
Handjobs Anthology Volume 24
ISBN 978-1-886458-83-3
US 20.00
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Anthology Volume 24
Camp Counselor by Anonymous
Amy’s Nephew by Paul E. Landry
Coach Garbowski by Spuds
The Gladiator’s Reward by Gene Richards
How to Masturbate Your Dad by MEC
Cave Daddy by Paul E. Landry
The Writing on the Wall by John Tyndall
Keyhole Peeking by Randall G.
The Demonstration by Big Al
Family Fuck Session by Big Al
Satisfying Casey by Jack Fruck
Tattle Tale Woes
The Anatomy Lesson by Kevin Marsh
The Summer of ’59 by Sebastian L. Roe
The Shy Boy by Paul E. Landry
Brother’s Do It by Pete
Construction Ben
Willie’s New Hot Boy by Robin Walden
Rusty’s Confession
Rusty House Sits
Rusty Gets an Education
Intimate Weekend by Rick
Corricks Special Training
The Divorced Dad’s Club by Joey Russo
Happy Father’s Day
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by Just A. Buoy with E. Rex Shawn
The Visit by Sierra
Switching Sons
Pilot Snack by Walt
Copyright © 2010 by Avenue Services, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publica-
tion may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher,
Avenue Services, Inc., a gay-owned and operated business. Published by Avenue Services,
Inc., PO Box 2000, Bow, WA 98232-2000.
Handjobs is a trademark of Avenue Services, Inc.
Safe and sane sexual behavior is encouraged by the publisher. The publisher, editor
and contributors to Handjobs cannot be held responsible for accidents or injuries or
any other misfortunes that result from proper or improper application of information
imparted or ideas generated by material in Handjobs. Handjobs is designed to be used
only as an aid for masturbation. Any similarity between people and places in the fiction
in Handjobs and any real people and places is purely coincidental.
No responsibility can be assumed for unsolicited material. All rights in letters sent to
Handjobs will be treated unconditionally assigned for publication and copyright purposes
and are subject to Handjobs’ right to edit and comment upon editorially.
Printed in the US.
You must be 18 or older to purchase this book.
Despite the terms such as “boy” or “son”, all characters in the fiction of
Handjobs are 18 years of age or older. It may be against the law to have
sexual intercourse with people under the age of 18, but we do print memoirs
of men talking about their own boyhood experiences.
This book is in compliance with the so-called “Child Protection Act of
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Camp Counselor by Anonymous
Unlike a lot of kids, I really enjoyed my time away from home at
Camp Bennett. I loved being outdoors with the smell of the pine trees
and the smoke from our campfires. Most of the guys there thought I was
crazy. The majority were homesick and hated the camp routine.
Each year the enrollment grew, and as I got off the bus for my third
year at Camp Bennett, I could see it was going to be an even bigger
group than it had been in previous years. I felt quite confident since
I had been there before and knew the layout.
I raced over to the counselors’ huts looking for Jerry. He was the
senior counselor. We had become good friends over the past two years.
He always had the same cabin, so I rushed right in. A stranger was
seated at Jerry’s desk, and I must have startled him.
“Hey, shithead, don’t just come barging in here like you own the
place,” he blurted out. It took me by surprise. I stopped dead in my
“Where’s Jerry?” I asked.
“Jerry ain’t here anymore. He’s history,” the dark haired dude
snapped back at me.
“But he’s always been here ….” I muttered, feeling robbed and
“Well, he’s not anymore, so get used to it. I’m senior counselor now,
and we do things my way, got it? Now get the hell out of my cabin,”
he shouted.
I was nearly in tears as I turned and stepped down from his doorway.
I went back to the bus and stood there trying to get hold of myself. I
followed the others to the group center. We all waited around until
the head counselors gathered and the camp director started giving
instructions. He was telling us which counselor we would each be
assigned to. I saw the dark haired asshole from Jerry’s cabin enter.
Just my luck, I was assigned to be in the troop that was going to be
led by the stranger I had encountered in Jerry’s cabin. This wasn’t
going to be a fun summer after all. Then it got even worse.
“We are overcrowded this year, guys,” the camp director told us.
“Some of you are going to have to bunk with the senior camp coun-
“Yeah, like you and me!” I heard from over my head, just as a hand
squeezed my shoulder. Shit. It was that mean, asshole dude again.
The camp director introduced us, and I found out his name was Jed.
“That’s right. We’re bunkmates now,” he continued. “Get your gear
over to my hut, and have it put away and the cabin clean when I get
there,” he instructed me. Fuck, he really is an asshole, I thought.
I kicked the dirt and rocks as I staggered to the cabin. I had such
fond memories of my pal Jerry. Then it occurred to me: I wouldn’t
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