
(10316 KB) Pobierz
East Asia Under
Challenge 1800 –1914
In what ways can one culture
influence another?
During the Meiji Restoration, the imperial court was moved to the
shogun’s palace in Edo (now Tokyo). The palace was eventually
replaced with the Japanese Imperial Palace, which houses the
emperor and his family today. It has been rebuilt many times due to
fires and war. It has been restored using traditional Japanese
architecture. In this chapter you will learn how Japan emerged as an
industrial society.
• What elements of traditional Japanese culture were affected by
ideas of Western civilization?
• How has Japanese culture influenced life in the United States?
begins in
Opium War
begins in China
U.S. asks
Japan to open
foreign relations
Nationalist revolutions
erupt in Europe
Thomas Edison develops
the electric lightbulb
(t) Topham/The Image Works, (b) Bettmann/CORBIS, GP Bowater/Alamy Images
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Followers of
Sun Yat-sen launch
Chinese rebellion
Open Door Policy
with China
Identifying Cause
and Effect
Create a Two-Tab Book to compare and
contrast Japan before and after Western
influence. Record differences in daily life,
women’s roles, politics, and economics.
Africans defeated
in the Boer War
(ISTORY /.,).%
GP Bowater/Alamy Images, rochaphoto/Alamy Images
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The Decline of the Qing Dynasty
China preferred to keep its culture free of Western influences.
However, as the Qing government grew more unstable, the
Western powers and Japan tightened their hold on the Chinese
Empire. Foreign powers created spheres of influence and
followed an Open Door policy to secure trading rights.
The Chinese resisted but were eventually overcome, weakening
the imperial government even more.
The BIG Idea
Competition Among Countries
As the Qing dynasty declined, Western nations
increased their economic involvement with China.
Content Vocabulary
• extraterritoriality
(p. 726)
• self-strengthening
(p. 728)
• spheres of influence
(p. 729)
• Open Door policy
(p. 731)
• indemnity (p. 731)
Causes of Decline
Pressure from the West and corruption and unrest from within led
to the decline of the Qing dynasty.
HISTORY & YOU In grade school, did you ever see a bully use force to get some-
thing he wanted? Read to learn how Western powers used force to get what they
wanted from China.
Academic Vocabulary
• highlighted (p. 725)
• exclusive (p. 729)
People and Places
• Guangzhou (p. 725)
• Chang Jiang ( p. 726)
• Hong Kong (p . 726)
• Hong Xiuquan (p . 726)
• Guang Xu (p. 729)
• Empress Dowager Ci
Xi (p. 729)
• John Hay (p. 730)
In 1800, after a long period of peace and prosperity, the Qing
dynasty of the Manchus was at the height of its power. A little
over a century later, however, humiliated and harassed by the
Western powers, the Qing dynasty collapsed.
Reading Strategy
Comparing and Contrasting As you
read, create a chart like the one below to compare
the Tai Ping and Boxer Rebellions.
External and Internal Pressure
One important reason for the abrupt decline and fall of the Qing
dynasty was the intense external pressure that the modern West
applied to Chinese society. However, internal problems that the
government was slow to address also played a role. For instance,
Zhang Zhidong, a court official, argued against political reform:
Tai Ping
Reforms Demanded
Method Used
“The doctrine of people’s rights will bring us not a single benefit but a
hundred evils. Are we going to establish a parliament? . . . there are still many
today who are content to be vulgar and rustic. They are ignorant of the general
situation in the world, they do not understand the basic system of the state. . . .
Even supposing the confused and clamorous people are assembled in one
house, for every one of them who is clear-sighted, there will be a hundred
others whose vision is clouded; they will converse at random . . .—what use
will it be?”
China’s Response to the West: A Documentary Survey, 1839–1923,
Ssu-yu Teng and John K. Fairbank, eds., 1970
After an extended period of growth, the Qing dynasty began to
suffer from corruption, peasant unrest, and incompetence. These
weaknesses were made worse by rapid growth in the country’s
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Treaty Ports*
*Granted by China
after Opium Wars
Sea of
(East Sea)
Spheres of
Tokyo (Edo)
Liaodong Peninsula
Port Arthur
Qingdao 1898
800 kilometers
800 miles
Two-Point Equidistant projection
Hong Kong 1842
Kowloon Peninsula
South China Sea
1. Regions Which country
had the largest sphere of
influence in China?
2. Movement Based on the
map, describe the extent of
United States influence in
China in 1900.
population. By 1900, there were 400 million
people in China. Population growth created
a serious food shortage, and many people
died of starvation. The ships, guns, and
ideas of foreigners highlighted the grow-
ing weakness of the Qing dynasty and prob-
ably hastened its end.
By 1800, Europeans had been in contact
with China for more than 200 years. Want-
ing to limit contact with outsiders, the
Qing dynasty had restricted European
merchants to a small trading outlet at
Guangzhou (GWONG•JO), or Canton.
The merchants could deal with only a few
Chinese firms. The British did not like this
Britain had an unfavorable trade bal-
ance with China. That is, they imported
more goods from China than they
exported to China. Britain had to pay
China with silver for the difference
between its imports—tea, silk, and porce-
lain—from China and its exports—Indian
cotton—to China. At first, the British tried
to negotiate with the Chinese to improve
the trade imbalance. When negotiations
failed, the British turned to trading
Student Web
Visit and
complete the activity
on Western influence
in China.
East Asia Under Challenge
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The Opium War
Opium was grown in northern India
under the sponsorship of the British East
India Company and then shipped directly
to Chinese markets. Demand for opium—a
highly addictive drug—in South China
jumped dramatically. Soon, silver was flow-
ing out of China and into the pockets of the
officials of the British East India Company.
The Chinese reacted strongly. The British
were not the first to import opium into
China. The Chinese government had
already seen opium’s dangerous qualities
and had made its trade illegal. They
appealed to the British government on
moral grounds to stop the traffic in opium.
Lin Zexu, a Chinese government official,
wrote to Queen Victoria:
dealt with the problem by pitting foreign
countries against one another. Concessions
granted to the British were offered to other
Western nations, including the United
States. Soon, thriving foreign areas were
operating in the five treaty ports along the
southern Chinese coast.
The Tai Ping Rebellion
In the meantime, the failure of the Chi-
nese government to deal with pressing
internal economic problems led to a peas-
ant revolt, known as the Tai Ping (TIE
PING) Rebellion (1850–1864). It was led by
Hong Xiuquan, a Christian convert who
viewed himself as a younger brother of
Jesus Christ.
Hong was convinced that God had given
him the mission of destroying the Qing
dynasty. Joined by great crowds of peas-
ants, Hong captured the town of Yongan
and proclaimed a new dynasty, the Heav-
enly Kingdom of Great Peace ( Tai Ping
Tianguo in Chinese—hence the name Ta i
Ping Rebellion ).
The Tai Ping Rebellion appealed to many
people because it called for social reforms.
These reforms included giving land to all
peasants and treating women as equals of
men. Women even served in their own
units in the Tai Ping army.
Hong’s rebellion also called for people to
give up their private possessions. Peasants
were to hold lands and farms in common.
Money, food, and clothing were to be
shared equally by all. Hong outlawed alco-
hol and tobacco and eliminated the prac-
tice of binding women’s feet. The Chinese
Communist Revolution of the twentieth
century (see Chapter 31) would have simi-
lar social goals.
In March 1853, the rebels seized Nanjing,
the second largest city of the empire, and
massacred 25,000 men, women, and chil-
dren. The revolt continued for 10 more
years but gradually began to fall apart.
Europeans came to the aid of the Qing
dynasty when they realized the destruc-
tive nature of the Tai Ping forces. As one
British observer noted, there was no hope
“of any good ever coming of the rebel
movement. They do nothing but burn,
murder, and destroy.”
“Suppose there were people from another
country who carried opium for sale to England
and seduced your people into buying and smoking
it; certainly your honorable ruler would deeply
hate it and be bitterly aroused.”
—Lin Zexu, a Chinese official
The British refused to halt their activity,
however. As a result, the Chinese block-
aded the foreign area in Guangzhou to
force traders to surrender their opium. The
British responded with force, starting the
Opium War (1839–1842).
The Chinese were no match for the Brit-
ish. British warships destroyed Chinese
coastal and river forts. When a British fleet
sailed almost unopposed up the Chang
Jiang (Yangtze River) to Nanjing, the Qing
dynasty made peace.
In the Treaty of Nanjing in 1842, the Chi-
nese agreed to open five coastal ports to
British trade, limit taxes on imported Brit-
ish goods, and pay for the costs of the war.
China also agreed to give the British the
island of Hong Kong. Nothing was said in
the treaty about the opium trade. More-
over, in the five ports, Europeans lived in
their own sections and were subject not to
Chinese laws but to their own laws—a
practice known as extraterritoriality.
The Opium War marked the beginning
of the establishment of Western influence
in China. For the time being, the Chinese
The Decline of the Qing Dynasty
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