Forbrydelsen - 03x05 - Day 5.pdtv.xvid-USG.English.txt

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{2901}{2974}{Y:i}The situation this evening is very tense.
{2981}{3147}{Y:i}Sources tell us the kidnapping of the 9 year old|Emilie Zeuthen may be entering the final phase.
{3172}{3251}{Y:i}The prime minster has rushed|back to Christiansborg.
{3251}{3388}{Y:i}Earlier he yet again refuted the opposition|criticism regarding the handling of the case.
{3393}{3471}According to SIS,|Robert Zeuthen is in the car.
{3480}{3582}The kidnapper hasn't called again, and nobody|knows where they are really heading.
{3582}{3666}- Why is he in the car?|- He volunteered, he wanted to help.
{3679}{3732}Regrading Lebechs call...
{3747}{3866}I informed SIS, they've made note of it,|but it is not illegal to phone someone.
{3896}{3979}He's just taunting you. He feels you|stole his wife.
{3985}{4026}He probably leaked...
{4034}{4183}I don't care what his motive is, if there is|some truth to what he says I want to know it.
{4183}{4263}The finance minister is freaking|out, she wants a meeting.
{4263}{4301}That'll have to wait.
{4301}{4384}- Focus on the kidnappnig.|- I think you should talk to her.
{4384}{4464}What did you expect?|You just fired the minister of justice.
{4464}{4540}If you love him that much, you|know what you can do.
{4540}{4603}Cut it out, you know we|are on your side.
{4603}{4693}You are taking quite a chance, I'm|just asking you to think it over.
{4779}{4870}The perpetrator is last seen driving|a black truck without a trailer.
{4870}{4980}Presumably Emilie Zeuthen is on board, but so|far we have no contact with the vehicle.
{4980}{5040}Lund and Zeuthen are on E20 south.
{5040}{5167}Communication takes place on encrypted channels|and the support cars are keeping a low profile.
{5171}{5273}And keep the helicopters away until|we know where they are going, understood?
{5273}{5314}Did you find the truck?
{5314}{5390}No, but we are searching|the location Asbj?rn reported.
{5390}{5482}I've just been there, Emilie Zeuthen has|clearly been in the building.
{5482}{5567}- No indication of where they went.|- Can we trace the call?
{5567}{5632}No, he changed IP, number|and provider again.
{5632}{5702}Excuse me, but surely|you can find a truck Brix?
{5709}{5765}What do you think|we are trying to do?
{5765}{5871}Lund and Zeuthen are well monitored,|the squad can move in at 20 seconds notice.
{5871}{5956}Something the perpetrator is|well aware of I'm sure. Borch?
{6054}{6093}Why isn't he calling?
{6109}{6130}He will.
{6187}{6235}What are you|planning to do?
{6242}{6339}As soon as we know where the exchange|is taking place, we'll pull you out.
{6392}{6438}And if he realizes that?
{6465}{6556}As soon as we find him we|aren't watching for him to get ready.
{6582}{6661}- Don't worry about that.|- What if he is expecting it?
{6690}{6775}- We have the manpower we need.|- And you have tried this before?
{6950}{7000}- Yes?|- You have Robert Zeuthen?
{7000}{7055}I do.|Do you want to speak to him?
{7058}{7111}I will have the|opportunity later.
{7117}{7152}Where are you?
{7152}{7209}At exit 37.
{7251}{7286}Where are we going?
{7289}{7362}Lund remember the invitation|is for two people only.
{7362}{7422}There is just the|two of us.
{7430}{7470}I don't believe that.
{7481}{7564}Don't try anything stupid if|you want to see the girl again.
{7656}{7698}Tell us what you want.
{7706}{7737}Take exit 38.
{7780}{7845}If I sense you are not alone...
{7867}{7936} won't hear|from me again, understood?
{7996}{8085}- She'll be at the exit in 1 minute.|- What's in the area?
{8085}{8152}And empty road leading|into the sticks.
{8174}{8258}That sucks, he'll be able to|see our cars a mile away.
{8258}{8313}We'll keep our distance then.
{8339}{8444}Brix, we have no idea where he is. If something|goes wrong Lund will be alone.
{8444}{8523}Perhaps SIS has a better plan?|We'll track the GPS.
{8523}{8629}We can't very well ask the kidnappers|permission to stay on the road?
{8660}{8708}We have a truck update.
{8772}{8829}01004 - I think we have him.
{8829}{8914}A Volvo FH16, same model|I saw leaving.
{8914}{9010}{Y:i}- But is it the same one?|- This one has a container tagged on.
{9010}{9087}But one of the lights have burned out,|I'm sure its him.
{9087}{9183}{Y:i}- Why would he want a container?|- Who knows, but do we stop him?
{9183}{9226}{Y:i}No, don't do anything.
{9226}{9306}We could pretend there is something|wrong with his tire, flag him down...
{9306}{9394}{Y:i}Keep your distance and await|further instructions.
{9493}{9538}{Y:i}What is your exact location?
{9584}{9682}Get your cars away, I can still see them,|and I have to turn off now.
{9688}{9768}{Y:i}Understood Lund. Asbj?rn has visual|contact with the truck.
{9768}{9898}{Y:i}We'll send a two cars ahead of you,|the rest will fall back and use GPS.
{9898}{9970}{Y:i}Nobody stays|in visible range. Over.
{10329}{10436}Birgit it will have to wait, the situation|is too important right now.
{10444}{10568}You defended Mogens to the papers, and on TV|then you turn around and fire him!
{10569}{10665}It's a mess over there, he has no idea what|is going on. Even the civil servants agree.
{10665}{10774}If you are referring to Jens Lebech,he|probably has other reasons to cause trouble.
{10774}{10813}I have to go back in.
{10813}{10924}There is no evidence which suggests Mogens|has put pressure on anybody in some old case.
{10924}{10977}Not even SIS thinks|he is involved.
{10998}{11097}If the kidnapping ends badly|you'll be left holding the bag.
{11133}{11191}They have located|the perpetrators car.
{11191}{11283}They are planning an operation, and think|they can free Emilie Zeuthen.
{11283}{11387}Keep contact with SIS. Tell 'stoffer we|are having a quick meeting with Birgit.
{11387}{11477}He just went to pick up a new|report from the minister of justice.
{11646}{11735}You don't have to go all the way down,|I was the one who called.
{11800}{11918}I asked your brother to call, but I fear his|arrogance is standing in the way of judgment.
{11926}{11967}What do you want?
{11967}{12045}In all modesty, your brother|has ruined my life.
{12067}{12162}I'd like to give him the|chance to make up for it.
{12192}{12251}You expect him to stop|seeing Rosa?
{12258}{12389}Give I have information which could ruin|you, I don't think its too much to ask.
{12437}{12524}You wanna help your brother?|Run along and fetch him.
{12539}{12628}As if the prime minster would|be blackmailed by a disloyal employee.
{12635}{12709}Who blame others for|losing hos wife.
{12728}{12810}- Enough of an answer for you?|- Well, you asked for it then.
{12832}{12888}Well, you just got a mail.
{12957}{13017}But what did he say, exactly?
{13018}{13078}- That's what he said.|- Nothing more?
{13083}{13166}I asked him to get lost, because|he hasn't got anything.
{13183}{13274}Well, SIS will have to figure out|what the idiot is up to.
{13282}{13332}Kristian, wait a moment...
{13343}{13414}We've received some pictures|in an anonymous email.
{13414}{13506}Looks like something from a surveillance|camera at Christiansborg.
{13588}{13640}Isn't that the minister|of justice?
{13658}{13735}- Who is that?|- Why did you leave? We weren't finished?
{13774}{13814}Get Mogens. Right now.
{13900}{13961}- Its Lund.|- I'm coming out to you now.
{13967}{14059}- I'm still on the road.|- The truck is heading for the exit.
{14059}{14114}They are faking a traffic accident.
{14125}{14189}The military are|providing snipers...
{14213}{14297}Right, that's understood. I'll|just continue until told otherwise.
{14297}{14325}There's more.
{14325}{14428}It may not have been Zeuthen or Zeeland|who covered the old murder up.
{14434}{14472}What do you mean?
{14476}{14595}In Jutland I learned that the deputy attorney|general and the investigator changed the date.
{14610}{14728}The report says the girl disappeared Friday,|but the family said it was Thursday.
{14734}{14779}And that matters why?
{14781}{14876}The Zeeland sailors hadn't arrived in|Denmark on Thursday.
{14935}{14965}You understand?
{14999}{15055}Yes... but just get that car stopped.
{15127}{15222}- They are going to shoot him in the car?|- They know what they are doing.
{15292}{15350}- Yes.|- Have you reached the forest?
{15350}{15400}No, there are only fields.
{15442}{15542}It's coming right up. There is a closed|garage. Wait there.
{15556}{15585}But why...
{15599}{15724}0436 the garage is closed. The perpetrator|is not in the vicinity. Stop and await...
{15836}{15879}Carl is at your mothers.
{15879}{15924}They are putting him to bed.
{16005}{16152}We have visual contact with the truck we believe|Emilie is in - we are preparing  to stop it.
{16159}{16224}- What are you...|- We can't go into details.
{16224}{16339}We are not going to take any chances and|naturally we'll do it as carefully as possible.
{16356}{16396}I want to be there.
{16408}{16528}I'll have a car ready for you. Once we|have finished the operation.
{16820}{16910}He is speeding up now, overtaking...|Are you sure you'll make it?
{16915}{17044}{Y:i}02212 the strike team is in place,|the accident site is in 1200 meters.
{17061}{17138}Message received, he|seems to be slowing down now.
{17309}{17451}01004 Brix, we have a problem, he's signaling,|he's taking taking off ramp 35.
{17464}{17536}{Y:i}- Are you sure?|- Yes I'm damn well sure.
{17536}{17612}{Y:i}That doesn't make sense,|Lund took exit 38.
{17621}{17667}0104, we are pursuing.
{17840}{17878}Ok, what's happening?
{17896}{17985}{Y:i}Asbj?rn still has visual contact, we are|relocating the troops.
{17985}{18016}What about us?
{18016}{18105}{Y:i}Stay where you are and do as he|says, he's still far away.
{18194}{18259}- They are trying again.|- But what happened?
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