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2. What are the philosophical concepts which influenced Puritans? 
-          The Puritans were English Protestants, who followed the teachings of Martin Luther, but who were particularly influenced by ideas formulated by John Calvin. 
-          Concept of Original Sin – total depravity through Adam and Eve’s fall, every person is born sinful. 
-          Concept of predestination (predestynacji, czyli że losami ludzi kieruje Bóg) unconditional election (bezwarunkowy wybór) God safes those He wishes – only a few are selected for salvation. 
-          Concept of limited atonement (ograniczone pokutowanie) Jesus died for the chosen only, not for everyone. 
-          Concept of Irresistible Grace (nieodparta łaska ) God’s grace is freely given, it cannot be earned or denied (zaprzeczyć).Grace is defined as the saving and transfiguring power of God. 
-          Concept of perseverance (uporczywe dążenie) of the saints – those elected by God have full power to interpret the will of God, and to live uprightly (uczciwe, zacne). If anyone rejects grace after feeling its power in his life, he will be going against the will of God – something impossible in Puritanism.   

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