I tend to jump to conclusions without thinkig first..doc

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Topic:     I tend to jump to conclusions without thinking first.



People which often jump to conclusion without thinking are usually thought to be reckless, silly and unresponsible. Nowadays almost each young person wants to succeed and such behaviour like action without thinking certainly does not help you. In my point of view it is not easy because everybody has got  the tendency to assess some things at first sight.


I always tend to judge other people taking only the appearance into consideration. It is scientifically proven that attractive people are believed to be wiser, nicer and more friendly than plain or ugly ones. Of course everybody knows that it is unfair and wrong but  we often assess people subconsciously so it is difficult to do something with it. Now I try to judge people paying my attention to what they say or in what way they behave.

But sometimes somebody’s behaviour can mislead us. Even if we approve someone’s first behaviour, later it can turn out that we will never like this person because of different other reasons.

I also tend to assess such things like films, books, songs etc. considering  only other people’s opinion. For instance, if I heard that some books are boring, it is difficult for me to change my mind about these until I check.


The only field that I do not to tend to jump to conclusion without thinking first is solving physic or maths problems. It is almost impossible to guess the result without counting and thinking first. I think it is very diffcult for everybody.

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