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KMS.Server.Service.Config.v6.1.cmd by s1ave77
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	CODYQX4 & mikmik38 & qad & deagles & Hotbird64 & jm287 & sirWest for the ingenious KMS Server Services/Emulators
	ColdZero & ms-7 & MasterDisaster & PAYMYRENT for coding know-how.
	nechrist for good ideas and constantly testing to find the bugs i produce.
	All mentioned are from MDL (


    General usage hints:
        If you want to run any given option with "Default:" values, no need for intervention, simply hit <ENTER>
        as long as script isn?t closed, last entered values for any variables will be selected in next attempt as new "Default:"

    KMS Server Service Install
        install Services by CODYQX4, deagles, Hotbird64 and sirWest (&jm287)
        Services can be installed side by side, if different names and ports are used
        specify all needed options during install
        Firewall rules are created automatically and can be removed, if wished
        options can be changed for the installed service
        uninstall deletes all traces


    KMS Server Emulator
        run Emulator by CODYQX4, deagles, Hotbird64 and sirWest (&jm287)
		Emulator of sirWest (&jm287) is started via Service Menu
        only one Emulator can run at a time
        specify all needed options during initialisation
        Firewall rules are created automatically and can be removed, if wished
        stopping the Emulator deletes all traces

	KMS Client Emulator
		KMS Client Emulators by CODYQX4 and Hotbird64 for checking functionality
		now have their own Menu	

    Check Status
        KMS Client Emulators by CODYQX4 and Hotbird64 for checking functionality
        Check Service existence (now gathers the port used by the Service)
		Check whether Port is used (when nothing found it offers Option to Check for installed Service)
		Check Emulator running
        Check activation status of the host machine
        Restart/Start/Stop Service manually (in case Service is e.g. installed in start mode "demand")
        IP Lookup
        option to clear all system logs


        Services and Emulators can be used as wished, or any IP in LAN or Internet
        install key for Windows with automatted key detection of most members of Win 7/8 and the Servers family
        activate Windows and Office 2010/2013 ProPlus
        Office installations will be detected even if installed in custom pathes
        option for instant activation in one batch
		automatically install KMS Service in 'demand' Mode, create Tasks in Scheduler (DAILY, ONLOGON and ONSTART) and create script
		automatically install KMS Service in 'demand' Mode, create Tasks in Scheduler (DAILY, ONLOGON and ONSTART), activate all wished products and create reactivation script	
		Option to reinstall license files


    Schedule Tasks
        schedule task for reactivation when Service is installed in "demand" mode
        schedule task for reactivation when no Service install is wished
        redo all changes


		REGTWEAKS: for several useful situations
			Cascading Context menus with elevation
				TOOLS (elevated CMD, Magnifier, Regedit...)
				MAINTENANCE (Sytem Management Snipplets)
				MAINTENANCE II (System Panel Snipplets)
				POWER Options (Loggoff, Lock, Reboot, Shutdown...)
			En/Disable Hybridboot
			Verbose Mode On/Off
			WIM Context menu
			Show/Hide hidden Sytemfolders/files and Extensions
			Double/Single Click Switch
		UPDATE INSTALLER: for installing .msu and .msp Updates in a batch
		DISKPART: for creating bootable pendrive (gathering data, then run batch) with copy interface
		BATCH RENAME: with several File naming options
		DISM & IMAGEX: Cature/Check WIM, (Un)Mount, Add/Remove Packages, (Un)Load Registry Hives, Change System Locale
		Server Core Install Options:
			copy all files to systemdrive and add the Config Script to autostart
			some comfort when running in CMD only environments (Server Core or Windows Embedded) 		
		SYSTEMTOOLS submenu:
			TASKKILL: Menu with manual and automatic taskkill for hanging processes
				Disable/Enable Win 8 Bootmenu
				Boot directly to Win RE
				Add Safeboot Entry to Boot Menu to directly boot into Safe Mode
				Backup and Restore Boot menu
			Drive Cleanup
			Update Component Cleanup
			Restore Component Store
			System file integrity check
			Enable .NET 3.5 in Win 8
			Edit Hosts File
			Set Date, Rearm and Restore Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2 rearm count
        start system panel applets from within the script
        some comfort when running in CMD only environments (Server Core or Windows Embedded)
		featuring 'License Manager' by Hotbird64
		featuring 'ePID Generator' v1.5d by ColdZero


	--added BATCH RENAME with several naming options to TOOLS
	--added DISM & IMAGEX to TOOLS (see Features)
	--added system file integrity check to SYSTEMTOOLS
	--added option to enable .NET 3.5 in Windows 8 to SYSTEMTOOLS
	--added option to edit the Hosts file to SYSTEMTOOLS
	--Menu layout changed for most menus
	--added Option to start CMD from within the MAINMENU
	--added Option to Check whether a specific Port is in use
	--Check for Server Existance now determines the used port of any of the 4 Services 
	--added Option to automatically create Reactivation Task (see Activation Features)
	--added Option to automatically create Instant Activation Script (see Activation Features)
	--added Service and Emulator by sirWest (&jm287)
	--Emulator is started via Service-Menu, during the Service Creation there?s a choice for either service or Emulator
	--added 'ePID Generator v1.5d' by ColdZero (now offers option to generate ePIDs per SKU)
	--OS detection now uses reg-query, as 'wmic' started to show localized output in Win 8.1 Preview builds
	--slighly reworked key input for better visibility of detected GVLK (Win 7/8/8.1 and Servers 2008 R2/2012/2012 R2)
	--updated Service, Emulator and Client by CODYQX4 to latest buils [06/13/2013]
	--reworked TASKKILL and WIN BOOT MENU for better handling
	--simplified 'Instant Actvation' Module
	--some little bug fixes
	--fixed some bugs in TOOLS and SYSTEM TOOLS menu
	--changed input layout for 'Safeboot entry install' and 'Taskkill'
	--added REGTWEAKS for several useful situations, e.g disable hybrid boot, add Win Defender to context menu a.o.
	--added UPDATE INSTALLER for installing .msu and .msp Updates in a batch
	--added DISKPART for creating bootable pendrive (gathering data, then run batch) with copy interface
	--TOOLS now has a SYSTEMTOOLS submenu (see description above for info)
	--added GVLK for Win 8.1 Preview and Server 2012 R2 Preview releases for testing
	--updated to latest KMS Service/Emulator build by CODYQX4 [05/31/2013]
	--it?s now possible to set specific ePID for each product separately in CODYs Service (Option [A])
	--fixed bug in Office Activation Module
	--fixed bug in Instant Activation Module
	--fixed bug in Hotbird64s Service Setup
	--some code cleaning
	--added Checkdisk to TOOLS
	--added god mode to TOOLS
	--added Client Emulator by Hotbird64 to Check Section
	--added License Manager by Hotbird64 to TOOLS Section
	--added check for already installed script to Server Core Install Section
	--updated to latest KMS Service/Emulator build by Hotbird64 (1.3) [05/03/2013]
	--little optimizations for code and design
	--implemented option for changing start type of installed Service (Change Settings Section)
	--some code optimization
	--new option for instant task
	--implemented check for installed service in service task
	--Completely reworked Task Scheduler (see Features for more info)
	--bugfixing (thanks to nechrist for finding them :))
	--updated to latest KMS Service/Emulator build by Hotbird64 (1.2)
	--updated to latest KMS Service build by deagles (1.4)
	--some code additions
	--updated to latest KMS Service/Emulator build by Hotbird64 (1.1)
	--new input layout for Server Emulator by Hotbird64
	--implemented last build of deagles KMS Server Emulator (1.0) as additional option
	--changed layout for input of RandomKMSPID-Value of builds by Hotbird64
	--implemented last build of Hotbird64s KMS Server Emulator as additional option
	--implemented last build of Hotbird64s KMS Server Service ( as an update
	--implemented last build of Hotbird64s KMS Server Service (0.91) with option to change settings :) as additional features
	--added option to change Service Settings for deagles Service, as they are handled differently
	--added VLActivationType value for faster response
	--implemented last build of deagles KMS Server Service (1.2) as additional feature
	--implemented last build of CODYs KMS Server Service (sai and sri values are now working correctly)
	--did some code cleaning and deleted obsolete parts
	v3.0 (CODYQX4 version only)
	--updated to new Service and Emulator (released 03/22/2013)
	--added option to install tool in systemdrive and add to Autostart
	--added option to schedule multiple different reactivation tasks for Windows and Office
	--added more options for reactivation tasks of Windows and Office
	--added checks for running instance...
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