Financial Times Prentice Hall - Design For Six Sigma.pdf

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Design for
Six Sigma
Advance praise
‘In his latest book, Design for Six Sigma , Chowdhury effectively communicates
how to turn Six Sigma strategy into a breakthrough performance. Chowdhury’s
excellent contribution shows how to make Six Sigma part of the way we work
– the unifying framework to align and energize an entire company.’
Dave B. Burritt, Six Sigma Deployment Champion, Caterpillar Inc.
‘Subir Chowdhury has written the quintessential book on Design for Six Sigma
that fills a critical need for published material on the subject. This innovative
book provides a clear road map for all executives, business managers, and
Six Sigma leaders who are engaged in the competitive race to build cost-
effective, defect-free processes and products that will win customers and
guarantee their loyalty.’
Cynthia Callas,
Vice President of Six Sigma Deployment/Black Belt, Merrill Lynch
‘Why design a process that isn’t optimal and will only need Six Sigma
improvements later? Subir Chowdhury’s most important and timely book lays
the groundwork using DFSS tools to design the process correctly the first
time, thus saving time, effort, money, and most of all customer frustration.’
Richard (Dick) Cunningham, Executive Six Sigma Champion and Director of
Operational & Business Excellence, Johns Manville Corporation – a Berkshire
Hathaway Company
‘Written in an easy-to-read story format, Chowdhury’s previous book, The
Power of Six Sigma , provides a clear understanding of how Six Sigma can
benefit any business activity. I award all Project Champions a copy as they
complete their training workshop and recommend all others read it as well.
Chowdhury’s Design for Six Sigma promises to be just as powerful and
Douglas R. Pratt,
P.E., Director, Six Sigma Process Excellence, Dow Corning Corporation
‘In order to truly attain Six Sigma status, following the process outlined in
Chowdhury’s book, Design for Six Sigma (DFSS), is crucial. DFSS will help
your company greatly increase its competitive strength.’
Rob Lindner, Vice President, Corporate Quality, Sunbeam Corporation
‘Whether your product is the result of a complex technical manufacturing
process or group-driven ideation, Design for Six Sigma offers a framework to
get it right the first time. With this important and outstanding new book, Subir
Chowdhury drives home the need for today’s businesses to understand their
customers before trying to service them.’
Roxanne O’Brasky,
President, International Society of Six Sigma Professionals (ISSSP)
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First published in 2002 in the United States by Dearborn Trade Publishing
This edition published in Great Britain in 2003
© Subir Chowdhury Limited 2003
The right of Subir Chowdhury to be identified as author
of this work has been asserted by him in accordance
with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988
ISBN 0 273 66269 4
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A CIP catalogue record for this book can be obtained from the British Library
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Design for
Six Sigma
Subir Chowdhury
An imprint of Pearson Education
London New York Toronto Sydney Tokyo Singapore Hong Kong
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To my friend, co-author and mentor Dr Genichi Taguchi.
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