Toddler Curriculum ages 2-3,5.doc

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Toddler Class Curriculum

Toddler Class Curriculum


Practical Life                                         


Care of Self                                          Self-Control & Body Movement                            Fine Motor Development

Dressing Frames                            Sitting on the line                                          Grasping

      Lg. buttons                                          Passing an object                                          Scooping (lg. & small)

      Zipper                                          Walking on the line                                          Spooning exercises

      Velcro                                          Silence game                                                        Dry pouring exercises

      Snaps                                          Lining up                                                        Liquid pouring exercises

                                                              Carrying a chair                                                        Using tongs

Washing hands                                          Rolling a rug                                                        Clamping clothespins

Use of apron                                          Carrying a tray correctly                                          Using an eyedropper

Blowing nose                                          Carrying materials properly                            Using an eggbeater

Using toilet independently                                                                                    Basting

Getting a drink                                          Developing Independence                                          Using a ladle

Using a towel                                                                                                                Opening/closing lids

Disposing of paper towel                            Choosing work                                                        Puzzles

Putting on jacket                            Returning work to shelf                                          Pegboard

Hanging up jacket                            Completing work cycle                                          Stringing beads

Emptying lunch box                            Working independently                                          Gluing

Using napkin                                                                                                                Nuts and bolts




Large Motor Skills                                          Grace & Courtesy Lessons                                          Care of the Environment

Coordination                                          Interrupting correctly                                          Squeezing sponge

Balance                                                        Apologizing                                                        Crumbing table

Swinging                                          Greeting politely                                                        Table washing

Climbing                                          Asking for help                                                        Sweeping

Running                                          Walking around a rug                                          Dusting

Skipping                                          Watching a child at work                                          Window cleaning

Hopping                                                                                                                Cleaning materials

Jumping                                                                                                                Care of animals

Rolling a ball                                          Food Preparation                                                        Watering plants

Kicking a ball                                          Washing fruit & vegetables                            Cleaning & trimming leaves

Marching                                          Spreading……stirring                                          Arranging flowers

Tip-toe                                                        Sifting……..kneading                                          Planting seeds


                                                        Squeezing oranges, limes

                                                        Coring apples, pears

                                                        Slicing bananas

                                                        Nut cracking

                                                        Table etiquette




Visual Discrimination                            Auditory Discrimination                                          Sense of Touch

Knobbed cylinders                            Listening for sounds                                          Touch boards

Pink tower                                          Matching sounds to pictures                            Touch tablets

Broad stairs                                          Matching sound cylinders                            Fabric matching

Long rods                                          Grading sound cylinders                                          Mystery bags

Knobless cylinders                            Vocabulary:  soft, loud                                          Sorting objects by touch

Color boxes 1, 2                                          Story books and tapes

Language for all above                            Recognizing sounds in environment


Sense of Smell                                          Sense of Taste                                                        Pre-Geometry

Recognizing scents                            Identifying tastes                                          Demonstration tray

Matching scents                                          Language – sweet, sour                                          Language:  circle

Language                                                                                                                                    triangle



Language Skills


Oral Language Development                                          Pre-Reading Activities

Emphasis on language-rich environment                            Matching

Correct English usage modeled by teachers                            Sorting

Routines for greeting and dismissing                                          Environment vocabulary cards

Wide variety of good read-aloud books                            Sequencing

Reading “big books” with repetitive pattern                            Category cards

Wide variety of good read-aloud books                            Figure-ground cards

“I Spy” games                                                                                    Alike and different cards

Listening games                                                                      Opposites

Finger plays                                                                                    Metal insets when ready (age 3)

Musical tapes/records

Rhyming words

Story-telling with puppets

Flannel board stories






Readiness for Math (Group Activities)                                          0 – 10 Activities (Beginning at Age 3)

Number games                                                                                    Number rods

Number finger plays                                                                      Sandpaper numerals

Number songs                                                                                    Rods and numerals

Counting things in the environment                                          Spindle box 0-9

Identifying sets of numbers                                                        Cards and counters

Making booklets, etc.                                                                      Memory games

Number stories ...

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