00:00:19:Hello. My name is Marty DiBergi. 00:00:22:I'm a filmmaker.|I make a lot of commercials. 00:00:25:That dog that chases the covered wagon|underneath the sink? That was mine. 00:00:31:In 1 966, 00:00:34:I went down to Greenwich Village|to a rock club called The Electric Banana. 00:00:39:Don't look for it. It's not there any more.|But that night, I heard a band 00:00:44:that, for me,|redefined the word "rock'n'roll". 00:00:48:I remember being knocked out by their...|their exuberance, their raw power, 00:00:54:and their punctuality. 00:00:56:That band was Britain's|now legendary Spinal Tap. 00:01:01:1 7 years and 1 5 albums later,|Spinal Tap is still going strong. 00:01:07:And they've earned a place in rock history|as one of England's loudest bands. 00:01:13:So in the late fall of 1 982, 00:01:16:when I heard that Tap was releasing|a new album called Smell The Glove 00:01:20:and was planning a tour of the US|to promote that album, 00:01:25:I jumped at the chance|to make the documentary, 00:01:28:the, if you will, rockumentary|that you're about to see. 00:01:33:I wanted to capture the sights,|the sounds, the smells 00:01:39:of a hard-working rock band on the road. 00:01:42:And I got that. 00:01:44:But I got more. 00:01:46:A lot more. 00:01:48:But enough of my yakkin'.|Whaddaya say? Let's boogie. 00:02:02:Gives me energy. Makes me happy. 00:02:05:Heavy metal's deep. 00:02:06:The way they dress, the leather. 00:02:09:- Is this La Guardia?|- No, this is JFK. New York, New York. 00:02:18:Watch its mouth! 00:02:32:It's like you become one with the guys|in the band. I mean, there's no division. 00:02:37:You just... 00:02:39:The music just unites people...|with the players. 00:02:44:Comin' live, direct from hell... Spinal Tap! 00:02:49:You're hot, you take all we've got.|Not a dry seat in the house 00:02:54:Next day we'll be on our way 00:02:56:- But tonight I'm gonna rock you|- Tonight I'm gonna rock you 00:02:59:- Yeah, tonight I'm gonna rock you|- Tonight I'm gonna rock you 00:03:02:Tonight! 00:03:08:We are Spinal Tap from the UK!|You must be the USA! 00:03:17:DAVID ST HUBBINS|Lead Guitar 00:03:21:NIGEL TUFNEL|Lead Guitar 00:03:28:DEREK SMALLS|Bass 00:03:32:MICK SHRIMPTON|Drums 00:03:36:VIV SAVAGE|Keyboards 00:03:41:Little girl, it's a great big world|but there's only one of 00:03:47:Me! 00:04:09:Let's talk about your history. 00:04:11:Nigel, you and David originally started|the band back in... when was it, 1 964? 00:04:18:Before that I was in a group|called The Creatures - a skiffle group. 00:04:22:I was in Lovely Lads,|and then we looked at each other 00:04:25:and said we might as well join up,|you know? 00:04:29:So we became The Originals.|And we had to change our name. 00:04:34:There was another group|called The Originals 00:04:37:- and we had to rename ourselves.|- The New Originals. 00:04:41:- Then they became...|- They changed back to The Regulars, 00:04:45:so we could've been The Originals,|but what's the point? 00:04:49:We became|The Thames Men at that point. 00:04:53:Stop wastin' my time 00:04:55:"POP, LOOK & LISTEN"|(British TV - 1 965) 00:04:57:You know what I want 00:05:00:You know what I need 00:05:04:Or maybe you don't 00:05:07:Do I have to come right flat out|and tell you everythin'? 00:05:12:Gimme some money 00:05:15:Gimme some money 00:05:25:Your first drummer was... 00:05:27:- The Peeper.|- John "Stumpy" Pepys. Great, great... 00:05:30:Tall, blond geek with glasses. 00:05:35:- Good drummer.|- Great look. Good drummer. 00:05:38:- What happened to him?|- He died. 00:05:40:He died in a bizarre gardening accident|some years back. 00:05:44:It was one of those things. 00:05:46:It was... the authorities said 00:05:49:best leave it, you know, unsolved,|really, you know? 00:05:53:- And he was replaced by?|- Stumpy Joe. Eric "Stumpy Joe" Childs. 00:05:57:And what happened to Stumpy Joe? 00:05:59:Well, it's not a very pleasant story. 00:06:02:- But, er... he died.|- He passed on. 00:06:05:He choked on... The official explanation|was he choked on vomit. 00:06:12:- And he passed away.|- It was actually someone else's vomit. 00:06:17:There's no real... 00:06:20:They can't prove whose vomit it was. 00:06:22:They don't have facilities|in Scotland Yard. 00:06:25:You can't really dust for vomit. 00:06:28:Here we go. 00:06:31:- SoHo, they call this. SoHo.|- So-what? 00:06:36:OPENING NIGHT PARTY|New York City 00:06:41:How are you?! 00:06:44:lan... Hi, fellas! 00:06:47:How ya doin'? 00:06:49:I want you to meet everybody. 00:06:51:- Bobbi Flekman.|- Who's that? 00:06:53:- Bobbi Flekman.|- Who is it? With the record company? 00:06:58:Yes, Bobbi Flekman!|The hostess with the mostest! 00:07:02:You know! You know! 00:07:04:Hi, handsome. How ya doin'? 00:07:07:I want you to all meet Sir Denis|Eton-Hogg. He's the head of Polymer. 00:07:11:You don't talk so much.|Just smile and look smart. 00:07:15:Denis, come here! Come here. 00:07:17:I want you to meet Spinal Tap,|our guests of honour. 00:07:20:- How very nice to meet you.|- This is Sir Denis Eton-Hogg. 00:07:24:- This is Nigel.|- Thanks a lot for letting us... er... 00:07:28:Let's go over here|and we'll take a picture. 00:07:32:Where's my photographer? Come here,|honey. What's your name? Christine? 00:07:37:OK, right over here. 00:07:40:Good! Good! 00:07:42:- He's not into Negro music.|- No, it's not Negro. 00:07:46:Guys, you look fantastic.|You would never know you're almost 40. 00:07:50:If I looked this good|from the stage, too - it's amazing. 00:07:54:- I did the bird.|- Do the dead bird. 00:07:56:Get the dwarf cannolies. 00:07:57:- I did the bird.|- Don't talk back. Mime is money. Move it! 00:08:01:Now, we here at Polymer,|we're all looking forward to a long 00:08:06:and fruitful relationship with Spinal Tap. 00:08:09:We wish them great success|on their North American tour. 00:08:13:And so say all of us - Tap into America! 00:08:23:Excuse me.|Are you reading Yes, I Can? 00:08:27:- Yeah. Have you read it?|- Yeah. By Sammy Davis, Jr? 00:08:30:Yeah. 00:08:31:You know what the title|of that book should be? 00:08:33:Yes, I Can... If Frank Sinatra Says It's OK. 00:08:38:Cos Frank calls the shots|for all those guys. 00:08:40:Did you get to the part yet where|Sammy's comin' outta The Copa, 00:08:44:and it's about three o'clock|in the morning, and he sees Frank. 00:08:49:Frank's walkin' down Broadway|by himself... 00:08:54:Fuckin' limeys. 00:08:56:Well, they're not used to that world,|and Frank Sinatra. 00:09:00:It's a different world that they're in. 00:09:02:You know, it's just people like this,|you know... They get all they want, 00:09:08:so they don't really understand|about a life like Frank's. 00:09:11:You know, when you've loved and lost|the way Frank has, 00:09:15:then you know what life's about. 00:09:17:The New York Times may do something. 00:09:19:IAN FAITH|Manager, Spinal Tap 00:09:21:When do we get the album released? 00:09:24:It doesn't matter how good the press is... 00:09:26:As I explained last night, we're not gonna|saturate the New York market. 00:09:31:Now, Philly is a real rock'n'roll town. 00:09:35:The album will be available|all through the Philadelphia area. 00:09:39:So you are hitting that market... 00:09:42:We're certainly...|I'm doing everything I can. 00:09:45:You know that we're not blaming you. 00:09:48:But these guys have|an effect on an audience. 00:09:51:Kids go to their concert,|have a great time. 00:09:53:But it's... It's a passing thing. It's, uh... 00:09:57:I would never tell them this,|but this is a... this is a fad. 00:10:13:FIDELITY HALL|Philadelphia 00:10:25:The bigger the cushion,|the sweeter the pushin' 00:10:29:That's what I said 00:10:33:The looser the waistband,|the deeper the quicksand 00:10:37:Or so I have read 00:10:42:My baby fits me like a flesh tuxedo 00:10:46:I'd like to sink her with my pink torpedo 00:10:51:Big bottom 00:10:53:Big bottom 00:10:55:Talk about bum cakes, my girl's got 'em 00:10:59:Big bottom, drive me out of my mind 00:11:03:How could I leave this behind? 00:11:13:I met her on Monday,|'twas my lucky bun day 00:11:17:You know what I mean 00:11:22:I love her each weekday,|each velvety cheek day 00:11:26:You know what I mean 00:11:31:My love gun's loaded|and she's in my sights 00:11:35:Big game is waiting there|inside her tights, yeah 00:11:39:Big bottom 00:11:42:Big bottom 00:11:43:Talk about mud flaps, my girl's got 'em 00:11:48:Big bottom, drive me out of my mind 00:11:52:How could I leave this behind? 00:12:04:Let's talk about your reviews,|regarding Intravenus de Milo. 00:12:08:"This tasteless cover is a good indication|of the lack of musical invention within." 00:12:12:"The musical growth rate of this band|cannot even be charted." 00:12:16:"They're treading water in a sea|of retarded sexuality and bad poetry." 00:12:20:That's nit-picking. 00:12:22:The Gospel According To Spinal Tap. 00:12:24:"This pretentious, ponderous collection|of religious rock psalms 00:12:28:is enough to prompt the question, 00:12:30:what day did the Lord create Spinal Tap, 00:12:33:and couldn't he have rested|on that day, too?" 00:12:36:I never heard that one. That's a good one. 00:12:39:The review on Shark Sandwich, which|was merely a two-word review, just said: 00:12:45:"Shit sandwich." 00:12:47:- Where did that appear?|- That's not real, is it? 00:12:52:RECORDING INDUSTRY CONVENTION|Atlanta, Georgia 00:12:54:All those arguments about touring...|We belong on tour. 00:12:58:All that stuff about you being|too old and being too white... 00:13:03:What about the album, lan?|This is beginning to be a refrain here. 00:13:07:There's no way|to promote something that doesn't exist. 00:13:11:It's just that they're|just experimenting with, er, 00:13:15:with new packaging materials. 00:13:18:Experimenting?|They got monkeys opening ...