Concepts in Bacterial Virulence.pdf

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ConUlbullonl. to Mlclob~logy
Editors A. SChmidt. H H<trw.ld
Vol 12
in Bacterial
W. Russell
Concepts in Bacterial Virulence
Contributions to
Vol. 12
Series Editors
Axel Schmidt Wuppenal
Heiko Herwald Lwrd
Concepts in Bacterial
Volume Editors
Wayne Russell Lund
Heiko Helwald Lund
27 figures, I in color, and 7 tables, 2005
Basel· Freiburg . Paris· London' New York·
Bangalore' Bangkok' Singapore' Tokyo' Sydney
Contributions to Microbiology
formerly 'Concepts in Immunopathology' and
'Contributions to Microbiology and Immunology'
Wayne Russell, PhD
Lund University
Dept. of Cell and Molecular Biology
Section for Clinical and E"perimental
Infectious Medicine
Plan BI4
Tomaviigen 10
s-.221 84 Lund (Sweden)
Heiko Herwald, PhD
Lund University
Depl. of Cell and Molecular Biology
Section for Clinical and E"perimental
Infectious Medicine
Plan Bl4
Tomavagen 10
S~221 84 Lund (Sweden)
Library ofCongres, CIlaloging·in·Publi<:Ition I)all
Concepts in bacterial virulence I ,'olume edno"" Wayne Russell,
Helko Herwald.
p, ; em, - (Conrribul,ons to microbiolog~, ISSN 1420-9519;
v, 12)
Includes bibliographiCal referer.ces and index,
IS UN 3_8055_7786·9 (hmd cover: alk, paper)
I, Virulence (Microbiology) 2. Molecular microbiology, 3, Endo-
loxins. I. Russell, Wa~ne. II. Ilerwald, lIeiko. III. Series,
IDNLM: I. Virulence Faclors-physioloS~. 2. Baeleria-palho-
genlcity. 3. Communicable Diseases-microbiolog~.
WI C0778UE v.12 2004 / QW 730 C744 2(04)
Ilibliographie Indices. This public.1lion is listed in bibliographiC services, intludonS Currenl Conlents" and
Index Medieus.
Drug Dosage. The aUlh<m aF\d lhe publisher have exerted every effon 10 ensure lhal drug selection and
dosa b ", sci fonh in Ihis texl are in a"""rd "'ilh currenl recommendalions and praclice allhe lime of publica lion.
Ho...ever, in VieW of ongoing research, eh,lnges on governmenl regulat,ons, ,In<llhe constant now of onfonnahon
'daling 10 <lrug lherapy and drug "",cllonS, Ihe reader IS urged to check lhe package insen for each drug for
any change in in<licallons and dosage and for added ...arnings and precautions. This is particularly "nportanl
"""cn l"c recommended agenl is a new aOO/or infreq\J<lntly employe<l dnlg.
All righlS rescrvW, No pan of thiS publication may be ITanslaled inlO Qlher languages, reproduced or
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Cl CopyrlShl 200~ by S. Karger AG. r.O. Oo~, CH---4009 Basel (SwlllerlaOO)
I'"nled in S"";lZCrlaOO On acid-free paper by Reinhardl DrlICk, Uasel
ISSN 1420-9519
ISON 3~05~-7786--9
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin