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Pre-intermediate Unit 5 Video Podcast Script

F = Finn     W1 = 1st woman etc.     M1 = 1st man etc.


F:              I’ve spent a lot of time living in different countries so there isn’t one               place, I think of as home. I’ve lived in Scotland and Poland and China.               I love going to new places and learning about new cultures. Today, I’m               asking people about travel.


W1:               I love travel. It’s one of my passions.


M1:              I enjoy it a lot. I have travelled to India several times. I lived there,               and I’ve lived here, and I’ve been to Istanbul once and I enjoyed that               very much.


W2:               I’ve done quite a bit of travelling with holidays and stuff. I think it’s               good- good experience.


W3:               You get to meet different people from different backgrounds, and that’s               pretty important to get an understanding.


M2:              It’s always nice to just get out and experience a different culture and               different lifestyle.


W4:              I get very excited about the thought of going to most countries, any               country.


W5:               I love to travel to different countries.


M3:               Absolutely love travelling. I’ve been travelling for about two and a half               years solid now.


W6:               I’ve been to Turkey. I’ve been to Egypt. I’ve been to Malta.


M4:               I work as an expedition leader and so I actually operate in different               countries around the world, many places outside the United Kingdom.


F:               What do you like about travelling?


M3:               I think you mature a lot when you travel. You learn… oh, just               completely different experiences to what you’re used to at home.


W6:               I like the airport experience. I love that.


M5:              I like the arrival more than the travelling.


W5:               To see art especially. We love to see theatre in other countries.

M4:               You see some of the most beautiful scenery around the world which               you wouldn’t experience in other countries.


M2:              I just really like getting out there and experiencing a different culture,               getting far away from, you know, what we’re used to in Australia, and               meeting new people.


W4:               The anticipation of being in a new place, of seeing very different things,               of hearing a different language, of eating different food. Everything that               travel has to offer.


F:               What don’t you like?


W6:               I don’t like long flights.


W3:               I suppose plane journeys are not always the most exciting of things.


W1:               Flying. I don’t particularly like flying, but it’s a necessity when you live               in Ireland, you know.


M2:              I suppose the biggest problem I have with travelling is living out of a               suitcase.


W4:               In all honesty, I actually see the whole travel as an adventure in itself.               So when I was backpacking, and we ran out of money, or we were in               dangerous situations, I actually quite enjoyed that.


M4:               You spend a lot of time outside the United Kingdom and the               disadvantage of that is, that you tend to miss families and friends. I               miss out on normal things in life, so … I’ve been outside the United               Kingdom for two thirds of the year. I’d say that’s the main               disadvantage.


W5:               The hardest thing for me is that I’m handicapped. And so sometimes               getting around, especially very old cities, is very difficult.


M5:               My wife’s usually late getting to the airport. It wasn’t until I got married               that I actually started missing flights.













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