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Pre-intermediate Unit 9 Video Podcast Script

H = Hina     W1 = 1 woman etc.     M1 = 1st man etc.


F:               I like being in the countryside, but I'm always happy to come back to               the city. How about you?


M1:               I actually really love the countryside. I grew up on a farm.


W1:               I love being in London. I have loved my time in London, but as I'm               getting older, I increasingly want to visit the countryside more and               more.


M2:               It's nice, it’s quiet- you know, you can forget about the city.


W2:               I love it. I was brought up in the countryside.


M3:               I love being in the countryside. I love the quiet, I love the fresh air. It's               great.


W3:               I love being in the countryside. I come from Hertfordshire so, although               it’s not… where I live isn’t actually directly in the countryside. If you               drive for 10 minutes, you're in it and it's beautiful.


W4:               I love the countryside. It's a nice change to living in London and I enjoy               taking weekends out, I enjoy camping.


M4:               I enjoy the countryside because I've lived there for about 37 years.               And particularly I enjoy gardening - growing a lot of vegetables.


F:               The thing I like most about being in the countryside is watching animals               and birds. How about you? Do you like wildlife?


W1:               Well, I am an animal lover. I'm a vegetarian as well.


W4:               I like wildlife and animals. Since I was a little girl, I’ve always really               liked foxes, for some reason. And I know a lot of people don’t, but               foxes have always been my favourite animal.


M1:               I love wildlife. I really, sort of, enjoy things that you don't see every               day. I enjoy sort of very exotic wildlife that I haven't seen before.


M4:               I like watching them on the telly.


W2:               I think, I think animals are living beings and should be treated as so –               should be treated with respect.

M3:               I like big cats. They're very graceful, they're very beautiful. And               something- I’ve always just had a fascination with from an early age. I               also quite like large snakes. A friend of mine used to keep them.


W3:               My nephew and niece have a guinea pig, which I love.


F:               Are there any animals you're frightened of?


M2:               Snakes and scorpions. Just ’cause I know that usually one bite, could               mean that’s the end.


W3:               I don't like spiders. It's not really an animal - but I hate spiders.


M1:               I am very scared of spiders. And even though in Australia, we get               some very small but very dangerous spiders - I'm afraid of very big               spiders.


M4:               I don't particularly like horses because they’re big, and they frighten our               dog.


W1:               I’m not really frightened of any animals. I love them all.


M3:               There's nothing that scares me -that I haven't got any memories of               animals scaring me as a child.


W4:               I'm quite scared of sharks. I don't really like the sea and so whales and               animals such as that, I don't really like. I suppose because it’s the               unknown. I just find it quite scary.


















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