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Pre-intermediate Unit 1 Video Podcast Script

H = Hina     W1 = 1st woman etc.     M1 = 1st man etc.


H:              Hi, I’m Hina. I work for the BBC here in London. I know a lot of people here but I only have a few close friends. I keep in touch with friends by texting, emailing and using social networking sites like Facebook.

              For me, a friend is someone I can trust and depend on, but also someone who makes me laugh. Today, we’re asking people about their friends.


M1:              I’ve got a nice circle of friends, they’re not too many but I like to keep in touch with both old friends and new friends.


W1:              I’ve got a small circle of close friends.


W2:              I have a few close friends, yeah.             


W3:               Yeah, I’ve got a lot of close friends. I’ve met them through college … I actually moved over here with 3 friends so we all live together.


M2:              I’ve got close friends. I’m not the type of person to have lots of close friends. I like to have really close, close friends, and then I’ve got friends outside of that as well.


W4:              Yeah, I do have quite a few close friends.


M3:              I’m quite lucky. I have quite a large group of close friends.


M4:              I have a number of close friends.


H:              How do you keep in touch with them?


M1:              I keep in touch in all sorts of ways. I telephone, email… sometimes I might just call around their house.


W1:              The thing we have in common is that we’re all doing a similar kind of work, so we network within that circle quite a bit. Email, telephone.


W5:                Facebook, like, mainly and then MSN.


W2:               I’m on MSN a lot. I’m on Facebook. I go to see them but mostly texting and using the internet, like, social networking sites like Facebook.


W3:              Mainly, at the moment, through Facebook. I’m always on Facebook.


M2:              Usually by mobile phone. I send text messages and make phone calls.


W4:              Skype even, my family mainly.


M3:              We live all over the place, so it’s … the internet is the major way we do that. Email, or, or, networking sites.


M5:              Normally through the internet, but I like to write letters very often.


H:              What do you look for in a friend?


W3:              In a friend, I’d look for someone who’s quite trustworthy. I guess someone who’s quite creative, like myself; somebody who likes going out.


W2:              Honesty is probably the first one. If they’re not honest with me then they can’t be my friend.


W4:              Reliable and loyal. And fun and easy-going, I guess.


M1:              Sense of humour, I think.


W5:              Mainly like the personality and if they, like, have the same interests as me.


M3:              Mostly it’s people who can make me laugh. Or who I can share experiences with.


M5:              Loyalty, honesty, creativity.


W1:              Someone I can relate to. Someone I feel comfortable with. Someone I can be myself with. Someone who’s easy to talk to.


M2:              The qualities I look for in a friend - they have to be funny, they have to be kind and sincere, they have to be honest, and they have to be about this tall, otherwise I get intimidated.








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