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Gene Wolfe
Gene Wolfe is a solid and substantial Midwesterner who Is easy to like as a person, and Impossible
to fault as a writer. He has one flaw He doesn't write enough. Particularly, he doesn't write
enough novellas-a form which, some would hold, Is the Ideal length for a science-fiction story,
and which few persons have performed in more successfully than Gene Wolfe. His "the Fifth Head of
Cerberus" proved that a few years ago, and the statement Is reconfirmed with the present example,
"Seven American Nights."
Esteemed and Learned Madame:
As I last wrote you, it appears to me likely that your son Nadan (may Allah preserve him!) has
left the old capital and traveled-of his own will or another's-north into the region about the Bay
of Delaware. My conjecture is now confirmed by the discovery in those regions of the notebook I
enclose. It is not of American manufacture, as you see; and though it holds only the records of a
single week, several suggestive items therein provide us new reason to hope.
I have photocopied the contents to guide me in my investigations: but I am alert to the
probability that you, madame, with your superior knowledge of the young man we seek, may discover
implications I have overlooked. Should that be the case, I urge you to write me at once.
Though I hesitate to mention it in connection with so encouraging a finding, your most
recently due remission has not yet arrived. I assume that this tardiness results from the
procrastination of the mails, which is here truly abominable. I must warn you, however,
*Runner-up for Nebula, for Best Novella of 1978.
that I shall be forced to discontinue the search unless funds sufficient for my expenses are
forthcoming before the advent of winter.
With inexpressible respect,
Hassan Kerbelai
Here I am at last! After twelve mortal days aboard the Princess Fatimah-twelve days of
cold and ennui-twelve days of bad food and throbbing engines-the joy of being on land again is
like the delight a condemned man must feel when a letter from the shah snatches him from beneath
the very blade of death. America! America! Dull days are no more! They say that everyone who comes
here either loves or hates you, America-by Allah I love you now!
Having begun this record at last, I find I do not know where to begin. I had been reading
travel diaries before I left home; and so when I saw you, O Book, lying so square and thick in
your stall in the bazaar-why should I not have adventures too, and write a book like Osman Aga's?
Few come to this sad country at the world's edge, after all, and most who do land farther up the
And that gives me the clue I was looking for-how to begin. America began for me as colored
water. When I went out on deck yesterday morning, the ocean had changed from green to yellow. I
had never heard of such a thing before, neither in my reading, nor in my talks with Uncle Mirza,
who was here thirty years ago. I am afraid I behaved like the greatest fool imaginable, running
about the ship babbling, and looking over the side every few minutes to make certain the rich
mustard color was still there and would not vanish the way things do in dreams when we try to
point them out to someone else. The steward told me he knew. Golam Gassem the grain merchant (whom
I had tried to avoid meeting for the entire trip until that moment) said, "Yes, yes," and turned
away in a fashion that showed he had been avoiding me too, and that it was going to take more of a
miracle than yellow water to change his feelings.
One of the few native Americans in first class came out just then: Mister-as the style is
here-Tallman, husband of the lovely Madam Tallman, who really deserves such a tall man as myself.
(Whether her husband chose that name in self-derision, or in the hope that it would erase others'
memory of his infirmity; or whether it was his father's; and is merely one of the countless
ironies of fate, I do not know.
There was something wrong with his back.) As if I had not made enough spectacle of myself already,
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I took this Mr. Tallman by the sleeve and told him to look over the side, ` explaining that the
sea had turned yellow. I am afraid Mr.. Tallman turned white himself instead, and turned something
else too-his back-looking as though he would have` struck me if he dared. It was comic enough, I
suppose-4heard some of the other passengers chuckling about it' afterward-but I don't believe I
have seen such hatred in a human face before. just then the captain came strolling up, and I-
considerably deflated but not-flattened yet, and thinking that he had not overheard Mr. Tallman
and me-mentioned for the final time that day that the water had turned yellow. "I know," the
captain said. "It's his country" (here he jerked his head in the direction of the pitiful Mr.
Tallman), "bleeding to death."
Here it is evening again, and I see that I stopped writing last night before I had so much
as described my first sight of ` the coast. Well, so be it. At home it is midnight, or nearly, and
the life of the cafds is at its height. How I wish that I were there now, with you, Yasmin, not
webbed among these red- and purple-clad strangers, who mob their own streets like an invading
army, and duck into their houses like rats into their holes. But you, Yasmin, or Mother, or
whoever: may read this, will want to know of my day-only you are sometimes to think of me as I am
now, bent over an old,: scarred table in a decayed room with two beds, listening to , the
hastening feet in the streets outside.
I slept late this morning; I suppose I was more tired from the voyage than I realized. By
the time I woke, the whole of ; the city was alive around me, with vendors crying fish and
fruits under my shuttered window, and the great wooden' wains the Americans call trucks rumbling
over the broken concrete on their wide iron wheels, bringing up goods from the ships in the
Potomac anchorage. One sees very odd teams here, Yasmin. When I went to get my breakfast (one.
must go outside to reach the lobby and dining room in these American hotels, which I would think
would be very inconvenient in bad weather) I saw one of these trucks with two oxen, a horse, and a
mule in the traces, which would have . made you laugh. The drivers crack their whips all the time.
The first impression one gets of America is that it is not as
poor as one has been told. It is only later that it becomes apparent how much has been handed down
from the previous century. The streets here are paved, but they are old and broken. There are
fine, though decayed, buildings everywhere (this hotel is one-the Inn of Holidays, it is called),
more modern in appearance than the ones we see at home, where for so long traditional architecture
was enforced by law. We are on Maine Street, and when I had finished my breakfast (it was very
good, and very cheap by our standards, though I am told it is impossible to get anything out of
season here) I asked the manager where I should go to see the sights of the city. He is a short
and phenomenally ugly man, something of a hunchback as so many of them are. "There are no tours,"
he said. "Not any more."
I -told him that I simply wanted to wander about by myself, and perhaps sketch a bit.
"You can do that. North for the buildings, south for the theater, west for the park. Do
you plan to go to the park, Mr. Jaffarzadeh?"
"I haven't decided yet."
"You should hire at least two securities if you go to the park-I can recommend an agency."
"I have my pistol."
"You'll need more than that, sir."
Naturally, I decided then and there that I would go to the park, and alone. But i have
determined not to spend this, the sole, small coin of adventure this land has provided me so far,
before I discover what else it may offer to enrich my existence.
Accordingly, I set off for the north when I left the hotel. I have not, thus far, seen
this city, or any American city, by night. What they might be like if these people thronged the
streets then, as we do, I cannot imagine. Even by clearest day, there is the impression of a
carnival, of some mad circus whose performance began a hundred or more years ago and has not ended
At first it seemed that only every fourth or fifth person suffered some trace of the
genetic damage that destroyed the old America, but as I grew more accustomed to the streets, and
thus less quick to dismiss as Americans and no more the unhappy old woman who wanted me to buy
flowers and the boy who dashed shrieking between the wheels of a truck, and began instead to look
at them as human beings-in other
words, just as I would look at some chance-met person on one of our own streets-I saw that there
was hardly a soul not marked in some way. These deformities, though they are individually hideous,
in combination with the bright, ragged clothing so common here, give the meanest assemblage the
character of a pageant. I sauntered along, hardly out of earshot of one group of street musicians
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before encountering another, and in a few strides passed a man so tall that he was taller seated
on a low step than I standing; a bearded dwarf with a withered arm; and a woman whose face had
been divided by some devil into halves, one large-eyed and idiotically despairing, the other
squinting and sneering.
There can be no question about it-Yasmin must not read this. I have been sitting here for
an hour at least, staring at the flame of the candle. Sitting and listening to something that from
time to time beats against the steel shutters that close the window of this room. The truth is
that I am paralyzed by a fear that entered me-I do not know from whence-yesterday, and has been
growing ever since.
Everyone knows that these Americans were once the most skilled creators of consciousness-
altering substances the world has ever seen. The same knowledge that permitted them to forge the
chemicals that destroyed them (so that they might have bread that never staled, innumerable
poisons for vermin, and a host of unnatural materials for every purpose) also contrived synthetic
alkaloids that produced endless feverish imaginings.
Surely some, at least, of these skills remain. Or if they do not,, then some of the
substances themselves, preserved for eighty or a hundred years in hidden cabinets, and no doubt
growing more dangerous as the world forgets them. I think that someone on the ship may have
administered some such drug to me.
That is out at last! I felt so much better at having written
it-it took a great deal of effort that I took several turns
about this room. Now that I have written it down, I do not
believe it at all.
Still, last night I dreamed of that bread, of which I first read in the little schoolroom
of Uncle Mirza's country house. It was no complex, towering "literary" dream such as I have
sometimes had, and embroidered, and boasted of afterward
over coffee. Just the vision of a loaf of soft white bread lying on a plate in the center of a
small table: bread that retained the fragrance of the oven (surely one of the most delicious in
the world) though it was smeared with gray mold. Why would the Americans wish such a thing? Yet
all the historians agree that they did, just as they wished their own corpses to appear living
It is only this country, with its colorful, fetid streets, deformed people, and harsh,
alien language, that makes me feel as drugged and dreaming as I do. Praise Allah that I can speak
Farsi to you, O Book. Will you believe that I have taken out every article of clothing I have,
just to read the makers' labels? Will I believe it, for that matter, when I read this at home?
The public buildings to the north--once the great center, as I understand it, of political
activity-offer a severe contrast to the streets of the still-occupied areas. In the latter, the
old buildings are in the last stages of decay, or have been repaired by makeshift and
inappropriate means; but they seethe with the life of those who depend upon such commercial
activity as the port yet provides, and with those who depend on them, and so on. The monumental
buildings, because they were constructed of the most imperishable materials, appear almost whole,
though there are a few fallen columns and sagging porticos, and in several places small trees
(mostly the sad carpinus caroliniana, I believe) have rooted in the crevices of walls. Still, if
it is true, as has been written, that Time's beard is gray not with the passage of years but with
the dust of ruined cities, it is here that he trails it. These imposing shells are no more than
that. They were built, it would seem, to be cooled and ventilated by machinery. Many are
windowless, their -interiors now no more than sunless caves, reeking of decay; into these I did
not venture. Others had had fixed windows that once were mere walls of glass; and a few of these
remained, so that I was able to sketch their construction. Most, however, are destroyed. Time's
beard has swept away their very shards.
Though these old buildings (with one or two exceptions) are deserted, I encountered
several beggars. They seemed to be Americans whose deformities preclude their doing useful work,
and one cannot help but feel sorry for them, though their appearance is often as distasteful as
their im-
portunities. They offered to show me the former residence of their Padshah, and as an excuse to
give them a few coins I accompanied them, making them first pledge to leave me when I had seen it.
The structure they pointed out to me was situated at the end of a long avenue lined with
impressive buildings; so I suppose they must have been correct in thinking it once important.
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Hardly more than the foundation, some rubble, and one ruined wing remain now, and it cannot have
been originally of an enduring construction. No doubt it was actually a summer palace or something
of that kind. The beggars have now forgotten its very name, and call it merely "the white house."
When they had guided me to this relic, I pretended that I wanted to make drawings, and
they left as they had promised. In five or ten minutes, however, one particularly enterprising
fellow returned. He had no lower jaw, so that I had quite a bit of difficulty in understanding him
at first; but after we had shouted back and forth a good deal-I telling him to depart and
threatening to kill him on the spot, and he protesting-I realized that he was forced to make the
sound of d for b, n for m, and t for p; and after that we got along better.
I will not attempt to render his speech phonetically, but he said that since I had been so
generous, he wished to show me a great secret-something foreigners like myself did not even
realize existed.
"Clean water," I suggested.
"No, no. A great, great secret, Captain. You think all this is dead." He waved a misshapen
hand at the desolated structures that surrounded us.
"Indeed I do."
"One still lives. You would like to see it? I will guide. Don't worry about the others-
they're afraid of me. I will drive them away."
"If you are leading me into some kind of ambush, I warn you, you will be the first to
He looked at me very seriously for a moment, and a man seemed to stare from the eyes in
that ruined face, so that I felt a twinge of real sympathy. "See there? The big building to the
south, on Pennsylvania? Captain, my father's father's father was chief of a department
('detartnent') there. I would not betray you."
From what I have read of this country's policies in the days of his father's father's
father, that was little enough reassurance, but I followed him.
We went diagonally across several blocks, passing through two ruined buildings. There were
human bones in both, and remembering his boast, I asked him if they had belonged to the workers
"No, no." He tapped his chest again-a habitual gesture, I suppose--and scooping up a skull
from the floor held it beside his own head so that I could see that it exhibited cranial
deformities much like his own. "We sleep here, to be shut behind strong walls from the things that
come at night. We die here, mostly in wintertime. No one buries us."
"You should bury each other," I said.
He tossed down the skull, which shattered on the terrazzo floor, waking a thousand dismal
echoes. "No shovel, and few are strong. But come with me."
At first sight the building to which he led me looked more decayed than many of the ruins.
One of its spires had fallen, and the bricks lay in the street. Yet when I looked again, I saw
that there must be something in what he said. The broken windows had been closed with ironwork at
least as well made as the shutters that protect my room here; and the door, though old and
weathered, was tightly shut, and looked strong.
"This is the museum," my guide told me. "The only part left, almost, of the Silent City
that still lives in, the old way. Would you like to see inside?"
I told him that I doubted that we would be able to enter.
"Wonderful machines." He pulled at my sleeve. "You see in, Captain. Come."
We followed the building's walls around several corners, and at last entered a sort of
alcove at the rear. Here there was a grill set in the weed-grown ground, and the beggar gestured
toward it proudly. I made him stand some distance off, then knelt as he had indicated to look
through the grill.
There was a window of unahattered glass beyond the grill. It was very soiled now, but I
could see through into the basement of the building, and there, just as the beggar had said, stood
an orderly array of complex mechanisms.
I stared for some time, trying to gain some notion of their purpose; and at length an old
American appeared among
them, peering at one and then another, and whisking the shining bars and gears with a rag.
The beggar had crept closer as I watched. He pointed at the old man, and said, "Still come
from north and south to study here. Someday we are great again." Then I thought of my own lovely
country, whose eclipse-though without genetic damage-lasted twenty-three hundred years. And I gave
him money, and told him that, yes, I was certain America would be great again someday, and left
him, and returned here.
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I have opened the shutters so that I can look across the city to the obelisk and catch the
light of the dying sun. Its fields and valleys of fire do not seem more alien to me, or more
threatening, than this strange, despondent land. Yet I know that we are all one-the beggar, the
old man moving among the machines of a dead age, those machines themselves, the sun, and I. A
century ago, when this was a thriving city, the philosophers used to speculate on the 'reason that
each neutron and proton and electron exhibited the same mass as all the others of its kind. Now we
know that there is only one particle of each variety, moving backward and forward in time, an
electron when it travels as we do, a positron when its temporal displacement is retrograde, the
same few particles appearing billions of billions of times to make up a single object, and the
same few particles forming all the objects, so that we are all the sketches, as it were, of the
same set of pastels.
I have gone out to eat. There is a good restaurant not far from the hotel, better even
than the dining room here. When I came back the manager told me that there is to be a play tonight
at the theater, and assured me that because it is so close to his hotel (in truth, he is very
proud of this theater, and no doubt its proximity to his hotel is the only circumstance that
permits the hotel to remain open) I will be in no. danger if I go without an escort. To tell the
truth, I am a little ashamed that I .did not hire a boat today to take me across the channel to
the park; so now I will attend the play, and dare the night streets.
Here I am again, returned to this too-large, too-bare, uncarpeted room, which is already
beginning to . seem a second home, with no adventures to retail from the danger-
ous benighted streets. The truth is that the theater is hardly more than a hundred paces to the
south. I kept my hand on the butt of my pistol and walked along with a great many other people
(mostly Americans) who were also going to the theater, and felt something of a fool.
The building is as old as those in the Silent City, I should think; but it has been kept
in some repair. There was more of a feeling of gaiety (though to me it was largely an alien
gaiety) among the audience than we have at home, and less of the atmosphere of what I may call the
sacredness of Art. By that I knew that the drama really is sacred here, as the colorful clothes of
the populace make clear in any case. An exaggerated and solemn respect always indicates a loss of
Having recently come from my dinner, I ignored the stands
in the lobby at which the Americans-who seem to eat
constantly when they can afford it were selecting various
cold meats and pastries, and took my place in the theater
proper. I was hardly in my seat before a pipe-puffing old
gentleman, an American, desired me to move in order that
he might reach his own. I stood up gladly, of course, and
greeted him as "Grandfather," as our own politeness (if not
theirs) demands. But while he was settling himself and I was
still standing beside him, I caught a glimpse of his face from
the exact angle at which I had seen it this afternoon, and
recognized him as the old man I had watched through the
Here was a difficult situation. I wanted very much to draw him into conversation, but I
could not well confess that I had been spying on him. I puzzled over the question until the lights
were extinguished and the play began.
It was Vidal's Visit to a Small Planet, one of the classics of the old American theater, a
play I have often read about but never (until now) seen performed. I would have liked it much
better if it had been done with the costumes and settings of its proper period; unhappily, the
director had chosen to "modernize" the entire affair, just as we sometimes present Rustam Beg as
if Rustam had been a hero of the war just past. General Powers was a contemporary American soldier
with the mannerisms of a cowardly bandit; Spelding, a publisher of libelous broadsheets, and so
on. The only characters that gave me much pleasure were the limping
spaceman, Kreton, and the ingenue, Ellen Spelding, played as and by a radiantly beautiful American
All through the first act my mind had been returning m
(particularly during Spelding's speeches) to the problem of
the old man beside me. By the time the curtain fell, I had
decided that the best way to start a conversation might be to:
offer to fetch him a kebab--or whatever he might want -
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