Zelazny, Roger - Dilvish, The Damned.pdf

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Dilvish, The Damned
by Roger Zelazny
Passage to Dilfar
Thelinde's Song
The Bells of Shoredan
A Knight for Merytha
The Places ofAache
ACity Divided
Tower of Ice
Devil and theDancer
Garden of Blood
Dilvish, the Damned
WHEN Dilvish the Damned came down from Portaroy they tried to stop him at Qaran, and again at
Tugado, then again at Maestar, Mycar, and Bildesh. Five horsemen had waited for him along the route to
Dilfar; and when one flagged, a new rider with a fresh horse would replace him. But none could keep the
pace of Black, the horse out of steel, for whom it was said the Colonel of the East had bartered a part of
his soul.
A day and a night had he ridden, to outpace the advancing armies of Lylish, Colonel of the West, for his
own men lay stiff and clotted on the rolling fields of Portaroy.
When Dilvish had seen that he was the last man standing in the place of slaughter, he had called Black to
his side, hauled himself into the saddle that was a part of him, and cried for an escape. Black's gleaming
hooves had borne him through a line of pikemen, their staffs turned aside like wheat, and ringing, as their
metal tips touched against his midnight hide.
"To Dilfar!" he had cried, and Black turned at a right angle in his course and carried him up the face of a
cliff where only goats can go.
When Dilvish came by Qaran, Black turned his head and said to him: "Great Colonel of the East, they
have mined the air and the air beneath the air with the stars of death."
"Can you get by them?" asked Dilvish.
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"If we go by way of the posting road," said Black, "I may be able to."
"Then let us make haste to try it."
The tiny silver eyes, which looked out from the space beneath space and contained the hellspecks of
starstuff, blinked and shimmered ahead.
They turned off the road.
It was on the posting road that the first rider emerged from behind a boulder and called upon Dilvish to
halt. His horse was a huge bay without trappings.
"Draw rein, Colonel of the East," he had said. "Thy men are slaughtered. The road ahead is seeded with
death and flanked by the men of Lylish—"
But Dilvish had swept past him without making answer, and the man put his spurs to the bay and
He paced him all that morning, up the road to Tugado, until the bay, who was all alather, stumbled and
hurled the man to the rocks.
At Tugado Dilvish found his way blocked by the rider of the blood-red stallion, who fired at him a bolt
from a crossbow.
Black reared high into the air, and the bolt glanced off his chest. His nostrils grew, with a sound like the
cry of a great bird coming forth from them. The blood-red stallion leapt from the roadway then and into
the field.
Black plunged ahead, and the other rider turned his horse and followed.
Till the sun reached the top of the sky did he give chase, and then the red horse collapsed in a heap of
heavy breathing. Dilvish rode on.
At Maestar the way was blocked at thePassofReshth .
A wall of logs filled the narrow trail to twice the height of a man.
"Over," said Dilvish, and Black arced into the air like a dark rainbow, going up and across the
Just ahead, at the ending of the pass, the rider of the white mare waited.
Black cried out once more, but the mare stood steady.
The light reflected from the mirrors of his steel hooves, and his hairless hide was near blue in the bright
light of noonday. He did not slow his pace, and the rider of the mare, seeing that he was all of metal,
backed from out the pass and drew his sword.
Dilvish pulled his own blade from beneath his cloak and parried a head cut as he passed the other rider.
Then the man was following after him and crying out:
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"Though you have passed the stars of death and leapt the barrier here, you shall never make it to Dilfar!
Draw rein! You ride a nether spirit who has taken the form of a horse, but you will be stopped at Mycar
or Bildesh—or before!"
But the Colonel of the East did not reply, and Black carried him on with long, effortless strides.
"You ride a mount which never tires," called out the man, "but he is not proof against other sorceries!
Give me your sword!"
Dilvish laughed, and his cloak was a wing in the wind.
Before the day lapsed into evening, the mare, too, had fallen, and Dilvish was near Mycar.
Black halted suddenly as they approached the stream called Kethe. Dilvish clung to his neck to keep
from being thrown off.
"The bridge is out," said Black, "and I cannot swim."
"Can you clear it?"
"I do not know, my colonel. It is wide. If I cannot clear it, we will never surface again. Kethe cuts deeply
into the earth."
And the ambushers came suddenly forth from the trees then, some on horseback and others on foot, the
foot soldiers bearing pikes; and Dilvish said: "Try."
Black was immediately at full gallop, going faster than horses can run, and the world spun and tumbled
about Dilvish as he clung to Black with his knees and his great scarred hands. He cried out as they rose
into the air.
When they struck the other bank, Black's hooves sank a full span into the rock and Dilvish reeled in the
saddle. He kept his mount, however, and Black freed his hooves.
Looking back at the other bank, Dilvish saw the ambushers standing still, staring at him, then looking
down into Kethe, then back up again at him and Black.
As they moved ahead once more, the rider of the piebald stallion fell in beside him and said: "Though
you have ridden three horses into the ground, we will stop you between here and Bildesh. Surrender!"
Then Dilvish and Black were far ahead of him, and away.
"They think you are a demon, my mount," he said to Black.
The horse chuckled.
"Perhaps 'twere beter an' I were."
And they rode the sun out of the sky and finally the piebald fell, and the rider cursed Dilvish and Black,
and they rode on.
The trees began to fall at Bildesh.
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"Deadfalls!" cried Dilvish, but Black was already doing his dance of avoidance and passage. He halted,
rearing; and he sprang forward from off his hind legs and passed over a falling log. He halted again and
did it once more. Then two fell at once, from opposite sides of the trail, and he leapt backward and then
forward again, passing over both.
Two deep pits did he leap across then, and a volley of arrows chattered against his sides, one of them
wounding Dilvish in the thigh.
The fifth horseman bore down upon them. The color of fresh-minted gold was this horse, and named
Sunset, and his rider was but a youth and light in the saddle, chosen so as to carry the pursuit as far as
necessary. He bore a deathlance that shattered against Black's shoulder without causing him to turn. He
raced after Dilvish and called out:
"Long have I admired Dilvish, Colonel of the East, so that I do not desire to see him dead. Pray
surrender unto me! You will be treated with all courtesies due your station!"
Dilvish did laugh then and made reply, saying:
"Nay, my lad. Better to die than fall to Lylish. On, Black!'"
And Black doubled his pace and the boy leaned far forward over Sunset's neck and gave chase. He
wore a sword at his side, but he never had chance to use it. Though Sunset ran the entire night, longer
and farther than any of the other pursuers, he, too, finally fell as the east began to grow pale.
As he lay there, trying to rise, the youth cried out:
"Though you have escaped me, you shall fall to the Lance!"
Then was Dilvish, called the Damned, riding alone in the hills above Dilfar, bearing his message to that
city. And though he rode the horse of steel, called Black, still did he fear an encounter with Lance of the
Invincible Armor before he delivered his message.
As he started on the last downward trail his way was blocked a final time, by an armored man on an
armored horse. The man held the way completely, and though he was visored, Dilvish knew from his
devices that he was Lance, the Right Hand of the Colonel of the West.
"Halt and draw rein, Dilvish!" he called out. "You cannot pass me!"
Lance sat like a statue.
Dilvish halted Black and waited.
"I call upon you to surrender now."
"No," said Dilvish.
"Then must I slay you."
Dilvish drew his sword.
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The other man laughed.
"Know you not that my armor is unbreachable?"
"No," said Dilvish.
"Very well, then," he said, with something like a chuckle. "We are alone here, you have my word.
Dismount. I'll do so at the same time. When you see it is futile, you may have your life. You are my
They dismounted.
"You are wounded," said Lance.
Dilvish cut for his neck without replying, hoping to burst the joint. It held, however, and the metal bore
not even a scratch to tell of the mighty blow that might have beheaded another.
"You must see now that my armor cannot be breached. It was forged by the Salamanders themselves
and bathed in the blood of ten virgins…"
Dilvish cut at his head and as he had cut at him, Dilvish had circled slowly to his left, so that now Lance
stood with his back to the horse of steel, called Black.
"Now, Black!" cried Dilvish.
Then did Black rear high up on his bind legs and fall forward, bringing his front hooves down toward
The man called Lance turned rapidly around and they struck him on the chest. He fell.
Two shining hoof marks had been imprinted upon his breastplate.
"You were right," said Dilvish. "It is still un-breached."
Lance moaned again.
"… And I could slay thee now, with a blade through the eyeslit of thy visor. But I will not, as I did not
down thee fairly. When you recover, tell Lylish that Dilfar will be ready for his coming. Twere better he
"I'll have a sack for thy head when we take the city," said Lance.
"I'll kill thee on the plain before the city," said Dilvish, and he remounted Black and descended the trail,
leaving him there on the ground.
And as they rode away, Black said to him: "When you meet, strike at the marks of my hooves. The
armor will yield there."
When he came into the city, Dilvish proceeded through the streets to the palace without speaking to
those who clustered about him.
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