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PowerShell and Active Directory
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PowerShell and Active Directory
A Powerful Combination in Windows 7 and Windows Server
2008 R2
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Since its release, Windows PowerShell has become the automation platform of choice for Windows. Its power and
flexibility have been proven in many environments against many Windows technologies. Unfortunately, when it came to
Active Directory (AD) support, PowerShell 1 didn't have a very good story out of the box. Basically, Microsoft provided the
ADSI Ðtype-acceleratorÑ and that was about it. If you needed to do more advanced tasks, you had to access the native .Net
classes that provided AD supportÏwhich required more advanced skills than most administrators were interested in
learning. Many shops turned to third parties such as Quest Software and its AD PowerShell snap-in to fill the bill.
But with the release of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, the wait for full-fledged PowerShell AD support is over.
Microsoft has shipped an AD module and PowerShell Drive provider in these new releases to make managing AD from
PowerShell a snap.
How Do I Get It?
If you install a Windows Server 2008 R2 domain controller by adding the Active Directory Domain Services role within
Server Manager, the AD PowerShell module will be installed by default. However, if you want to install the module (a
module is a just a collection of PowerShell cmdlets, providers, scripts, and so on) on your Windows 7 workstation, youÓll
need to install the Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT).
Once youÓve installed RSAT, go to the Programs and Features category in the Control Panel, choose Turn Windows
Features on or off and scroll down until you see the RSAT node. Expand that until you get to the Active Directory Module
for Windows PowerShell node, as shown in Figure 1 . Check that box and select OK to add the module.
Once the module is installed, you can select either the Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell item from the
Start Menu, Program, Administrative Tools program group, or you can easily add it to your existing PowerShell session by
Import-module ActiveDirectory
After a brief flash, the prompt will return and you'll be able to access all the power that PowerShell and AD have to offer.
However, before we start using the AD PowerShell module, let me add one important piece of information. Unlike any
prior implementations that allowed PowerShell-based AD automation, this new module requires that you have at least one
domain controller in your domain running the new Active Directory Web Services (ADWS). ADWS is installed by default
on an R2 domain controller, but youÓll need a special add-on to your Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008
domain controllers in order to use the module .
If you donÓt have an ADWS server in your domain, you'll get an error when you try to import the AD module into
PowerShell. The interesting thing to note about ADWS, and these PowerShell cmdlets in general, is that they donÓt use
LDAP to talk to AD. Specifically, they use XML Web ServicesÎbased protocols to interact with AD. This is a significant
departure from all previous AD toolsets and it will be interesting to see if Microsoft continues this trend in future AD
management tools. Note that once you install ADWS on your non-R2 domain controller, you'll still be able to manage these
servers using normal LDAP-based tools such as AD Users and Computers.
Using the Cmdlets
Once youÓve installed the cmdlets and have a DC with ADWS running, youÓre ready to explore the power of PowerShell for
AD. Microsoft provides two main tools for automating AD management using PowerShell. The first is a set of cmdlets that
let you do everything from searching for AD objects to creating computer accounts to modify user accounts. The second
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tool is a PowerShell Drive Provider for AD that lets you navigate AD like a file system. This tool can be powerful for
interactive use and IÓll show you some nifty things you can do with it against AD.
LetÓs start by looking at some of the AD cmdlets. If you want a list of all the AD-related cmdlets exposed by the AD
PowerShell module, open PowerShell and type the following:
get-command -module ActiveDirectory
This will return a list of 76 cmdlet names that are part of the AD module. As you'll see from the list, there are obvious
cmdlets such as Get-ADGroupMember to retrieve members from groups and New-ADComputer to add computer accounts
to the domain. LetÓs take a look at how you can use a few of these cmdlets. LetÓs say you want to quickly retrieve a list of
members from the ÐMarketing UsersÑ group in your domain. You can do that easily by using the following cmdlet:
get-ADGroupMember -identity "Marketing Users"
The identity parameter is common throughout the AD cmdlet as a way of referencing a particular AD object. The identity
parameter can take the form of a distinguished name (e.g., DC=cpandl,DC=com), an object GUID, SID, or
Another powerful feature of PowerShell, and of these AD cmdlets, is the ability to pipe the output from one cmdlet to
another. For example, letÓs say you want to find a user object in AD, and then disable that user object. You know the userÓs
samAccountName is kmyer, so you can use the following two cmdlets to accomplish the task:
get-ADUser -identity kmyer | Set-ADUser -enabled $false
In this example, we're using the get-ADUser cmdlet to search for the user account with a samAccountName of kmyer. Once
we find that user, we pipe it to the Set-ADUser cmdlet and pass it the parameterÏenabled with the PowerShell $false flag
to indicate that we want the account to be disabled.
This is a simple example that illustrates the power and simplicity of PowerShell and the AD cmdlets. Because 76 cmdlets
are within this module, you can imagine that you can do a lot more with this feature. LetÓs look at one more feature within
this module that's worth exploring: the Active Directory PowerShell Drive.
The Active Directory PowerShell Drive Provider
What is a PowerShell Drive provider? PowerShell supports the concept of managing resources as if they were like drive
volumes. Just as you can CD into a file folder, PowerShell Drives let you navigate other types of resources the same way.
For example, in PowerShell 1, Microsoft provided a registry PowerShell Drive so that you could treat registry keys and
values as folders and files. You could change directories in PowerShell to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then navigate
through keys, adding and removing keys and values using commands similar to what you would use in the file system.
Microsoft has provided a PowerShell Drive provider for AD along with the cmdlets. This PowerShell Drive lets you treat
your AD hierarchy like a file system. To use this feature, open PowerShell with the AD module loaded. Then type:
cd AD:
YouÓll notice that the drive prompt changes to reflect the new drive you're working from. If you type DIR from here, you'll
get a list of all the partitions within your current AD forest. LetÓs say that you want to navigate into your AD domain and
create a new OU. From the top-level AD: drive context, type (replace DC=cpandl,DC=com with your AD domain's directory
cd ÑDC=cpandl,DC=comÒ
Now letÓs say we want to create a new HR OU under the Marketing OU. To change to the Marketing OU folder, type:
cd ÑOU=MarketingÒ
Finally, to create the HR OU under Marketing, type:
It's as simple as that. Figure 2 shows the output from these commands.
Streamline AD Management
Of course, this example is only the tip of the iceberg when using the AD PowerShell Drive. Using this method you can
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perform most tasks against AD that you can perform within a file system. And, you can include PowerShell Drive
commands in scripts to further automate AD management.
I've only scratched the surface of what you can do with the new AD capabilities in PowerShell. Between the cmdlets and the
AD provider, you have a whole new set of options for command-line management of AD in Windows 7 and Windows
Server 2008 R2. I highly recommend you spend time working with this new module to learn how it can help streamline
your AD management.
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¨ 2011 Penton Media, Inc.
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