PZL-23 Karaś (SAMI).pdf

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PZL.23B, '1' of N 0 64 Eskadry (Squadron) attached to 6
Pułku Lotniczego (Air Regiment), operating from Lwów
© Richard J. Caruana -1999
arly in the 'thirties, the Polish
Lotnictwo Wojskowe (Military
Aviation) requested a
replacement for its ageing
Potez 25 and 27 light
biplanes. Państwowe Zakłady Lotnicze
(PZL - State Aviation Works) responded to
the 1931 specification, which requested an
all-metal light bomber powered by a
Bristol Pegasus air-cooled radial engine
able to carry a 600kg (13301b) bomb load.
It was required to attain a minimum speed
of 300km/hr (186mph) and to operate
from improvised airfields. PZL decided
that it could develop the new bomber from
its earlier P.13, a high performance six-
passenger light transport monoplane
powered by a 420hp Pratt & Whitney Wasp.
Designed by Stanisław Prauss, this
lightplane had been abandoned when at an
advanced stage of detail design.
Apart from extensive redesign to the
fuselage, other changes were centred
around the addition of wing flaps and
provision for the mounting of both
offensive and defensive weapons. The wing
was designed by Franciszek Misztal, based
on an original stressed-skin concept which
had been tested earlier on the PZL. 19 high
performance touring aircraft. This wing,
tested on a static airframe in 1933,
presented serious problems and caused
delays in the construction of the first
On the first day of September, sixty years ago, the mighty German forces launched
their first Blitzkrieg against a neighbouring nation. While the exploits of Polish fighter
pilots received wide publicity, the close support and attack work carried out by a
small, light reconnaissance-bomber known as the 'Karaś' went completely
unnoticed. Suffering heavy losses, it saw extensive use during the first two weeks of
the Second World War. Surviving aircraft were eventually impressed into Rumanian
service and found themselves involved in the Axis' catastrophic events on the
Russian front, while the Bulgarian 'Tchaikas', an export derivative, was only
withdrawn from front line service in September 1944. Richard J. Caruana takes a
close look at an aircraft which is little known outside its country of origin.
by the Polish Skoda works: frequent
jamming of reduction gear, and fractures
in the crankshaft were the major causes.
After producing 40 examples of what had
by then become known as the P.23A
'Karaś', production switched to the P.23B;
its wing leading edge slats were removed
and it was re-engined with the much more
reliable 660/680hp Pegasus VIII which had
become available as from the summer of
1936. All P.23As were relegated to training
duties, being passed on to training schools
as soon as the 'B's became available.
By February of 1937, production of the
Karaś had reached the rate of 20 aircraft
per month. Thus the initial order of 200
examples was completed by September and
an additional order of 50 P.23Bs was placed
in February, 1938. Meanwhile, the P.23B
entered service with the 1st Air Regiment
in Warsaw and a total of 14 combat
squadrons, each equipped with ten Karaś,
were to be formed. Of these only twelve had
been completely when war broke out in
September 1939, as the other two were
equipped with the newer P.27 Los.
Technical Desciption
The Karaś B was an all-metal cantilever
monoplane powered by one Skoda Bristol
Pegasus VIII engine rated at 670 hp driving
a wooden two-bladed Szomański propeller.
Of note was the wing structure which was
one of the earliest metal sandwich
structures attempted on a production
aircraft. Misztal's wing (Patent N° 16,585,
June 20 1932), was built around a wide
central box-girder of two light duralumin
spars and corrugated duralumin sheet to
which a smooth duralumin skin was added
externally. A duralumin 'D' leading edge
and a stressed-skin multi-cell trailing edge
were attached, forming a wing structure
which became the hallmark of PZL on the
Karaś and most of their subsequent
prototype which, powered by a 570/590hp
Bristol Pegasus II M2, made its maiden
flight in the third week of August 1934.
Flight tests revealed rear fuselage vibration
and tail flutter, while crew accommodation
and visibility from the cockpit left much to
be desired.
Extensive modifications were
incorporated into the second prototype
(P.23/II) which flew early in 1935. The
fuselage was redesigned, the internal
bomb bay which made crew access
extremely difficult was removed while the
engine, now installed in a close-fitting
low-drag cowling, was lowered to improve
visibility. Improvements were also
introduced into the design of the wings
which received more effective slotted
ailerons and improved flaps. Automatic
slats were added to the leading edges of
the wings while the root fairings were
enlarged. This prototype, which proved
highly superior to its predecessor, was lost
during a bad weather landing accident and
had to be substituted in the test
programme by the third Karaś which was
completed in the middle of 1935.
Having reached a satisfactory standard,
an order for 200 P.23s was received by PZL.
Production started with a series of
problems, mainly centred around the
Pegasus II M2 engines built under licence
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The pilot of a PZL.23 Karaś of Nr 22 Squadron makes his way into the front cockpit while the engine warms up in anticipation of another sortie (RJ Caruana Archives)
completely wasted when they could have
been put to better use in the bomber role,
notwithstanding that by the time of the
German invasion they were already
On September 2 1939,18 Karaś from N°
64 and 65 squadrons performed their first
successful bombing of German targets
though at a great cost, as five aircraft failed
to return and a further three were
damaged. On the following day, 28 Karaś
from 21,22 and 55 Squadrons hit enemy
armour near Radomsko where they
claimed to have put 30% of German
vehicles out of action. Sorties continued
between September 4-8 by Karaś units in
conjunction with the four Los squadrons
concentrating on enemy armour in the
Radomsko-Piotrków region and around
Pułtusk, inflicting heavy losses to the
German 10th Army Group's 4th Armoured
Division and the Kämpf Armoured
Division. However the losses were such that
by the middle of September the operational
capability of Karaś units had become
insignificant. With the Russian
intervention of September 17, surviving
P.23s were flown to Rumania — some
twelve aircraft reaching that country —
and were impressed into service into the
Rumanian Air Force.
Though not a brilliant fighting machine,
the PZL.23 Karaś has found its niche in
history as one of the first aircraft to oppose
designs. Fuel was contained in two 2301t
tanks fitted between the wing spars in the
centre section and two 501t tanks fitted aft
of the rear spar. An additional 251t tank
was housed in the front fuselage, ahead of
the windscreen. The tail unit was
structurally very similar to the wing. The
fixed landing gear consisted of two main
PZL oleo legs enclosed in streamlined
fairings fitted with Dunlop 775x240mm
wheels, and a sprung tailskid.
The oval-section fuselage was similarly
strengthened internally by corrugated
sheeting under its stressed-skin
construction. The pilot sat in the front
within an enclosed cockpit while the
observer, provided with removable dual
controls, sat behind. This second crew
member doubled as bomb aimer/gunner,
descending into the ventral gondola which
was equipped with bomb-release gear and
camera in the forward section and a
Vickers 'F' Type 7.7mm machine gun at the
rear firing downward. Another Vickers gun
was provided for a third crew member who
sat in an open cockpit; the Vickers were
sometimes substituted by indigenous
7.9mm Km Wz37 Szczeniak machine guns.
The pilot could use a fixed 7.9mm Km Wz
33 fitted to the starboard side of the
fuselage, firing through the engine
cylinders' banks and propeller arc. Up to a
maximum of eight 100kg bombs could be
carried attached to racks under the wing
centre-section although the bomb load was
usually restricted to 700kg.
for 42 machines was placed with PZL.
Some thirty of this second order had
been delivered by August 1939, while eight
were awaiting delivery and a ninth ready to
leave Airframe Plant N° 1 at Warsaw-
Okęcie. Crews from N° 41 Squadron, Polish
Air Force, were ordered to pick these P.43Bs
on the second day of the war to replace
losses of P.23 Karaś. Of these, only five
could be retrieved as the others had been
destroyed on the ground in a German
attack against the Okęcie airfield.
As early as 1936, Prauss had begun
radial were ordered for the Polish Air Force
while a Gnome-Rhone powered version
was being considered by Bulgaria.
Deliveries to the squadrons had been
scheduled for early 1940 but production
had hardly got underway at the time of the
German invasion.
In Combat
114 P.23s were flown by first-line units
during the September Luftwaffe
onslaught, and an additional 11 machines
(including the five PZL. 43s) were received
An Export Model
Bulgaria showed great interest in the P.23
Karaś and placed a order for 12 machines
early in 1936 specifying the need for a
more powerful engine and a second
forward firing gun. To offset the centre of
gravity movement resulting from the
heavier Gnome-Rhone 14N-01 engine, the
main cabin had to be redesigned and the
rear fuselage lengthened by 27cm. The
original third prototype (P.23/III, by then
registered SP-BMF) served as test bed for
the new engine. The first aircraft, which
had been designated PZL.43 'Tchaika'
(Seagull), to be delivered to Bulgaria were
fitted with the Gnome-Rhone 14Kfs
engine due to delays of shipments from
France until the 14N-01s became
available. These aircraft gained an
excellent reputation and a second order
A stricken PZL.23 Karaś of N°41 Squadron is inspected by Luftwaffe personnel who landed for this purpose near the crash site (RJ Caruana Archives)
work on a Karaś replacement to be
powered by a 1200hp radial under the
designation of P.46 'Sum'. A twin fin and
rudder tail was devised to provide the rear
gunner with a better field of fire while the
gunner's ventral gondola could be
retracted. A production P.23B was taken
off the line for conversion, designated P.42.
A true prototype, the P.46/I, flew in
October 1938 and a second was available
by spring of the following year. Results
were so encouraging that 300 Sum As
powered by a 25hp PZL-built Pegasus XX
as replacements. In spite of the numerical
and technical inferiority of the Polish
aircraft, they managed to put up a brave
defence. As soon as hostilities began N°
21,22,55,64 and 65 equipped with Karaś,
together with the four Los Squadrons,
were formed into the Bomber Brigade
under the direct command of the Polish
Armed Forces. Karaś of N° 24,31,32,34,
41,42 and 51 Squadrons were attached to
one each of the seven land army units in
the reconnaissance role and put under
their complete command. The latter were
the mighty Luftwaffe during World War II.
Its limited capabilities in the face of an
opponent of gigantic proportions could
only be partially offset by the tremendous
valour which its crews displayed in the
defence of their homeland. Most of them
lost the battle, but not the war, as they fled
their country to continue the fight with
whoever could hit back, helping in no
small way in the Allied war effort.
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