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*  nesterJ - NES/Famicom Emulator for Win32 *


"nesterJ" is based on "nester public beta 3" by Darren Ranalli.
It is added some functions.
It is also added many mappers from "Unofficial nester" written by Mr. Takeda.
Mr. Ranalli only knows these things; He do not know our details.
So you cannot ask him about "nesterJ".

The readme_uo.txt is document of Unofficial nester, by Mr.Takeda.
Please see also the readme_uo.txt!


2000.2.5 - ver 0.501

   nesterJ.exe ...... executable
   nesterJ.txt ...... this
   history.txt ...... history of nesterJ


   readme.txt ....... document of nester public beta 3 (by Darren Ranalli)
   change.txt ....... document of Unofficial nester (by T.Takeda)
   readme_uo.txt .... document of Unofficial nester (by T.Takeda)
   mappers.txt ...... list of supported mappers (by T.Takeda)
   GPL.txt .......... GNU General Public License

   pallete files in this folder
   "kasion.pal" is good palette , by Kasion.

If you downloaded "Full set version", they included
source files compressed with TAR+BZIP2. 


* Windows 95/98/ME and NT4.0/2000
* DirectX 7.0a or higher (should work with earlier versions)
* Service Pack 3 or higher required in NT
* display card/monitor capable of displaying 256 or more colors
* keyboard and/or joystick (DirectX 5 or higher required for joystick)
* DirectSound-compatible sound card (recommended)

nester public beta :
    0,  1,  2,  3,  4   7,  9, 40

added by Mr.Takeda :
  MMC           5, 10, 47
  FFE           6, 8, 17
  ColorDream    11, 46
  Others        13, 100, 118, 240, 242, 246
  Nin1          15, 41, 44, 45, (49),225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231,
                (232), 233, 234**, 235, 241, 255
  Bandai        16, 66, 70, 96, 188
  Jaleco        18, 72, 75, 78, 86, 92, 101
  Namco         19*, 76, 88, 95
  DiskSystem    20
  Konami        21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 73, 85, 87
  Irem          32, 65, 77, 97
  Taito         33, 48, 80, 82
  Nina          34, 79
  Pirates       42, (43), 50, 90, 91**, 112, 113, (114), 117, 160, 182,
                (187), 189*, 243
  Tengen        64
  Sunsoft       67, 68, 69, 89, 93, 122, 184
  Camerica      71
  Capcom        94
  VS Unisystem  99, 151
  Nichibutsu    180
  Tecmo         185

  NSF           NESAudioRippingData

  ?  not tested.
  *  it has problem that sometimes screen is not correct.
  ** it has serious problem that ALWAYS screen is not correct.
  () not work.


nesterJ including "nester" & "Unofficial nester" features.

"nesterJ" original Features :
   * Reading compressed files

     nesterJ can read these:

        Archive type   |  Needed DLL 
        ARJ            |  UNARJ32J.DLL
        LHA            |  UNLHA32.DLL
        ZIP            |  UNZIP32.DLL
        RAR            |  UNRAR32.DLL
        TAR,GZIP,BZIP2 |  TAR32.DLL
        CAB            |  CAB32.DLL
        GZA,BZA        |  BZA32.DLL

     You can get each DLLs from Common Archivers Library Project
     If you want to use "UNRAR32.DLL", you must install
     "UNRAR.DLL" which is included in "WinRAR".
     "UNZIP32.DLL" is not "Info-UNZIP32.DLL".
     It has upper compatibility with "Info-UNZIP32.DLL".
     You can get it only from Common Archivers Library Project. 

         Common Archivers Library Project web page:

   * Wave Recording
     Start : click 'WAVE Recording' in menu. (or 'F11' key)
     Finish: do above again.                 (or 'F11' key)

   * Fast FWD
     When 'Toggled Fast FWD' checked :

       Tab : Start/End Fast FWD

       Tab : Key down - Start Fast FWD
             Key Up   - End Fast FWD

   * Paths settings
     SRAM ( *.sav ) & DISK save ( *.sdk ), state save , wave , screen shot (*.bmp)

   * Blt mode setting
     double-size windowed mode only

   * Pausing Emulation
     push 'Pause' key

   * Emulating TV scanlines
     Double-size windowed mode
     full-screen mode:
          (256x224)*2 <= S < (256x224)*3 // 224
          (256x240)*2 <= S < (256x240)*3 // 240

          S = your full-screen mode setting

   * Error skipping
     ignore PPU error in some games

   * Using external palettes

   * Screen Shot
     push 'F12' key

"nester public beta 3" Features : by Darren Ranalli

   * DirectInput support
   * SNSS savestate support
     compatible with Nofrendo, LoopyNES, & others (
   * uses nes6502, the fast 6502 core by Matthew Conte
   * uses the Nosefart/Nofrendo APU core by Matthew Conte
   * fullscreen and windowed display modes
   * double-size windowed mode
   * recent ROMs list
   * black & white mode (for those of us who had to play our NES on a B&W TV -- what, am I the only one??)
   * shell integration
     associate .NES files with nester(J)! It's fun. Just do it. No, really. DO IT!

"Unofficial nester" features : by T.Takeda

   * Extended sound
     Disk System , namco-106 , VRC6 , VRC7 ,
     SUNSOFT-FME7 , Nintendo-MMC5

   * Playing NSF
     push start button to play sounds.
     not support Jaleco 86 ExtraSound.

   * Famicom Disk System
     needs "DISKSYS.ROM" in the same directory of nesterJ.exe

     Format : *.nes(#20)
              *.fds(fwNES fds)
              *.fam(fam4 format)

     Disk Change : You can use keys or menu items
       'A'  : 1st disk side-A
       'B'  : 1st disk side-B
       'C'  : 2nd disk side-A
       'D'  : 2nd disk side-B
       'E'  : eject

   * VS-Unisystem
     coin insert key : 'M'

     support auto change palette at:
          #  0 : Slalom
          #  2 : Castlevania
          #  1 : Dr.Mario
          #  4 : Super Sky Kid
          # 99 : Battle City
                 Clu Clu Land
                 Excite Bike
                 Ice Climber
                 Mach Rider
                 Pin Ball
                 Super Mario Bros.
          #151 : Goonies

     not support dip switch.

   * Turbo File
   * Expand Controllers
     > MIC device on 2P Controller
     > Famili Trainer , Pokkun Moguraa
     > Hyper Shot (Hyper Olympic)
     > Mahjong Controller (Ide Yousuke Meijin No Jissen Mahjong)
     > Arkanoid Paddle
     > Oeka Kids Tablet
     > Crazy Climber controller
     > Family Basic Key Board

     the games that controller is selected automaticaly are:
         Exciting Boxing
         Family Trainer - Aerobics Studio
         Family Trainer - Athletic World
         Family Trainer - Daiundoukai
         Family Trainer - Fuuun!! Takeshi Jou 2 (not work)
         Family Trainer - Jogging Race
         Family Trainer - Manhattan Police
         Family Trainer - Meiro Daisakusen
         Family Trainer - Rairai! Kyounshiizu
         Family Trainer - Running Stadium
         Family Trainer - Totsugeki Fuuun Takeshi Jou

         Hyper Olympic
         Hyper Olympic Tonosama Version
         Hyper Sports

         Ide Yousuke Meijin No Jissen Mahjong
         Ide Yousuke Meijin No Jissen Mahjong 2

         Baby Boomer
         Barker Bill's Trick Shooting
         Chiller (not work, because the aim point is not white)
         Duck Hunt
         Freedom Force
         Gun Sight
         Hogan's Alley
         Laser Invation
         Mad City
         Mechanized Attack
         Shooting Range
         The Adventures of Bayou Billy
         Wild Gunman

         Pokkun Moguraa

         Athletic World
         Dance Aerobics
         Short Order - Eggsplode (support only Eggsplode)
         Street Cop


nesterJ supports DirectInput-compatible keyboards and joysticks.

Here are the default controls:

   d-pad  = arrow keys
   Select = A
   Start  = S
   B btn  = Z
   A btn  = X

   hold '+'  : (on the num pad) to disable speed throttling
   Ctrl+D    : toggles double-size in windowed mode
   Alt+Enter : toggles between windowed mode and full-screen mode
   Esc exits : full-screen mode
   F5        : saves the game
   F7        : loads a saved game
   num keys  : 0-9 select a savestate "slot"
   F1        : displays an About box
   F11       : WAVE Recording Start/Finish
   F12       : screen shot
   Tab       : fast FWD
   Ctrl+Tab  : toggled fast FWD
   Pause     : pause

   * Famicom Disk System

       'A'  : 1st disk side-A
       'B'  : 1st disk side-B
       'C'  : 2nd disk side-A
       'D'  : 2nd disk side-B
       'E'  : eject

   * Playing NSF

     Play : JoyPad's Start button

  * MIC device on 2P Controller

       push 'm' to input voice.

  * VS Unisystem

       push 'm' to insert coin.

  * Arkanoid Paddle

       Paddle ... Mouse Cursor (move left or right)
       Button ... Mouse Left Crick
       Select ... Mouse Right Crick

       disenable Arkanoid Paddle with menu if you want to use joypad.

  * Clazy Climber Controller

             up                up                   [w]            [y]
              |                 |                    |              |
       left --+-- right  left --+-- right  ->  [a] --+-- [d]  [g] --+-- [...
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